HC: The Hero of Hyrule; (Hero of Time is also applicable - gives him common ground with Prince of Persia
TA: I'm Just a Kid
Other Aspects: Navi says hey, listen!; The Master Sword, Puzzles and Dungeons and Moblins, Oh My!; Triforce of Courage;
Aspect options: princess magnet; always prepared (signifying his gear)
+5 Weapons, Athletics
+4 Alertness, Conviction
+3 Endurance, Discipline
+2 Performance, Survival (handles riding a horse), Scholarship
+1 Empathy, Stealth, Might, Resources
Bows Are Weapons Too (Weapons): Moves bows trapping from guns to weapons -1
Shield Bearer (Weapons): +1 armor while wielding a shield -1
Big Bag of Tricks (Might): +2 to make declarations about gear carried on his person -1
Combat Demolitionist (Weapons ): Someone else rewrite this. i really don't see a way to make most bombs any different from grenades. Which do not require a stunt. -1
IoP: The Master Sword ( -0? )
It is what it is: A well crafted broadsword
One Time Discount: +2
Weapon Rating: 3
True Aim: +1 to weapon rolls when keeping with the sword's purpose. (banishing darkness (evil) from the world.) -1
Trappings of The Goddess -1 ( treats beings opposed to the Goddesses of Creation as if their toughness is one step lower)
-6 refresh spent so far - need a way to have potions could put him at -8 or 9 refresh then.
Pockets Full of Potions (Reskinned Ritual Crafting to be potions only and adds in two aditional potion slots) - 2 (hard to have him make his own potions [and have them be worthwhile]) and still be decent at fighting.