Author Topic: Quick and Dirty Star Wars Hack  (Read 9077 times)

Offline Edrac

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Quick and Dirty Star Wars Hack
« on: June 10, 2012, 11:49:12 PM »
So, I've had the idea rattling around my head recently... Dresden could be pretty damned simple to use for a Star Wars Game. Here's what I have so far


Infiltration - (Burglary renamed, trappings unchanged)
Pilot - (Driving renamed, trappings unchanged)
Blasters - (Guns renamed, trappings unchanged)

All characters start with 7 refresh and 25 skill points with a skill cap at Great (+4) (I generally don't want characters to start out as super badass Jedi, or the best Bounty Hunters in the galaxy)

Force Sensitivity
Force Sensitive characters will need to buy the following Power:

Force Sensitivity [-1]
   You are tapped into the power that binds the Galaxy together.
   You must have an aspect that conveys that you are Force Sensitive.
   You must have this power to buy the Alter, Sense, or Control powers.

Alter [-2]
   See YW181: Ritual [-2]

Control [-2]
   See YW181: Channeling [-2]

Sense [-2]
   Due to your Force Sensitivity you are able to perceive the galaxy in a way normal Sentients are unable to. Gain an additional +1 when you invoke your aspect dealing with your Force Sensitivity.
Additionally you always possess an additional +2 to Alertness and Empathy rolls due to your supernatural perception.

Stunt creation is unchanged.

See YW145, Chapter 9.

Races generally do not have much of a mechanical benefit (there are always exceptions to the rule though).

You MUST, however, tie your character’s Species into AT LEAST one Aspect. (maybe replace the Template idea from Dresden with Species)

As for Dark Side corruption, I feel the Lawbreaker aspect/power combo works just fine for it. Rename it to "Dark Side Corruption" and call it a day.

I am, however, looking for a good "general" (as in without the pretty dresdenified accents) Dresden styled Character Sheet. (or a good Sci-Fi sheet that has the 3 stress tracks Dresden has)
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 09:21:28 PM by Edrac »
Cin vhetin
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Offline AstronaughtAndy

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Re: Quick and Dirty Star Wars Hack
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2012, 10:49:31 AM »
I dig it. You might add a skill specifically for technology though.

For a character sheet you might just want to throw something together in Word with a cool font.

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Re: Quick and Dirty Star Wars Hack
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2012, 10:51:24 AM »
I dislike the fact that force sensitivity gives you no advantage its just a stepping stone power.
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Offline Tedronai

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Re: Quick and Dirty Star Wars Hack
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2012, 11:06:05 AM »
I would recommend, at the very least, having Sensitivity open up Lore-as-perception in the manner that The Sight does even when The Sight is not active.  If not simply having Sensitivity simply being a renamed The Sight.
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Re: Quick and Dirty Star Wars Hack
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2012, 11:24:06 AM »
I dislike the fact that force sensitivity gives you no advantage its just a stepping stone power.

It also means none of your intended starting characters may start with all 3 force powers. Is that intentional?

Some of the edge-case species (like Wookiees) would probably work well with one or two of the Inhuman-level physical powers. I could see Wookiees having Inhuman Strength at least.

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Re: Quick and Dirty Star Wars Hack
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2012, 11:37:51 AM »
Having it as a stepping-stone is fine.
Having it as JUST a stepping stone, ie. dead weight providing no benefit in and of itself, is not so much.
Even Chaotic Neutral individuals have to apologize sometimes. But at least we don't have to mean it.

Offline Edrac

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Re: Quick and Dirty Star Wars Hack
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2012, 01:14:11 PM »
It also means none of your intended starting characters may start with all 3 force powers. Is that intentional?

Some of the edge-case species (like Wookiees) would probably work well with one or two of the Inhuman-level physical powers. I could see Wookiees having Inhuman Strength at least.

Like I said, it's a quick and dirty converson. I do agree that sensitivity should give some sort of benifit, I just hadn't thought of a good one yet maybe make Sense more powerful and open up Lore as a "force perception" as a benifit of force sensitivity.

Also, yes, my intent is to not let characters start with all force powers (I plan for my game to be a Rebellion era game, where the jedi are all but extinct. So if you invest heavily in force stuff you better have a damned good reason you aren't dead already) also forces the players to make a hard choice, and prevents them from being Jedi Masters at the start and overshadowing the game.

And yeah, some species will get powers Like Wookiee's would likely get Inhuman strength (renamed of course), and Miriluka (spelling?) Would get force sensitivity as they have no eyes and see through the force. But it'd be on a case by case basis largely based on their discription from Wookieepedia.
Cin vhetin
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Re: Quick and Dirty Star Wars Hack
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2012, 01:16:29 PM »
Some common lightsaber stunts would have to be:

- Use Weapons to defend against ranged attacks.
- Riposte, but for blaster shots (and possibly force lighting, as they did in the prequels).

Would these work better rolled into a Power ("Lightsaber Combat"), with a Must of "must be force-sensitive"? They're practically given abilities for Jedi.

EDIT: Ah, I see. I'd probably keep them Powers, then, in a Rebellion-era game. It forces the Must condition and it would remove a Pure Mortal bonus from one who had them, as they're pretty powerful when you're facing nothing but blasters.

Offline Edrac

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Re: Quick and Dirty Star Wars Hack
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2012, 01:35:43 PM »
Some common lightsaber stunts would have to be:

- Use Weapons to defend against ranged attacks.
- Riposte, but for blaster shots (and possibly force lighting, as they did in the prequels).

Would these work better rolled into a Power ("Lightsaber Combat"), with a Must of "must be force-sensitive"? They're practically given abilities for Jedi.

EDIT: Ah, I see. I'd probably keep them Powers, then, in a Rebellion-era game. It forces the Must condition and it would remove a Pure Mortal bonus from one who had them, as they're pretty powerful when you're facing nothing but blasters.

I was thinking of making Lightsabers Items of Power. I need to refresh myself on IoP rules but if I'm remembering right it should be a simple conversion.

As for specifics of lightsabers I'd just say make a few stunts like the ones you suggest.

Also, as for "catches" for force given inhuman anything or for any force sensitive, or force power it'll always be Ysalamir.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 08:25:14 PM by Edrac »
Cin vhetin
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Re: Quick and Dirty Star Wars Hack
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2012, 07:44:04 PM »
I'll be flat out honest and tell you that this link is a bit of a rabbit hole, however there is some discussion of the idea here with a number of links to further discussion.

As for Dark Side corruption, I feel the Lawbreaker aspect/power combo works just fine for it. Rename it to "Dark Side Corruption" and call it a day.

As I said in our previous discussion, I always felt that debt is a far better way of modeling the dark side, though debt and Lawbreaker works well too.

Offline Edrac

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Re: Quick and Dirty Star Wars Hack
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2012, 08:28:26 PM »
I'll be flat out honest and tell you that this link is a bit of a rabbit hole, however there is some discussion of the idea here with a number of links to further discussion.

As I said in our previous discussion, I always felt that debt is a far better way of modeling the dark side, though debt and Lawbreaker works well too.

Debt? Debt of what? I'm not sure I follow...

For my needs I feel it'd be sort of a moot point as my group seems to be more interested in the more Smugglers and Scoundrels aspects of the setting.
Cin vhetin
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Re: Quick and Dirty Star Wars Hack
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2012, 08:42:00 PM »
Lawbreaker seems wrong for Dark Side corruption as you see the Jedi's killing with the force comparatively often (especially during the clone wars) without immediately becoming evil, what is and a isn't dark side isn't so clear cut and people like Mace Windu can flirt with the dark side without ever succumbing to it.   
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Re: Quick and Dirty Star Wars Hack
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2012, 08:47:42 PM »
Check out the side bar ("The dark powers are always willing to help") on YS290. It talks about an external sponsor lending power (in the form of a fate point, good for two shifts of effect) in exchange for a future favor (in the form of a compel). In the case of star wars, you would replace the external sponsor with the dark side and the favor with some sort of compel to their darker nature. It works great for a well defined and temporary consequence (occasional slips and the like), while the aspect change and Lawbreaker powers are good for more permanent altering. I always felt the attitude made more sense for the dark side too, giving you more immediate power at a cost (which is always what the dark side is about, right?).

Offline Edrac

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Re: Quick and Dirty Star Wars Hack
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2012, 12:45:33 PM »
Check out the side bar ("The dark powers are always willing to help") on YS290. It talks about an external sponsor lending power (in the form of a fate point, good for two shifts of effect) in exchange for a future favor (in the form of a compel). In the case of star wars, you would replace the external sponsor with the dark side and the favor with some sort of compel to their darker nature. It works great for a well defined and temporary consequence (occasional slips and the like), while the aspect change and Lawbreaker powers are good for more permanent altering. I always felt the attitude made more sense for the dark side too, giving you more immediate power at a cost (which is always what the dark side is about, right?).

Oook. I see what you're getting at. That is definitely the best way to do it I think.
Cin vhetin
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Offline wolff96

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Re: Quick and Dirty Star Wars Hack
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2012, 02:52:56 PM »
I dislike the fact that force sensitivity gives you no advantage its just a stepping stone power.

I've been working on something similar and my "Force Sensitive" is just a re-arrangement of the 'Guide my Hand' power.

'Faith Manages' becomes 'Feel the Force'.  For a Fate Point, the character can always let their actions be guided by the force -- they can either replace their skill with a Discipline roll for ANY test (including combat, we all remember the torpedoes from the first movie) or use it to modify the skill (to make it useful to non-Jedi that are sensitive).

The second usage 'Spiritual Guidance' becomes 'Guided by the Force' and allows a character to show up when convenient.  This can also be used with meditation (skip a scene + Discipline check) to get hazy visions of possible futures.  NOTE:  I've also used the later for story 'nudges', giving out a FATE point to temporarily take control of the character (as per the exposition trapping of Lore) and give them a vision when I want to nudge them in a direction.  I don't use it often.  :)