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BB008 - The Shape of Things to Come

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--- Quote from: Mickey Finn on May 30, 2007, 12:41:23 AM ---Due to assorted things like book tours, don't hold your breath on the June 1 date. ;)

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I wasn't.  I figured he'd end up missing it, just due to the tour and everything.  If he misses his deadline, he misses his deadline.  So long as he is happy with the book, and that he feels he has written it to the best of his ability it is okay with me.


--- Quote from: trboturtle on May 20, 2007, 07:06:19 AM ---I remember reading in one of the books that one of Murph's Exs died of cancer and she was upset that he didn't tell her. Now I have to go look for that reference...... :-[


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I think this is either GP or SK... I know it's fairly early.  (funny that 'book 4' is *early* when we're only on book 9)

You know, when you were discussing factual errors with your second guest, and he brought out a couple of them I hadn't really been paying attention to, it was interesting, and I had to reread to find them, paying more attention this time.  I started very late, by the by, TV show first, books after, and had only read the first 3 by the time I heard this episode.  So, I reread them and moved on.  I am actually in the midst of Death Masks, and one of the most glaring errors I have seen in a while popped up, and it surprised me greatly, not only was it there, but, that your error checker missed it.  On page 329 of the 8th printing of the paperback version, 4th pagagraph, Harry starts building a shield WITHOUT his bracelet.  It had been removed in a previous encounter with the baddies, so he didn't have it.  He even references that in that very paragraph, saying: "I crouched and concentrated, chanting,  "Defendre, defendre," in a steady litany.  It was difficult to do without my shield bracelet to focus it, but I brought up all the defensive energy I could mamage in a dome around me. (Italics mine)
  The last sentence of the 6th paragraph brought me out of my chair, and took me totally out of the moment:  "My Shield collapsed, overloaded, and the bracelet began burning my wrist. (Italics mine) 
  How could  Jim, his editor, and finally your error checker miss something to obvious?  I'd REALLY love to hear the explaination you come up for this.  "Time shifting", "Told as memoirs, so some details are fussy", or even "Characters altering personal histories to out them in better light." 
  Anyway, I just had to vent.  Love the Books, love the podcast, love the TV show (Love the TV Bob better than the Book one, but what can you do, it's Terrance Mann, baby!)

Far as I know, that stuff creeps in by and large due to multiple revisions of the text, and end up escaping out to the reading public because they're working on tight deadlines with a too-few-editors, too-many-books kind of environment. 

As far as the *explanation*?  How about: "this stuff's harder than it looks"? :)

Mickey Finn:
I don't have a copy handy, but I assume Harry wasn't wearing the "cut your wrists off if you use magic" shackles, or any other bracelet?

The beta group usually catches things like that these days, but I don't know what the beta group was like then...it may have been 2 people and a dauchund, for all I know.

Another way that can sneak in is if text is rewritten, but some original text wasn't properly rewritten. Jim has been known to go back and rewrite whole parts of scenes because of either a better idea, or something that was caught and just didn't work.


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