Or the character could just have an aspect that says that they are asexual. Why pay for powers when you can have aspects for some of these things for free? 
Because if you acquire an ability with an Aspect, then you have to spend a Fate Point to get any mechanical benefit out of that ability.
1. List formatting for ease of costing.
Is the current list format not satisfactory?
2. Sanctaphrax: Would you be willing to include a link for this powers dicussion at the end of it's write up so people can see how we got here and can see the discussions on ACAEBG, Soulfire, Sacred Guardian, and social immunities?
No. I don't want any links in the list.
I can explain the controversy in the Note sections of the relevant Powers, though. TINS already has a something a bit like that.
If you'd be willing to sum up the debate, I'd appreciate it.
3. For the sake of completion one should think about what Social Immunity should cost.
In order to do that, we'd first have to work out what the heck Social Immunity even is.
When I say that it doesn't make sense, I don't just mean it's illogical. I also mean that I don't understand how it's meant to work or what it's meant to do.
4. Immunity does not grant special protection from Soulfire, Sacred Guardian, ACAEBG, and the like unless another custom power found elsewhere is purchased (and allowed).
That's the plan.
Except for Soulfire...I'm really not sure how this should interact with Soulfire. Drop down to Mythic Toughness?
Maybe I missed this in the write-up - but: I think a note needs made taht an equivalent of a +0 Catch is required to have these.
No way.
The whole idea was to find an appropriate cost for full invincibility. If 9-13-20 Refresh isn't enough, let's make it cost more.
Besides, requiring a +0 Catch encourages BS shenanigans.
Also, in some instances the narrative effects of hte power could have small impact on mechanics. Immunity due to rapid healing - should still allow people to heal from vampirisms. immunity due to imperviousness should still allow manuevers to work, as should rapid healing... Immunity due to said objects passing through harmlessly may still allow vampirism but I doubt it...many maneuvers certainly wouldn't work. i know the current power makes mention that some maneuvers may not work. How should we make clear that narratively immunity could be due to many factors.
Yeah, I'll try to make the odd status of maneuvers clear.
For example a lack of sexual organs can be justification for immunity to seduction.
Indeed. Immunity to seduction makes plenty of sense.
The reason I think being immune to Sacred Guardian, ACAEBG, Soulfire, Righteousness, Holy Touch (if you have a power called There Is No Salvation - holy should likely hurt you). You get immunity to 5 powers bypass effects, some of which cost -1 through -5 refresh. Some argue Sacred Guardian should cost more. I think it merits -3 refresh, if the ability to bypass toughnesses ca cost from 1 to 5 points of refresh and the median is 3...that should be the cost in my mind.
Specific defences should generally cost less than the thing they defend against, because they'll frequently be worthless.
That being said, I can see some decent arguments for deliberately making TINS underpowered.
I'd also like to agree with Becq one more time then hold my piece on the matter. (TINS and immunities to ACAEBG shouldn't exist) Powers that bypass toughnesses or satisfy catches generally ignore immunities and like effects. Why escalation occurs is with small rewording a new version of bypassing could exist specifically to include the new custom power. Since custom powers are allowed tehre is nothing in the rules barring errata based upon the gaming group's individual needs/tastes.
Again, not every custom Power is for everyone.
Personally, I'd prefer to get rid of ACaEBG. But I'm not just writing for myself here.