Author Topic: Online Dresden Files RPG hosting/playing  (Read 2056 times)

Offline lowellwashere

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Online Dresden Files RPG hosting/playing
« on: July 02, 2012, 03:26:52 AM »
Are there any of you that are hosting or playing in any online games?

 if you are please inform us on how you go about hosting the games and finding people to play, if you want a GM or players for one of your game, or if you nee any help setting up your game with your friends.

thank you for your time and i look forward to reading from you.

Offline Fyrchick

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Re: Online Dresden Files RPG hosting/playing
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2012, 03:48:03 AM »
You found the place to get the answers.

There are a couple different styles of online games. The first is in this forum, which is a play-by-post. This is a "stickied" or main thread in the RPG forum.

The DFRPG LFG is the 'looking for gamers" area. This is where you can post either on-location or online games that need players or a GM or whatever.

The Undertown game uses a chatroom style game. We use a 'private' chat (just paid for by one of the members but anyone can show up). We have one that records an archive so we can go back and save games. Then we use another room to roll and chat.

There is a virtual tabletop game in beta that looks promising, and it will allow you to load maps, roll, set up a site chat, etc. our GM is on the beta group but it will take a bit to get it up and going.

Some players use skype.

The biggest challenge is rolling and recording them. But the online, typing only games do take more time. Getting everyone together is a challenge, but we've been running the Undertown game for almost 2 years all in chat.

You can see if anyone is looking for gamers in an established game, or try to start your own. This is a good place to start.
Its also a good place to ask questions and look for ideas.
Take a look at some of the PbP games, and some of the Resource collection.
A few of us have posted our cities to be used as a start if you would prefer to have a framework to build on.

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Re: Online Dresden Files RPG hosting/playing
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2012, 03:49:00 AM »
I GM two games over IRC. I'm not currently looking for any players or games (both of them are full-ish at 4 players apiece). Mostly, the guys playing are people I already knew from the chatroom we're in, and who I've been playing freeform RPs with for years. Plus my brother.

I tend to find IRC works great (two rooms, one OOC, one IC), especially if you've got a dicebot in the room, which keeps anyone from cheating.
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Offline keeperoflenneth

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Re: Online Dresden Files RPG hosting/playing
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2012, 12:06:05 AM »
The campaign I'm currently involved in we talk out over skype. The people that are playing in it are either RL friends of myself, the GM, a mutual friend or played on our Minecraft Server. Basically, you can recruit just about anywhere dresden-friendly geeks could be found (which i've found most geeks are; they either love it, or dont know about it yet). The key mechanic in our campaign is the dice roller i wrote for us. It allows us to see rolls that basically equate out to "Dan (Ruadanis) rolled Investigation at a base 2  ( )(-)(+)(+)  for a total of (4)", with the primary roll displayed in a fancy larger section higher up on the page. If people express interest in making use of this, I will see what i can do to eliminate the need for a database, and box it into a single directory set of files (It's currently integrated into my MVC php site).

If anyone is interested in this now and has access to a web server and an SQL database (ps. wamp2 is free ;) ) Let me know.