Other Jimness > Episode Archive

BB008 - The Shape of Things to Come

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As per what Chad was talking about, about some inconsistencies or possible errors, is there a plan to start an Erratas page on the site? 

I fully realize that everyone involved with the website is ridiculously busy.  From Mr. Butcher writing like a chained monkey at the keyboard, to Iago working on the RPG, but when things calm down to you know a gale force wind instead of Hurricane force is it possible? 

I am also not talking about minor spelling or grammar errors, at least at first, and because cow patties happen especially with busy schedules.  I am more concerned with things like a whole paragraph missing from Fool Moon (pg. 101), to other mentioned things such as flipping a truck on Cowl and having it magically transform into a Buick (or vice versa). 

Finally I enjoyed listening to the show and your time and schedule(s) permitting cannot wait to hear the next one.

P.S.  Not to long ago I got the first 3 Alera books and have enjoyed them.  Any idea on when you will get a chance to start discussing them on the Block?



--- Quote from: JRBobC on May 17, 2007, 05:44:59 PM ---P.S.  Not to long ago I got the first 3 Alera books and have enjoyed them.  Any idea on when you will get a chance to start discussing them on the Block?

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I don't think Priscellie's gonna let me get away with going more than another two episodes before the Alera love's gotta show up. :)


--- Quote from: Priscellie on May 17, 2007, 05:27:02 PM ---Great episode, Fred!  The new format really works.

But Chad, where is it that Murphy suggests she's only been married once?  In every reference I can think of, she's always had the two exes.  (Priscellie makes me look stoopid, snipped  ;) )
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In my defense, I did mention I hadn't gotten up far enough in the series to verify this.

But for whatever reason -- and this could be due to TV canon (my first exposure) getting muddled up with book canon -- I though there was a mix-up.

Nice catch, and Fred, please remind me to take my lumps next time I do a segment.



--- Quote from: chadu on May 17, 2007, 05:53:44 PM ---Nice catch, and Fred, please remind me to take my lumps next time I do a segment.

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--- Quote from: iago on May 17, 2007, 05:50:20 PM ---I don't think Priscellie's gonna let me get away with going more than another two episodes before the Alera love's gotta show up. :)

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*clammors, politely*

--- Quote from: chadu on May 17, 2007, 05:53:44 PM ---In my defense, I did mention I hadn't gotten up far enough in the series to verify this.

But for whatever reason -- and this could be due to TV canon (my first exposure) getting muddled up with book canon -- I though there was a mix-up.

Nice catch, and Fred, please remind me to take my lumps next time I do a segment.
--- End quote ---

Ah, nice to know I'm not going crazy. :D  How far in the series have you read, out of curiosity?

You have a great segment, though!


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