Five vague bits:
1. Does the +2 help with grapples?
Yes and no. Yes as in "that is in fact how I wrote it." No as in "that is probably unbalanced and I should change it."

Devil's advocate says that this is something of a one trick pony, albeit a hell of a trick, so it should be pretty potent. I'm willing to bow to whatever you think would be best, given my answers to the following questions.
2. What situations would affect the Power's range?
I left that somewhat vague. Good acoustics in the area might increase the range, while loud noise might only allow it in the current zone. Perhaps I should rewrite it so extending or shrinking the range could be done with a scene aspect? Or just leave that assumed and stick to one zone away as default?
3. Suppose I drop a 5-shift grapple on you, and I take a supplemental action to make you shoot a buddy. How do I calculate the accuracy of your forced attack? It seems that my margin of success on the grapple is supposed to determine the accuracy, but I'm not certain. Besides, there's no defence against grapples. So determining a margin of success is actually somewhat difficult.
Ah, see, this is one reason why I'm doing this. Making new stuff within the system is the best way for me to understand it. This one resulted from a misreading of the grapple rules, which I think I now understand a lot better. Glad I'm getting the hang of this before the game actually start, but I'm now at something of a loss for how to represent what I wanted.
Should you roll your Perform -2? Your victim's skill -2? Neither really get across what I was going for.
Using the difference between your perform and the victim's Might/Discipline? Too much math, I think, but closer to my intent.
I'm open to suggestions.
4. Is forcing an action a supplemental action? Can I do it and another grapple-based supplemental action in the same exchange?
Again this is possibly due to my misreading of the grapple rules. You can't do that normally, can you? If you can't, then you can't here. Forcing an action is meant to be an additional option to the normal grappling choices.
5. Can you do spray grapples with this?
It sounds so dirty when you say it like that.
Yes, that is my intent. You would be taking standard penalties for multiple targets with a spray, and if you decide to grapple you'll be taking those penalties for forcing each one into a supplemental action as well unless you want to just hold them still, but yeah, I totally meant for that to happen. So this guy could control an entire (weak) crowd, but would probably have to focus if one or two PCs tried to oppose him.
In theory, at least. That's what I'm here for, making that line up with practice.
For future updates, I'm putting them in the first post.