Author Topic: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2  (Read 103563 times)

Offline TheCuriousFan

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Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« on: July 19, 2012, 01:03:21 PM »
Quote from: Priscellie
Jim will also be doing an AMA ("Ask Me Anything") on Reddit's /r/fantasy section on November 20th.  The AMA will be posted that morning, and folks will have all day to come up with questions and "upvote" the questions of others, so the best ones bubble to the top.  Jim will start answering questions around 7pm or 8pm Central.


Before you ask a question here you should probably take a look at the Dresden Files Word of Jim Compilation to see if the answer to your question has already been recorded there, and then take a look at the list of questions below to see if someone has already brought it up.

Ok, that out of the way.  The purpose of this thread is primarily to discuss good questions to ask him at any Q&A sessions he might participate in during the Cold Days release. 

This Origional Post, and possibly the first few responses, will be dedicated to listing out the questions that stand out for easy reference.  After the Cold Days release there will be a split showing which questions were generated by the Cold Days reading.  Also, if someone does get an answer to one of these questions from Jim, the answer will probably be placed here as well.

Ok to the Question Bank:

Legacy Questions: (I have great questions from previous versions of this thread saved on my HD and will list them in this first section)

  • Does the Archive's body function like a wizard's does, with the same increase in potential lifespan?-AcornArmy

  • When the Senior Council fights Outsiders, how are they able to hurt them? Is it just a matter of throwing more power into their spells, or are they able to fine-tune their magic somehow, so that it hits the Outsiders more solidly than normal spells do?-AcornArmy

  • Did the Red Court(when they still existed) summon Outsiders into the Nevernever, or is any kind of Outsider-summoning limited to mortal wizards?
    (This one I got from the RPG source books, because they suggest that the Red Court summoned the Outsiders into the Nevernever during Proven Guilty. It seems to me that that would still be pulling Outsiders from beyond the Outer Gates-- assuming that the Outer Gates exist somewhere in the far reaches of the Nevernever-- which is something that we've been told only mortal wizards can do.)-AcornArmy

  • how many members of the accords are there. If he cant give a number then how about a percentage of how many we have already seen, like we have seen 1/2 of the total members to date or something like that. Landing

  • what happened to the old gods such as the Mayans, was it the WG that got them to disappear or are they just being quite or did some of them never exist in the first place?Landing

  • Do all gods in the dresdenverse share the same origins or do they come from different beginnings? For instance where some of them actually fake gods that people just imagined, were some of them powerful vamps or fae or other beings of power that were worshiped, were some of them created by the beliefs of their followers, were some beings from before the start of time kind of thing?Landing

  • Do the winter and summer courts have to be in perfect balance with each other in every way? if one sits down does the other have to stand up, or is it only in important ways that they have to match each other? Can one court make a move that the other does not have to balance?Landing

  • This is a bit of a selfish question since I have been one of those that has given him a gift in the past   (,16699.0.html)
    What kind of gifts have people given you since you mention getting them all the time from people, and what was your favorite?
    Landing (Editors note:  If you give something to Jim at a signing, it probably has to be something he can carry home in his luggage)

  • Assuming no other significant change in Thomas and Justine's relationship, can Justine turn her anti-Raith protections off and on depending on whether the last person she slept with was Thomas?Vairelome

  • Does the loup-garou curse require that its host reach a minimum age before forcing the change, and if so, what is it?Vairelome

  • Did Abby survive?Vairelome

  • Since it's unlikely to be a plot point in the future due to events in Changes, I suppose it's an appropriate question for this thread: what is the true origin of the Red Court? Are they actually originally native to the Nevernever (and were a Nevernever "species" before they encountered humans) or did they begin as "altered" humans? If the former, were they different than the Rampires we know before they first encountered humans (and since then have copied human traits)?

    And when did they originate/first encounter humanity? PG suggests the Red King is 4000 years old, but Changes says that Arianna is older than human written language (which would make her at least 5000+; Sumerian cuneiform writing originated sometime before 3000 BC) and that she was turned by the Red King - so is younger than him.
  • In Dead Beat, Bob says that Kemmler was put down for the last time in 1961.

    It so happens that on October 30th, 1961 (Halloween Eve), the Russians supposedly exploded the "Tsar Bomb", the largest man-made explosion ever, somewhere in the Arctic Circle.

    Is this:

    1.  A coincidence

    2.  Exploded by the Russians as attempt by the mortal authorities to cover up the destruction caused by the supernatural energies involved in taking Kemmler down.

    3.  Actually the result of Kemmler's Death Curse?
  • Changes Question....
    (click to show/hide)
  • What can be soulgazaed besides humans?  Could Harry soulgaze Mouse?
  • A question for Jim regarding the Barabbus curse.  How many times can Nic mandate a death with the curse?  Are there any limitations on who can be targeted and how many times a person can be targeted?  Inquiring minds want to know, though mostly just I want to know.
  • Was the fact that Lea’s kiss on Thomas’ neck in Grave peril burnt him significant?

  • Jim, you mentioned that wizard "Listens-to-the-Wind was of the Illinois. That was a sizable confederacy
    made up of a number of cognate tribes: Peoria, Kaskaskia, Michigamea, Cahokia, and Tamaroa, to name
    the five most populous. Listens-to-the-Wind also spoke about the annihilation of his tribe because of his
    refusal to intervene.

    As one who has studied the Illiniwek in depth, I concluded that Listens-to-the-Wind spoke of one of three
    battles: the devastation of Kaskaskia (Village) in 1680, the extermination of the Tamaroa sub-tribe shortly thereafter,
    or the siege at Starved Rock.
    Did LTW refer to one of these three historically recorded events or something lost through the ages?

    This is the link to my Illini web site and the pertinent sub-unit: Scholarly citations are provided.
    Editor:  This is a bamph question.  -Serack
  • Has Jim said if Rich (Murphy's Ex/Brother-in-Law)
    (click to show/hide)

    I'd like to know if anything happened with Rich.  I mean, yes Jim has only used him in 2 books, but I'd figure he & the other members of the Murphy clan might come back into play eventually

    Of course, my evil half
    (click to show/hide)
  • First, if Stoker and Lovecraft were "on to something", what about Mary Shelly?  Do Dr. Frankenstein's experiments exist in the DV and if so what happened to his Monster?

    Second, who is Peter Pan?  NeverNever, Neverland, is there something going on here?
  • (response to above question)
    This is basically the question I wanted to ask, but I'll expand a little bit...Are there any other notable "fiction" authors who got killed for their works?  My short list includes Aesop, the Grimms, H.G. Wells and especially Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.  The "between worlds" place featured in "The Magician's Nephew" sounds awful Neverneverish.

2012 Questions:

  • What sort of "cosmic" purview are the Dragons in charge of?Quantus

  • What's the deal with Mother Winter's dentures? -Quantus

  • Can Ivy get information from a Human that is in the NN?  (since basically all other forms of magic seem to be blocked by it) -Quantus

  • You said that the Blackstaff is passed to somebody who knwos what it is, is crazy enough to take it up, and can be trusted with it.  Trusted By whom?  The previous Blackstaff?  The Senior Council?  The Staff itself? -Quantus

  • Is Mouse a Temple Dog or an actual Foo Dog? -Quantus

  • Harry didnt get in Council trouble for Sue given the circumstances, and it wasnt a particularly Guilt-inducing event, but my understanding is that any use of Necromantic energy should carry some level of Taint (of the kind the kind the Blackstaff protects against).  Is that the case, and how much did that get him, compared to say when he killed Justin. -Quantus

  • Can the Sight be fooled?  That angel in changes was able to shut it down before the Sight hurt harry, but could a being of sufficient power actually hide from the sight? -Quantus
    Addendum:Related, but was the disguise of Father Vincent, that Quintus Cassius had, related along these lines?  (Since it was able to at least fool Wizard senses.)-KevinSig
Editor's note: It actually happened in Ghost Story not Changes Quantus.
  • On Changes why Lea and the Eebs call Mouse a demon and Uriel call him little brother?-Paladino

  • Does all Archangels purpose is to maintain free will, like Uriel. Or each one have one based on his title? Prince of Hosts, The Thrumpeter, Demonbiner and The Watchman (Uriel)?-Paladino

  • How old is Rashid in terms of years lived (not how many years ago he was born)? -TheCuriousFan

  • How old is Margaret in terms of years lived (not how many years ago she was born)? -TheCuriousFan

  • Does being a witch affect how long you are fertile (hopefully this settles the fertility threads once and for all)? -TheCuriousFan

  • What were the other massive incidents Ebenezar referenced when talking about his acts as Blackstaff (we know he did Krakatoa and Tungska as two examples of massive incidents) and why did Ebenezar cause each of these incidents? -TheCuriousFan

  • When was the last time Vadderung pitched in, and how bad did it get?  (this based on Eb's comment in Changes) -Quantus

  • Assuming Harry is in his late 30's in Changes, how old does he look?  Has his wizard aging started yet, and has he not realized it? -Griffyn612

  • Murphy's role in the story, has it been planned since the beginning or has it evolved naturally over the course of the series? Is her future planned now?

  • Did Lasciel whisper in Harry's head more than once over the course of Changes? -Vairelome
Editor's note: We haven't confirmed she whispered at all, it's just really likely.
  • Does Harry still owe Mab a favor, or was that wiped out by the Winter Knight deal? (I thought it was obvious that the favor was no longer in play, but apparently there are other people who think differently) -aShorty21

  • Is it possible for Harry to be free of the mantle of Winter Knight without dying? -aShorty21

  • was Sue a black court? -Ms Duck

  • Do all faeries/sidhe have a weakness to iron and if so has it always been that way or is it like wizards and technology where things change every century or so? -Second Aristh

  • Approximately how many different merlins have there been since the original Merlin? -Second Aristh

  • Are any supernatural powerhouses (e.g. Odin) sandbagging their own power levels in order to interfere more directly in the world? -Second Aristh

  • Is the 'Ancient' part of Ancient Mai an honorific or some sort of title/office like the Gatekeeper?
    Same question with Thorned Namshiel? -Second Aristh

  • Have we already seen Cowl in another identity, or is he concealing his face so that people don't recognize him as the guy who runs the omelet station at Edinburgh, or something we've never paid attention to before, and thus never seen?

    Or does he just find cowls to be terribly comfortable? -Peregrine

  • Active Vs Passive thought.  Which do you use?

    There's been a number of discussions we fans have had, on this matter, & wouldn't mind if you could clarify it for us.  First, the matter of the Wizard's sight.  The way I read it, the memories are extremely vivid, but like all memories, require an association to bring it to the forefront of the mind.  (That's how I read how Turn Coat worked, at least.)

    Others seem to think, its the constant "Can't sleep, clown will eat me" sort of 24/7 deal.

    Likewise, I'd like to know if Ivy works in the same way.  I personally think the Archive works via association.  Others seem to think that its like Ivy's watching 1,000,000 news channels & reading the news tickers of each & every one.  At the same time.

    I mean, I know you've said that Ivy doesn't have any filters to protect herself from the Internet, but I'd assume she's have less issues as long as she distanced herself from things that had associations with Rule 34. -KevinSig
« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 11:47:42 AM by Serack »
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

Offline TheCuriousFan

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Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2012, 01:04:06 PM »
2012 Questions, Part 2
  • what background can you tell us? Without spoilering things? Stuff that we have no clue about, like the oblivion war? -Ms Duck
Editor's note: You'll probably have to be a bit more specific than that in a question.
  • Is Talos still alive after the end of SK ? -Neurovore

  • When was Kemmler put down, 1961 as per DB or during WWII as per GS ? -Neurovore

  • When Harry bargained with Lea, was he paying a second time for things that he could have just demanded (under the terms of Maggie's bargain with Lea) if he'd known about it ? -Neurovore

  • How old are the Accords, and how often are they renegotiated ? -Neurovore

  • Will we ever see a small-d dragon ? -Neurovore

  • Will we ever see or hear about the other three vampire courts ?  (This one following up a previous WoJ about there being seven in total rather than anything in the DF text.) -Neurovore

  • What happened to Inari and her boyfriend after BR ? -Neurovore

  • Does the wizard who performs the DarkHallow retain his mortal soul? Does he  become immortal? Is he constrained by any rules that other gods may be constrained by? -Veritas

  • Which of the black barbed-wire spells in GP did Mavra cast, and which did Bianca cast under Mavra's tuition ? Which of them was Harry deaiing with when he had the Nightmare in his summoning circle ? -Neurovore

  • Does the Alphas healing allow them to live longer? -Drulinda

  • How old is Mavra and will we learn about her back story? What is her relationship to Cowl? -Drulinda

  • Roughtly how many memeber does each vampire court currently have? -Drulinda

  • How did Cowl survive the Dark Hollow? -Drulinda

  • Is Luccios lessened power related to not being able to fully accept her new body? -Drulinda

  • Who drew thw pentangle on the tree(aybe it was stone?) leading to the white council HQ in Turncoat? -Icecream

  • I would like to ask if Harry will go on the Larry Fowler Show again.  It might be an insignificant question on its face, but I think it might be an important moment if it occurs.  Aside from from settling Harry's legal problems, it might represent a turning point in how Harry both handles his mundane problems and presents himself to the outside world. -KurtinStGeorge

  • Was Lord Talos the Marshall of all of Summer's Court or specifically in regards to the forces that Aurora controlled? -King Ash

  • What are the abilities of the swords of the cross? -The Curious Fan

  • Is it possible for wizards to use body altering magics to extend their lifespans? -The Curious Fan

  • Do wizards gain power (not just skill) with age (i.e. is a 300 year old wizard more powerful than at 20 years old?) like every other supernatural group seems to? -The Curious Fan

  • What did the Red Court use Chichen Itza for when Cortez was there? -The Curious Fan

  • Are there wizards among the ranks of the Einherjar? -The Curious Fan

  • Will the Shapeshifting Guru from the Ukraine mentioned in the list of freeholding lords in White Night play a role in the series or will it be like the Jade Court and not appear in the series? -The Curious Fan

  • What are Harry's specialties in magic (there have been some inconsistencies about what he is skilled at)? How skilled is he with evocation? -The Curious Fan

  • Did Mab rewire his brain to be better at ice magic like speculated? If no, how was he flinging around the precision ice magic in Changes? -The Curious Fan

  • Was the moment when Harry lost control of Sue in Dead Beat the moment that Butters got out of the polka suit to go treat Luccio's injuries and having Morgan replace him as drummer? -The Curious Fan

  • Was the shadow of death seen behind Kincaid under Harry's sight in Blood Rites Mavra? -The Curious Fan

  • Are the White Court, Red Court and Black Court types of phages like Shagnasty and Titania's messenger in Summer Knight imply? -The Curious Fan

  • A while ago you were disappointing that no fans (apparently) found a couple of hints in Turn Coat.
    What are they? -rad

  • It has been stated that the enemy vs ally division is not as clear as people think at this point (at least in terms of who is with the Black Council).  Is Mavra one of those? -rad

  • How long would it take for Harry to control all of Faerie if he opened a pizza shop with a portal leading to Mac's brews? -rad

  • How old are the senior council members? -The Curious Fan

  • Did they find Simon's body at Archangel after the Red Court attack? -The Curious Fan

  • Will we ever see that short story with Klaus the Toymaker back in WWII? -The Curious Fan

  • Will we see more of Klaus the Toymaker? -The Curious Fan

  • How many people alive in The Dresden Files have power over Outsiders? -The Curious Fan

  • Can you affect an accent to keep your name from having Power, or is coming from your lips enough?  For example, if harry had to testify in court and was required to state his full name for the record, could he do a Sean Connery impression when speaking it and not give his True Name to everyone present. -Quantus

  • How did Molly and Vince's Date go?  Did he end up running for the hills when the Rag Lady came to town? -Quantus

  • Molly's illusions entirely mental, or is there real light created?  I'm guessing real light because unintended targets tend to see it, but I grant I could be wrong.

    Related, would a laser blast of concentrated light, be feasible via magic? -KevinSig

  • When did Orange Bob separate Evil Bob from himself? -Veritas

  • How does Water Magic work? -MrWiggles

  • Why are the Grey Council sure that the Black Council is one entity and not several entities shenanigans? -MrWiggles

  • Is there a story behind Madrigal Raith's ward cloths or is it something he just keep with him in case of magical trouble?. -Jebm

  • If a White Court vamp became a Knight for one of the Fae Courts, would the power boost affect their vampire powers? -Jebm

  • How highly ranked were the Eebs in the Red Court Hierarchy and would they have stood a chance against Susan and Harry if they decided to fight instead of the scrub and the Ick? -Jebm

  • Is Fix carrying the same sword that Ron Reuel used or is it a different one and does he have his own tools of the trade when he's doing his Job as Summer Knight? -Jebm

  • Was Kincaid lying when he said he'd never seen a wizard cut loose like Harry did in Blood Rites ? -Jebm

  • How different is rune magic from the magic we've usually seen in the series? -Jebm

  • You've said before that Ancient Mai doesn't specialize in combat magic. Then what is her specialty? -Jebm

  • Does Mab have her own answer to the gruffs and is Lea Eldest Gruff's counterpart ? -Jebm

  • Will we see Yokai making an appearance as the series goes on? -Jebm

  • When did Molly make her wands and what do they do? -Jebm

  • How much free will does Lord Raith have left? -Jebm

  • If Luccio had been able to make Harry a Warden Sword what type of sword would it have been? -Jebm

  • Does being a Winter/Summer Knight mean you still have to follow the first law of magic? -Jebm

  • Is the Gatekeeper always a specific member of the Senior Council or is it like Eb being the Blackstaff where Rashid also just happens to be on the Senior Council? -Second Aristh

  • Would a psychic attack on the nerves, be breaking the Law of magic, concerned with such things?  Eg - forcing opponent to suddenly see double & develop a wildly disconcerting lazy eye.  Or causing a massive attack of pins & needles which, limits the ability to feel/touch. -KevinSig

  • What's the deal with Stonehenge?  Harry mentions in Storm Front that is is a large scale Focus, and that you could tap it for magical energy).  Is it just focusing ley lines or some such, to build some sort of energy reservoir, or is it a focus item with particular purpose, like harry's various wizard tools? -Quantus

  • 1) Angels are apparently all soul. So:
       1a) Can angels be soulgazed?
       1b) Can the Fallen in the Denarii be soulgazed through the second pair of eyes which sometimes show up on the foreheads of the Denarians? And, if so:
          1b.1) Will the soulgaze be different than the one you would see if you simply soulgazed the Fallen's Denarian host? -AcornArmy

  • 2) Would you(Jim) please clarify exactly who the Faerie Queens can personally kill and who they can't? -AcornArmy

  • What is Maggie's official last name right now? -Vairelome

  • How and when did Harry and Michael meet? Would you consider writing a short story about their first encounter? -Karley

  • How long has Arthur Langtry been the Merlin? -Karley

  • Is the Winter Lady Maeve the same person as or was she some way involved with the old Irish Queen Maeve of Connacht? -Karley

  • If Harry ever does put his full effort into universe-hopping, can you make him go to Discworld? -Karley

  • What are the names of the other three minor vampire courts? -Karley

  • How did Justin DuMorne find out about Harry? -Karley

  • When did the old Mother Summer retire and why won't Mother Winter retire? -Karley

  • How did the White Council annex the New World shamans and what were the reaction of the Natives? -Karley

  • Is it significant that the eyes of Lea changed from gold in the earlier books, to green in Changes? Is Mab controlling Lea more than we think? -Eleyctra

  • Is Bob innately Male, or is that just what we've seen since his last 4 owners have been men?  If, for example, Molly inherited him without having ever interacted with him as harry's Bob (like Butters had), would his personality shift to a female perspective? -Quantus

  • Does Harry have an incorrect understanding of the Darkhallow and other parts of the Word? -The Curious Fan

  • Why did the half-turned Red Court and Cassius experience sped-up aging the moment they lost the thing stopping their aging? Shouldn't they have just gone back to aging at normal rate? -The Curious Fan

  • What is Ramirez's preferred language for his spells? -Jebm

  • In SK Elaine's gearing up in the Airport to go with  Harry to meet the Mother.
    We know the ring fires off short term memories, what do the other items do especially since we don't see them again in White Night? -Jebm

  • How powerful is Gard compared to Harry? -Jebm

  • Has there ever been a Knight of the Cross who could use magic? -Jebm
  • Barring entirely rewriting reality, is it possible for Sidhe to become human, or vice versa (Changelings don't count) or Naagalogshi to become human, or even demons and spirit creatures? -peregrine

Part 3:,33234.msg1504810.html#msg1504810
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 10:28:08 AM by TheCuriousFan »
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

Offline Quantus

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Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2012, 01:23:48 PM »
2012 Questions, Part 3

  • What are Rashid's specialties in magic? -The Curious Fan

  • What are Nicodemus' abilities when there isn't a sword limiting him to vanilla mortal like levels? Can he use magic like Harry does? -The Curious Fan

  • Are we ever going to see the Arkangel wizard base from a first person perspective? Second Aristh

  • Have we ever seen Mavra in person or has it always been through a corpse puppet? Second Aristh

  • Has Titania been doing as much scheming behind the scenes as Mab? Second Aristh

  • Who are Marcone's strongest allies in the supernatural world, i.e. has he branched out to more than just Odin's company and the Justice League of Chicago? Second Aristh

  • Does Ramirez have a deeper backstory than we have seen so far? Second Aristh

  • Can Lash only perceive what Harry can perceive, or could she for instance look on the opposite side of a closed door? Second Aristh

  • How many people that we have met so far were involved in the French and Indian War? Second Aristh

  • What is the general layout of Demonreach? How big is it? -The Curious Fan

  • What was that trick with the ice cube that Harry saw at Club Zero in Turn Coat? -The Curious Fan

  • Did He Who Walks Behind slow down time around the clerk who tried to run? If no, how was he slowed down? -The Curious Fan

  • How long did it take the Wardens to find Harry and how did they do so? -The Curious Fan

  • Could you elaborate about the various things that were keeping possible senior council members from the meeting? What was getting real married or pyramid sitting for example?

Editor's note: Combined a few of my questions.

  • Does Elaine have any children? (not with Harry). mdodd

  • When Harry calls Fix at the start of PG, is it Lily he's in bed with, and if not, who is it ? - the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh

  • What is Justine's last name, and how old is she? -Quantus

  • What happened to the lightning taser and the shield crystal? -The Curious Fan

  • I've got the beginings of a question, but it requires a bit of research to shore it up.

    In White Night, Harry says something to the effect that no 2 wizards will enter the Never Never at the exact same point, because no two Wizards share the same set of emotions & thoughts (or something along those lines).

    But from what we've seen in the series, this doesn't seem to work.

    Everyone on the White Council uses the same entry/exit point for Chicago, or else what was the point in having Vince watch a single location?

    Also, Maggie's gem.  Seems to me, that Harry is using all the same entry & exits points she used to use.

    And in Ghost Story, Harry told Molly that an opening close to Corpsetaker's HQ, would get him in the same NN general area.  Which again, makes me not fully understand what Harry was on about in White Night.

    Then I'd ask if Jim could explain this all.

    The problem here, is that my views are a bit long winded & don't come to the point.  Plus, my memory might be faulty & I'm missing some points. 

    I intend to do the research into this, but if anyone wants to take this question & do the footwork, I'm fine with this. 

    Kevin -KevinSig

  • Another Archive question... How does she perceive animations and GIFs? -locnil

  • How did Ebenezar's instant death spell in Changes work? -The Curious Fan

  • Given Bob's confirmation of the existence of alternate dimensions, is there any chance we might run into the alternate versions of confirmed killed people?

    Justin, Margaret LeFay, or Kemmler, perhaps? -KevinSig

  • Here's another one I've been meaning to ask; when all the series is released, would Jim consider talking publicly about the original plan for it and what changed along the way ? -the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh

  • According to Ebenezer, Maggie LaFey was guilty of Violating the First Law, which indicates both that she Killed someone with magic, and that she got caught.  Who did she kill and why? -Quantus

  • In Blood Rites, harry was able to use Listening to detect and classify nine renfields and darkhounds by the sound of their heartbeats alone, while in an echo-filled underground bunker.  Was this a capability of Listening alone, or was Lash augmenting his senses beyond his normal limits?  Because if it was purely the affect of normal Listening, it seems like that would put Listening firmly in the Supernatural senses category. -Quantus

  • What are the names of the 20 or so Freeholding Lords mentioned mentioned in White Night (leaving out the ones whose names are walking spoilers)? -The Curious Fan

  • What are all the factions (e.g. White Council) under the Accords? -The Curious Fan

  • From what i remember in Dracula it sounded like a turned persons soul was trapped until they were killed for good. Is this what happens in the Dresdenverse with the Black and Red courts? -Drulinda

  • What kinds of countermeasures does Mavra have to insure enemies like Lord Raith cant get to her through magic? -Drulinda

  • And another question, where did the power for the Hellfire come from? And if it came from Lasciel, how did it get through all the barriers Harry put between himself and the Coin? -The Curious Fan

  • I just read "Day Off" again, and it made me think of this one: Will we ever see a D&D game with Butters as the GM, and Billy, Georgia, Andi, Marci, and Harry all playing again?

    Now that Butters has Bob, could Bob get a character going? Since Bob is basically kind of a living idea himself, he might have a lot of fun in a game like that.

    Molly might like it, too. Judging by her association with SplatterCon!!! and her love of Star Wars/Star Trek, she's kind of a geek herself. I could see her getting into a tabletop game like that. Even her brother Daniel might like it. God knows, he needs to loosen up.

    I'm tempted to suggest everyone in the JLC, but Murphy's never really seemed like the type to have gaming as a hobby. She's seems more like her hobbies would include practicing the various ways of shooting, stabbing, or otherwise beating people into submission. As for Abby and Father Forthill-- no clue what they might be willing to try.

    If we do get to see that, could we get a whole chapter or two on it? I'd love to see all of them doing something like that together, so we'd get a chance to see them interacting more when they're not in the middle of a serious, life-or-death discussion. -AcornArmy

  • Was Harry's Listening supposed to get more screen time than it ended up getting, or is that a Chekov's Gun waiting to fire? -locnil

  • who signs the Accords for a group or coalition like the Red Court or the White Council?  If an individual signs on behalf of the whole, what happens when that individual dies or is otherwise no longer associated with that group?

  • Is such a signature binding in the same way as swearing on one's power is binding*, or is it merely the certainty that Mab (or whoever is enforcing that particular version of the Accords) will ensure that Accords breakers die that keeps the peace?

    *Related to this, is this part of what Peabody was doing with requiring all those forms and signatures prior to TC?  (I mean, on top of the whole mind-control ink.) -cass

  • Are the specific duties of each Sidhe Queen within her Court clearly defined or separated?  If so, how are they divided? -cass

  • Will Harry learn to communicate with Mouse as clearly as he was able to while transformed into a hound?  Can Mouse and Mister communicate that clearly? -cass

  • Does the name of each Denariian have significance w/r/t the form or powers it has when it manifests?  (e.g. Lasciel shares a root with lascivious, Ursiel was bear-like....but I have yet to find a good root for e.g. Urumviel or Anduriel) -cass  

  • If the "-iel" is as important as implied in GS (I believe it's the "of God" part....) why have the Denariians not sought to get mortals to rename them?  (And, oh dear, what did Harry do by truncating/naming Lasciel's shadow "Lash"?) -cass 

  • Do the Venators know about the Archive?  If they do, is she a target? -cass 

  • Is the information that Ivy has about the Denariians largely the kind that she 'literally cannot let out of her head' or is it the kind that she chooses not to release as a sort of non-aggression pact? -cass

  • When and how did Lord Raith acquire his protection? -cass

  • Have we been Kenobie'd ("From a certain point of view.....") about the identity of any characters?  (I very deliberately would refrain from asking "Who?"-- that would certainly not be answered.) -cass

  • Will we see more of Harry's parents? -cass

  • What happened in Istanbul that Eb and Kincaid are still feuding about? -cass

  • How much of the battle at CI (and its immediate aftermath) does Maggie remember? -cass

  • When Eb caused the eruption of Krakatoa (or the New Madrid quake), did he supply all the power released in those events, or did he simply cause stored power to be released? -cass

  • What do other wizards do for hot water?  For employment/monetary support? -cass

  • Who mentored/trained Carlos?  Is he/she still alive? -cass

  • If Odin is still kicking around and active, where are the Jotuns? -cass

  • How far above (or below) a magic circle does the barrier extend?  Is it a column?  A dome? -cass  

  • In TC, was the Eye-twitching trance the Gatekeeper used a precognition effect, and if so why could it not see that harry had made the Sanctum bond until Harry was actually touching the island?  -Quantus

  • What ever happened to Siriothrax's hoard? -knnn

  • You have stated that "the hardest part of writing a book is the first sentence".  Have you written the first line of the BAT, and are you willing to share it? -knnn

  • - Given Toot-Toot's growth over the series, will there ever be a book called "Pizza Court"? 

    - How about "Back Lash"? -knnn

  • The uber-ghouls in the Deeps.  Were they reconstituting because they had Wolverine-level healing, or was it because Cowl cast a "ward off death" spell on them to keep them alive while their (lesser) natural healing abilities kicked in? -knnn

  • Can an entity with intellectus deliberately refrain from obtaining an answer on a subject of interest (eg, in order to be able to truthfully say it does not know as part of misleading someone) or does just thinking about the subject cause the information to appear ? -the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh

  • Huh.  Some of the discussion on the thread pertaining to the sample chapters from Cold Days just pinged my brain: what the heck counts as a day in the NN?  They clearly have ways of keeping track of time in the mortal world-- the transfer of the table is sufficient proof of that--but time is fluid in the NN, so what sets its passage?

    The NN overlays/is tangent to the mortal world in some pretty convoluted, non-constant ways: a meter's difference in either world could connect to a point many, many kilometers distance away. In this context, what sets the position of the sun and stars (and, I suppose, Moon) in the sky of the NN? 

    If the stars are somehow inconstant, is navigation in an absolute sense even possible, or is it landmark-to-landmark? -cass 

  • Will we see Justin outside of flashbacks in this series? -The Curious Fan

  • Is there significance to the fact that both Sanya and Ebeneezer seem to detect evil by scenet?  In DM, Michael tells Sanya that what he's perceiving as a rancid smell is Nicodemus, and in BR, McCoy says that the bad blampire mojo that is driving off the street people "stinks". -xakko

  • Does the name of the boat in DM - the Etranger - also have significance?  Being deficient in both French and Camus, I totally missed that this is the original title of The Stranger, so when I wiki'd it, that came up, along with the sentence "most English translations of the French title L’Étranger are rendered as The Outsider".  Did the Churchmice buy the boat, or did they rent it, or what?  Does it matter? -xakko

  • What sort of "cosmic" purview are the Dragons in charge of?   -Quantus

  • What's the deal with Mother Winter's dentures?

    Can Ivy get information from a Human that is in the NN?  (since basically all other forms of magic seem to be blocked by it)   -Quantus

  • You said that the Blackstaff is passed to somebody who knows what it is, is crazy enough to take it up, and can be trusted with it.  Trusted By whom?  The previous Blackstaff?  The Senior Council?  The Staff itself?   -Quantus

  • Harry didnt get in Council trouble for Sue given the circumstances, and it wasnt a particularly Guilt-inducing event, but my understanding is that any use of Necromantic energy should carry some level of Taint (of the kind the kind the Blackstaff protects against).  Is that the case, and how much did that get him, compared to say when he killed Justin.   -Quantus

  • Can the Sight be fooled?  That angel in Ghost Story was able to shut it down before the Sight hurt harry, but could a being of sufficient power actually hide from the sight?   -Quantus

« Last Edit: December 03, 2012, 11:29:26 PM by Quantus »
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Re: Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2012, 01:26:50 PM »
2012 Questions, Part 4

  • The books state that Soulfire excels at creating things. How would an Ectoplasmic construct (like Kalshazzak's in Storm Front, or Harry's in Ghost Story) imbued with Soulfire differ from a normal one? -THE_ANGRY_GAMER

  • If a changeling has a child before they choose, what does it make the kid? -Icecream

  • and is harry really crazy, and the crazy linked to those headaches he was having in TC? -Icecream

  • The RPG states that Ivy, in addition to everything printed out and written down, also recieves some spoken words. What does she get? -THE_ANGRY_GAMER

  • Would it be possible to create a magical device that functioned in the same manner as a computer (bearing in mind that we've seen Magic replicate cellphones with the speaking stones in Changes and two-way radios/baby monitors in Ghost Story). Could Anastasia make such a device, given her skill at crafting stuff and the fact that Computer Theory is her hobby? -THE_ANGRY_GAMER

  • Why a Winchester? Was that chosen for Harry's gun because it was cool, or is there a deeper symbolism (assuming it's actually in the book)? -THE_ANGRY_GAMER

  • Is Harry ever going to get a hat? -THE_ANGRY_GAMER

  • Is there an Iceman Tribe of the Marat? -Quantus

  • When did Susan leave everyone else?  Did she break off during the fight with Arianna, or was it afterwards?  I can't find any clear citation that indicates she's with everyone else, after the point where Harry agrees to fight Arianna. -KevinSig

  • Did the rise of the Internet play a role in Ivy's mother's craziness? -cass

  • How much of a threshold did Anna Ash have in her apartment?  She lived alone, and yet her threshold did quite the number on Harry's power.  Back in SK, Elaine entered Harry's apartment and easily lit the fire and then, later, put up a veil she knew would hide her from Morgan and another warden, while still inside.  I don't recall her ever getting the invite from Harry, so she had to have left some power at the door, hadn't she? -xakko

  • Did Harry ever actually lift his wards in Small Favor, when he was half-frozen after returning from the train station? -AcornArmy

  • Is there something left of Sanyas I-was-a-Denarian package? -dpara

  • Can Harry build a working little Chicago on Demonreach? -dpara

  • Didn't Harry get the improved strength package with the WK mantle, so shouldn't his degenerated muscles still be able to lift his body weight? -dpara

  • Will Anna Valmont reappear? -dpara

  • Is Jim putting Harry and Molly on opposite sides of minor (but often heated) issues? -xakko

  • If Harry had had the presence of mind to throw a Death Curse, would that have caused problems for him re: meeting Jack, and setting the plot of Ghost Story in motion?  Or would it have progressed the same, + changes from the affects of his curse? -peregrine

« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 03:02:28 AM by TheCuriousFan »
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Re: Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2012, 01:27:42 PM »
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

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Re: Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2012, 01:28:24 PM »
I need to do some pratice first in another area since I am not good at doing so yet, but I will be splicing the responses to the old version to this one, so no need to repost.

Thank you.
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

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Re: Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2012, 01:41:47 PM »
Before I saw that you had posted your own version of this thread I had already posted pretty much all of the saved questions that were not archived in the most recent iteration of this thread. 

You can pull the code from my OP using the quote function.

I went through a great deal of effort looking for the significant questions in the old thread last year and have a personal list archived (I filtered based off of what had already been answered {in or out of text}, what was not likely to get an "I'm not gonna tell you," and a little bit of personal preference).  I've already posted the first of the those questions in my OP, along with a formatting that linked to the origional question...  I might put it in quote code later...

I've got some RL projects to concentrate on, and then family visiting for the weekend so I'm not sure how much more time I will be able to spend on this in the immediate future...
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Re: Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2012, 01:42:28 PM »
Reposting the questions of the old thread:

On Changes why Lea and the Eebs call Mouse a demon and Uriel call him little brother?

Does all Archangels purpose is to maintain free will, like Uriel. Or each one have one based on his title? Prince of Hosts, The Thrumpeter, Demonbiner and The Watchman (Uriel)?

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Re: Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2012, 01:49:06 PM »
Before I saw that you had posted your own version of this thread I had already posted pretty much all of the saved questions that were not archived in the most recent iteration of this thread. 

You can pull the code from my OP using the quote function.

I went through a great deal of effort looking for the significant questions in the old thread last year and have a personal list archived (I filtered based off of what had already been answered {in or out of text}, what was not likely to get an "I'm not gonna tell you," and a little bit of personal preference).  I've already posted the first of the those questions in my OP, along with a formatting that linked to the origional question...  I might put it in quote code later...

I've got some RL projects to concentrate on, and then family visiting for the weekend so I'm not sure how much more time I will be able to spend on this in the immediate future...

I've added what you added to your OP to the OP of this thread.
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

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Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2012, 02:09:34 PM »
Ok, I've done the best I can.  As my edit into the OP says, I can't seem to get any posts from the old topic posted before this one was made to show up under/after the OP of this topic, so anyone that already posted in the old topic before this one was made will have to repost here.  (possibly due to my inexperience merging)

Edit:  Oh, and Bagga is Serack internet speak for dangit.  At the time, I thought you had created your own version before I had.  This is because I had discussed this possibility with Quantus, and had done a search to see if he had before creating mine, and thought I had missed yours in my search.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 02:18:12 PM by Serack »
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Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2012, 02:17:41 PM »
Ok, I've done the best I can.  As my edit into the OP says, I can't seem to get any posts from the old topic posted before this one was made to show up under the OP, so anyone that already posted in the old topic before this one was made will have to repost here.  (possibly due to my inexperience merging)

Edit:  Oh, and Bagga is Serack internet speak for dangit.  At the time, I thought you had created your own version before I had.  This is because I had discussed this possibility with Quantus, and had done a search to see if he had before creating mine, and thought I had missed yours in my search.

Fair enough, it's not like it's difficult for people to copy paste or type up a sentence or two.

And reposting my own questions.

How old is Rashid in terms of years lived (not how many years ago he was born)?

How old is Margaret in terms of years lived (not how many years ago she was born)?

Does being a witch affect how long you are fertile (to hopefully settle the fertility threads once and for all)?

What were the other massive incidents Ebenezar referenced when talking about his acts as Blackstaff (we know he did Krakatoa and Tungska as two examples of massive incidents) and why did Ebenezar cause each of these incidents?
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 11:09:58 AM by TheCuriousFan »
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

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Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2012, 02:20:07 PM »
When was the last time Vadderung pitched in, and how bad did it get?  (this based on Eb's comment in Changes)
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Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2012, 02:32:20 PM »
Ok, I have edited in all the questions I had bookmarked from the old Q&A.  I looked some more and I still have some other old questions archived... I'll have to get to them later though.
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Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2012, 02:47:14 PM »
Assuming Harry is in his late 30's in Changes, how old does he look?  Has his wizard aging started yet, and has he not realized it?

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Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2012, 02:48:17 PM »
My question is in my sig, but anyway

Murphy's role in the story, has it been planned since the beginning or has it evolved naturally over the course of the series? Is her future planned now?
Somebody please ask Jim in the next Q&A? (since I probably won't ever get to): Murphy's role in the story, has it been planned since the beginning or has it evolved naturally over the course of the series? Is her future planned now?

DV laura_be V1.0 YR4 BK+ JB TH++ WG MC---- SH(Murphy+++++) TT--