Well, its been my experience that it is just the opposite. City Creation can be handled by the GM alone, but having the group do character creation is invaluable. My players really could not get into the idea of City creation - perhaps our having gamed together since the 90's every Saturday has us a bit set in our ways that the game world is the province of the GM. However, we all had a BALL during character creation, seeing how everyone meshed together, and listening to each person's tidbit, as well as trying to put together a group of interesting and complimentary characters.
We just finished our Miami game that was running for over a year, but in that case we all did Character creation separate and we let the GM do City creation by themselves.
Overall we had a GREAT time, but where I felt things really fell apart where the Number of NPCs that seemed "Out of the Blue" or it was hard to wrangle their reason for being. That and making our characters Work together. And after a year of events and NPCs and stuff we had a chart that looked more complicated than this

So we are going to do another Dresden Game, and this time we want to do character/city creation together. There was a line in the book that basically implied (if read out of context) that you can do some parts by yourself (like your first 2 Aspects, Trouble and High Concept) As I understand it you should do all of this together and then do stuff like Stunts and Skills last.
I was just curious on how valuable you guys felt it to be or if you knew a better way, or if we were just going to follow the book.