I like Third Person and First Person about the same. As long as it isn't in present tense! That gets on my nerves. It's very distracting.
I write in Close-Third Person. Which basically means that from scene to scene, it is in a single character's point of view. And nothing can be written into the scene that the POV character does not know.
First Person can be deceptively easy. But a lot of writers who write in first person just know how to write in one character's voice (which is really their own voice). If the voice is interesting, and there's only one POV that the author ever writes, they can get away with it. But if they write multiple books with new protagonists that always sound the same, it can get repetitive.
I'm not clear on what third person omniscient is. How is it different from plain ole third person?
A lot of people who don't know anything about writing fall into a sloppy sort of Third Person Omnicient. There are no limitations in Omnicient. The author can be inserting observations in one paragraph that only they would know, and in the next paragraph be inserting thoughts of character A, and then in the same paragraph thoughts of character B. The fact that you have no limitations can make it challenging to write Omnicient in a good way. When done right, Omnicient POV can have have interesting comedic moments with the author narrating their ironic take on their characters (Like with JK Rowling and Georgette Heyer). A lot of fantasy authors, in my opinion, do Omnicient poorly. They use that writing style so that they can ocasionally dedicate a couple pages to information dumping about their fantasy world without worrying if this info actually would be something one of their characters would know, care, or think about.