Author Topic: Vampires Lore  (Read 4908 times)

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: Vampires Lore
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2012, 10:50:52 PM »
BCV's have a harder time hiding and no real friends in the supernatural community (except possibly the red court).  Yes, they can build a scourge quite easily.  In fact, they used to do so quite often.  But everyone wants them gone, so drawing attention to yourself when everyone knows all of your weak points is a risky move.

Also, the more BCVs, the more competition for power the leader has.

Offline Becq

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Re: Vampires Lore
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2012, 12:21:01 AM »
Some possible reasons BCV don't Take Over The World(tm):

1)  Perhaps there are limits to how fast an individual BCV can create others of its kind.  Perhaps it takes something out of the Master (in the form of consequences) for each new BCV created.  Depending on the consequence, this would enforce a limit of progeny creation (especially if the consequence was a mental one, rather than physical).
2)  Perhaps there are limits as to how fast a newly created progeny 'matures' to the point it can create further progeny.  If this delay is large enough, then it reduces the exponential nature of the problem, especially when combined with #1 above.
3)  There are almost certainly risk-based limitation.  Say a BCV started creating a new army, 100 new BCVs per night.  How long would it take for the mortals (let alone the White Council or other supernatural entities) to notice the scores of daily missing persons reports?
4)  There are likely control-based problems.  How fast can a master BCV establish long-lasting control over newly-created progeny?  Even if he creates 100 new BCVs in a night, and even if they are initially obediant, how long until that changes, and the 100 progeny start thinking that maybe one of them would be a better boss?  I imagine that a master BCV might only create however many progeny it feels it can handily take on in a coup attempt.
5)  New BCVs are almost certainly weaker than full BCVs.  Part of this might be because they were 'taken out' in order to be created in the first place.  So even the master's future lieutenants (ie, the ones that Fate has chosen to give multiple consequence slots to) will have those consequences filled until they healare repaired.  Maybe this takes a while.

Some ideas to play with; do with them as you will.

Offline McConaughey1984

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Re: Vampires Lore
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2012, 02:28:44 AM »
 I'm not sure if this was word of Jim or just something that was tossed around here but, I think there are three types of BCV. The first is the just above zombie level of functioning
(click to show/hide)
, the higher level BCV can spawn the lower level BCV but can't make a BCV that can function without guidance
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, then we have a master BCV thst can not only make other BCV but can make other thinking BCV and other masters. A BCV of the second level could spawn a large number but they are of very limited use. Masters are too smart to make a huge horde and get noticed. For the game I would say there should be enough first level vamps at any one time to pose a threat to the group and unless they get the higher ups they will just replace them. I would not say that the scourge would not grow exponentially because either it can't be of much use(level two BCV) or it won't (master is to smart).       

Offline Jimmy

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Re: Vampires Lore
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2012, 03:08:56 AM »
Is it possible that the zombie level BCV are the result of turning Dominated mortals, whereas the smarter and tougher ones are either willing or at least freewilled?

My 2 bob.
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Offline DFJunkie

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Re: Vampires Lore
« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2012, 01:46:47 PM »
It could also have to with natural strength of will.  For sure it takes more than just age, "It's My Birthday, Too" features a BCV who's capable of creating the zombie-like spawn and was turned less than a year ago. 
90% of what I say is hyperbole intended for humorous effect.  Don't take me seriously. I don't.