I'm getting a lot of love on amazon with my book Admiral Who? Up to 49.5 sales per day average for last week. And the last two days 60, but that's the week end fingers crossed, I hope I've taken the next step but honesty? I would be satisfied with 49.5. Heck I'd be satistfied with 30 or even 20 average per day.
Anyway, regardless, I really loved my Chief Engineer character in Admiral Who? total blast. My brother described him as a cross between Cid from final fantasy and a wild eyes Scotty from Star Trek. A hilarious character and so much fun to write. The words just seemed to flow off my keyboard. hahahahah.
The second book well... the it was hard not having the bombastic character to fall back on whenever I'd get stuck in a rutt and need something to kick start my creative juices. Spalding has a way of attacking just about every situation he comes across that just makes me laugh.
Having the little admiral carry everything, with asides into Akantha has been a bit of a task. But looking back on some of what I've written, I'm feeling really positive right now for book 2. Now just need to insert a couple scenes and then work up an appropriately bombastic sneak peak!
The Deposed King