Author Topic: My first character  (Read 3654 times)

Offline Tankatim13

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My first character
« on: May 08, 2012, 03:13:34 PM »
Making my first character for DFRPG and going with a high concept aspect slayer of monster with template pure mortal chest deep power level. trouble aspect "I have stated into the abyss and I stared back" or maybe just " all alone"

Phase 1: mother Irish, father Russian

Phase 2: massacre of family and friends on the farm only survivor.

Skills (30)
1 superb: endurance
2 Great: Athletics, Guns
2 Good: Weapons, Alertness
3 Fair: conviction, discipline, fists
5 Average: Craftmenship, might, intimidation, stealth, burglary

10 refresh
Stunt: Endurance : no pain no gain : +2 mild consequence physical
Stunt: removed
Stunt: Athletics : Too fast to hit (or)
(stunt: Endurance : Pain is not my limiter ( tough as nails)?)
Stunt: Discipline : My mind is a Fortress : +2 Mental Armour
Stunt: Conviction : I'm am the slayer : +2 to all social defense while dealing with the supernatural
Stunt: Conviction : Success is measured in blood : +1 physical stress damage on all Guns,Weapons and Fists attacks
Stunt: Guns : when bullets fail get a bigger gun: (personal arsenal)
Stunt: Craftmenship : When big guns fail use explosives: demolition use
Stunt: Fists : Use there strength against them
Stunt: Guns : This is my rifle : +2 shifts of difficulty in trying to hex the gun which is being used by the character.

1 refresh in the sense that he has close to no free will his choice is to be the slayer of monsters and leveling depending on GM he might fall further or get some spare refresh to have free will.

Any feedback would be nice
I think the other player are going to wizards and a champion of god(without the sword of the cross)
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 03:49:48 PM by Tankatim13 »

Offline Vargo Teras

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Re: My first character
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2012, 03:35:27 PM »
0 Refresh isn't considered a playable character.  You're going to need to drop a stunt somewhere.  Also, I'd swap Alertness with your preferred attack stat; the difference between a +1 on initiative won't matter much against superhuman opponents, but a +1 to hit makes all the difference in the world.

Offline Tankatim13

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Re: My first character
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2012, 03:56:15 PM »
Changed alertness with guns And removed a stunt so 1 refresh.

Then it's the phase aspects and others but I'll sort thoses out when I get to the game session

Offline UmbraLux

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Re: My first character
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2012, 07:38:23 PM »
As GM I'm not a fan of alone or solo themed aspects.  The group splits without my help all too often - such aspects end up being unused a lot of the time.  You want aspects to earn you fate points.

Some of your stunts look questionable.  Has your table already approved?  I'd tone down the flat +2s and +1s to multiple skills.  Make them more situational - and more interesting.
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Re: My first character
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2012, 08:04:51 PM »
UmbraLux is right about the stunts. I'd look at the following ones again:

Stunt: Endurance : no pain no gain : +2 mild consequence physical
Stunt: Discipline : My mind is a Fortress : +2 Mental Armour
Stunt: Conviction : I'm am the slayer : +2 to all social defense while dealing with the supernatural
Stunt: Conviction : Success is measured in blood : +1 physical stress damage on all Guns,Weapons and Fists attacks

No Pain No Gain only gives one consequence, and armour stunts are generally limited to one point with a limiting condition. The Conviction stunts are both just too broad.

Though I don't think you're doing anything unpleasant here, since you also have a few stunts that seem weak. Namely:

Stunt: Craftmenship : When big guns fail use explosives: demolition use
Stunt: Fists : Use there strength against them
Stunt: Guns : This is my rifle : +2 shifts of difficulty in trying to hex the gun which is being used by the character.

Given how low your Fists and Craftsmanship are, I'm not sure you want to be using them enough to justify taking these stunts.

And This Is My Rifle just seems really narrow. Gun-hexing is kind of rare, in my experience. You could probably increase the bonus without a problem.

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Re: My first character
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2012, 08:07:29 PM »
This Is My Rifle might be better as an aspect. Invoke it to boost Guns rolls or damage, or for effect to prevent someone from hexing it or otherwise using it against you.
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Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: My first character
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2012, 08:38:41 PM »
Phase 1: mother Irish, father Russian

Phase 2: massacre of family and friends on the farm only survivor.

You might want to work on the phrasing of this.  An Aspect is generally a short phrase that rolls off of the tongue.

Maybe something like:
I'm A Survivor
I Live While Others Fall
I Alone Survived
They Will Pay For My Family's Death!
I Survive The Monster
I Will Survive
The Will To Survive

All of those capture the gist of what you want to say, but each of them is subtly different.


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Re: My first character
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2012, 08:58:12 PM »
It also seems to me that you could tighten your focus a bit. For example, the "My mind is a fortress" stunt is practically useless considering your Discipline skill. Between the fair skill rating, the 2 armor and your max stress, assuming that all rolls are equal, the attacker only needs to beat a +7 to start inflicting consequences and that's not hard for most things that would be dealing you mental damage.

Offline fantazero

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Re: My first character
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2012, 11:58:53 PM »
Trouble. Revenge is a Dish best served dead or Something out there wants me dead
Phase 1. Drinking is a Family Business or Eurotrash
Phase 2. Murder Farm or Grave Digger

+5  Guns, Endurance
+4 Athletics, Weapons
+3 Alertness, Might
+2 Empathy, Fists
+1 Lore, Deceit
This is my boom stick
+1 To shotgun use. +2 if you can think of a Clever Phrase that the gm likes while shooting
Old the same as New

Two gun Joe
You get +1 to a roll when using two pistols

Know thy enemy
+1 to attacks on ______ (Fill in the blank on whatever monster you want i.e. Vampires, Fae ect)

Target Rich Environment
+1 to Guns when outnumbered

If you want to take the Mental Armor thing do it, but I'd rather have Fate Points than rarely used stunts.

Stealth is useless for you, as its too low to do much good, and you're a heavy hitter. Burglary might never come up (Shoot the lock)
Blowing stuff up never comes in handy, from what i've seen. And when it does, you better have a high resource. You dont really need conviction. You need lore, because you have some idea of whats going on.

Just my two cents. I have a similar character.

As for your Parents being Russian and Irish? Does that matter? Did they hit you? You want something the GM can tag. Like "Daddy worked for the Mob" or "Parental Baggage" or "Dont talk about my mother"
Making my first character for DFRPG and going with a high concept aspect slayer of monster with template pure mortal chest deep power level. trouble aspect "I have stated into the abyss and I stared back" or maybe just " all alone"

Phase 1: mother Irish, father Russian

Phase 2: massacre of family and friends on the farm only survivor.

Skills (30)
1 superb: endurance
2 Great: Athletics, Guns
2 Good: Weapons, Alertness
3 Fair: conviction, discipline, fists
5 Average: Craftmenship, might, intimidation, stealth, burglary

10 refresh
Stunt: Endurance : no pain no gain : +2 mild consequence physical
Stunt: removed
Stunt: Athletics : Too fast to hit (or)
(stunt: Endurance : Pain is not my limiter ( tough as nails)?)
Stunt: Discipline : My mind is a Fortress : +2 Mental Armour
Stunt: Conviction : I'm am the slayer : +2 to all social defense while dealing with the supernatural
Stunt: Conviction : Success is measured in blood : +1 physical stress damage on all Guns,Weapons and Fists attacks
Stunt: Guns : when bullets fail get a bigger gun: (personal arsenal)
Stunt: Craftmenship : When big guns fail use explosives: demolition use
Stunt: Fists : Use there strength against them
Stunt: Guns : This is my rifle : +2 shifts of difficulty in trying to hex the gun which is being used by the character.

1 refresh in the sense that he has close to no free will his choice is to be the slayer of monsters and leveling depending on GM he might fall further or get some spare refresh to have free will.

Any feedback would be nice
I think the other player are going to wizards and a champion of god(without the sword of the cross)

Offline Tankatim13

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Re: My first character
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2012, 01:07:11 PM »
Yeah tomorrow is my first game using the fate system, never used it before so have to get use to aspects instead of stunts.

I was thinking of a character based on the Irishman (Danny Greene) and Borris the bullet dodger (Snatch) who is a descendent (branch family) of Jean Chastel (Beast of Gevaudan).

Wanted him to be a Larrican with guns finding monster and shooting them to pieces or trying too and if that fails he relays on bigger weapons or explosives. He does have training with melee and fists his only social skill is intimidation to his enemies and humor with little friends he makes. He has no faith except faith in himself and his guns.

He's does not break easy to mind or social attacks and he's endurance is Superb and pain isn't his limiter.

Some of the other players suggest him to be a arms dealer (black market) don't know?

My group might be going all heavy hitters 2 wizards 2 warriors of old (champions of god) and then my gun hoe character. I was thinking of making an alchemist enchanter with high contacts resources and lore to accommodate the group?
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 02:32:59 PM by Tankatim13 »

Offline noclue

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Re: My first character
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2012, 03:56:31 PM »
Don't make him an orphan. Give him a kid sister who he pulled out of the massacre and put somewhere safe. He watches over her but doesn't let her know because he wants to keep her out if the Business.

That's a fate mine waiting to happen.

Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: My first character
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2012, 05:02:38 PM »
A sister could be a good thing.  That could lead to a great Aspect for the second phase:
We Got Out Together
I'm Always There To Save Her
My Sister Needed Me
There For My Sister
My Sister And Me

That way anytime your sister needs help you can claim a FATE chip and anytime you're doing anything to help your sister you've got an Aspect to use.

« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 05:36:53 PM by Richard_Chilton »

Offline fantazero

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Re: My first character
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2012, 05:18:33 PM »
Don't make him an orphan. Give him a kid sister who he pulled out of the massacre and put somewhere safe. He watches over her but doesn't let her know because he wants to keep her out if the Business.

That's a fate mine waiting to happen.

if you really wanted to AMP it up, see if you can make the sister a Law Breaker Magic Wise, or somehow tie her into one of the other PCs.

Offline Praxidicae

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Re: My first character
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2012, 09:49:09 AM »

if you really wanted to AMP it up, see if you can make the sister a Law Breaker Magic Wise, or somehow tie her into one of the other PCs.

Or to one of the city's main faces:
  • If your setting has a Red Court Baron whose minions sell Red Court Saliva as a party drug maybe your sister is a recovering junkie.(One of my personal favourite uses for the Red Court as a skeezy underworld figure)
  • Maybe the events of 'that night' have so scarred her that she's virtually irresistable to the local faction of Fear Eating White Court.
  • Maybe she's going through that phase of teen rebellion and has fallen in with a local band of Changling street kids, or her latest low-life boyfriend is a legbreaker for the mob.

Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: My first character
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2012, 04:49:49 PM »
Even if she isn't into trouble, raising (or otherwise being responsible) for a sister can be a daunting task.

Who keeps an eye on her when the PC's out doing things? If she's young there could be a problem with social services, if she's in her teens the PC could return to a wild party.
Slumber parties and other get togethers could be an issue.
If her friends come over they might find some of the PC's weapons or other monster hunting equipment.
Seeing one of her friends around a monster - does the PC break cover to warn his sister's friend? Does he warn sister away from the friend?

Of course all this talk about a sister could go nowhere, but if the PC's a loner without a family then there are other things that can happen.  Harry's a good example of someone without a family - will the PC find himself adopting a family like Harry adopted the Carpenters?
