Author Topic: Limiting Angel summoning  (Read 6695 times)

Offline Malivotti

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Re: Limiting Angel summoning
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2012, 07:15:51 AM »
Hmm best way out of a prison is to make sure that someone else gets you out, you could summon up a few critters from the Never-Never to work on your behalf to alter documents to arrange your release. There MUST be some kind of Fae or Fell creature that can handle red tape.
Bribery is good, use your magic to make money or something valuable and bribe a guard. Better yet use your magic to fake being dead, then escape from the morgue before the autopsy (very important that step :-) ).
If you have Earth magic, tunnel out, and repair/reseal the tunnel behind you, keeps the guard types looking inside the prison longer.
Have prison evacuated because of an infestation of SOMETHING (giant rats, cockroaches, snakes, poisonous spiders...), Hex the prison's entire electrical system and start fire, then walk out under a veil with the fire dept.
If you are not worried Lawbreaker, mind magic is the way to go.
Veils are nice but also have a simple construct to take your place for a few hours to give yourself a head start.
Also threats, blackmail, extortion are much more effective as a Wizard. When you can scry and know all about someone's kids/love one, know about the dirty secrets of Hank the Guard and what Warden does with his secretary etc.

Offline crusher_bob

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Re: Limiting Angel summoning
« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2012, 09:47:32 AM »
I'd assume that scrying requires a link, just like all other other thaumaturgy at a distance.  Of course, you could veil yourself into the wardens office, take a piece of it away with you, and then scry on it...  But, of course, the stuff you are probably interested in catching the warden doing will occur at 'random' times, and you are unlikely to be able to keep scrying going on him all the time...
So you are better off hiring hard to notice spies, The wee free folk appear to be both cheap and hard to notice, but then, they don't really seem to have the memory of social awareness to be really good at the job.


Locations spells.  Binder shaving his head in Turn Coat implies that the location spell effectively finds the hair rather than the person complete.  Since Binder seems to think that this will prevent the hair based location spell from finding him.

Of course, having this sort of detail suddenly come up works fine in a book, but much less well in a game.  Then it just soulds like the GM being a dick. 

Have there been any general discussions of how thaumaturgy links work: how long they last, whether they can be deliberately broken, etc?

Questions to ask:
How 'macro' does the link need to be?  For example, can I do the CSI trick of giving you a glass of water, and then pulling the discarded cells on the rim of the glass off?  Are the shed cells any less viable that a bigger piece of you? 

Do the ritual links link back to the whole 'metaphysical you', or only the part of you that is similar?  (Turn Coat implies that it's only the part that is similar.)  This would imply a world where (paranoid, i.e. long lived) wizards carefully removed all their hair, and, possibly, wore wigs.  Which of course, they change out with great frequency, lest their wigs be made to explode...

Offline Praxidicae

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Re: Limiting Angel summoning
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2012, 10:32:27 AM »
If you don't mind being a little brutal and losing your own identity, Biomancy would be a good way to get out. Wait until you know another inmate is up for release, get them alone and kill them, using their death to power a Biomantic ritual to swap your appearances, make the death resemble a suicide as hopefully the evidence would suggest that 'you' killed yourself (your prints will be the only ones on the murder weapon). Then serve the rest of your victim's sentence and walk out as a free man. At this point you could attempt to assume their identity completely (not without considerably risk), or drop off the grid, abandon their appearance and use another ritual to change it again.