Author Topic: Garabonciás - Hungarian Wizard  (Read 2701 times)

Offline Kasharin Manichea

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Garabonciás - Hungarian Wizard
« on: June 13, 2012, 08:18:39 PM »
Any ideas about stating up a Garabonciás. They are Hungarian wizards from folklore that are made, not born. Typically 13 people studied together for 13 years. One died at the culmination of their studying and the rest gained magic powers. Their powers were carried around in spell books. They were incapable of casting magic without their books.

Things Garabonciás are capable of:
Can see buried treasure
make people fall ill or heal heal them
Able to cause plant life to grow or wither
Curses or blessings of luck
Ability to summon and control storms

Most of that is easy enough. The big kicker is that they were able to tame and control dragons, usually using them as mounts. Hungarian mythology has two types of dragons. The Sárkány who are capital D dragons more closely related to the Oriental concept of dragons. The also had the more common animal like dragons. These are the dragons that the Garabonciás are able to control.

For the first bit I am thinking of tying everything to an IoP.

Book of the Garabonciás [?]
Description: The book is an ornate, leather bound book covered in magic symbols
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:
[-0] Purpose: The book grants a Garabonciás access to his magic. Without it he is incapable of
[-0] It Is What It Is: A magic book of spells
[-0] Unbreakable: The Book can not be destroyed save by a ritual designed to subvert it's nature and purpose
[+1] One-Time Discount: It is a large book but is still just a book so it is not particularly visible
[-1] Wings (allows the Garabonciás to fly. He does not grow actual wings)
[-1] Beast change
[-?] Magic. I am not sure if this is best handled by giving them a flavored version of evocation and thaumaturgy or sponsored magic.

I have no idea how much to charge for the ability to ride dragons. Any suggestions? How about any ideas on their magic?


Offline EdgeOfDreams

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Re: Garabonciás - Hungarian Wizard
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2012, 08:56:17 PM »
Fitting all those abilities into a single PC-level character will be challenging. Unless this is for a special NPC or villain, you might want to go with the idea that individual Garaboncias only have some of those powers, and only the most powerful have all of them, or something like that.

Offline Kasharin Manichea

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Re: Garabonciás - Hungarian Wizard
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2012, 09:08:36 PM »
If they were to come into play as a PC it would be for a 20+ refresh game but it is most likely going to be used as an NPC. In general I am just hitting a brick wall on how to stat up a couple bits. I've never quite grokked sponsored magic like this or Kemlerian necromancy so I am having trouble putting that together. I don't expect to be able to fit this in under ten refresh.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Garabonciás - Hungarian Wizard
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2012, 11:27:16 PM »
It looks to me like Ritual would be your best bet for a spellcasting Power. There's nothing on that list that looks like Evocation, and Ritual can be flavoured more or less however you want.

Some kind of Supernatural Sense for buried treasure might be worthwhile too.

Taming dragons could just be a stunt boosting animal handling and riding rolls that have to do with dragons. Maybe providing a flat bonus, maybe just letting you use Lore.

How potent is the shapeshifting of these guys? Do they have one extra form or can they shift freely? Do they get the abilities of their new forms or is the shifting mostly cosmetic?

I don't see anything here that indicates a Refresh cost above 9.

Offline Lamech

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Re: Garabonciás - Hungarian Wizard
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2012, 01:49:25 AM »
Can see buried treasure
make people fall ill or heal heal them
Able to cause plant life to grow or wither
Curses or blessings of luck
Ability to summon and control storms
Okay, these are all fairly simple.
Flight: Wings (-1)
Invisibility: this is either an evocation veil or about half of glamors. So either part of evocation or a -1 power.
See Buiried Treasure: Supernatural sense (-1)
Making people ill can fall under evocation or thaumaturgy depending on details. Healing falls under thaumaturgy.
Plants withering can be under evocation, growing is probably best under thaumaturgy.
Luck fits under thaumaturgy and evocations.
Shapeshifting is just the shapeshifting powers.
Controlling storms is big time thaumaturgy. You could model it as a scene aspect, although it seems a little cheap for that to cover a whole area. You'll probably just need to eyeball the cost.
Taming dragons: Well its a dragon. You ride on it. Probably using the drive skill. The actual taming, can be modeled at thaumaturgy. Another option would be to model it as incite emotion (tamed). Or possibly combine the two.

So how I would go about this is
Item of Power
Wings (-1)
Invisibility (-1) (Roll deceit or discipline to be invisible, opposed by alertness or investigation.)
Supernatural Sense (-1)
Evocation/Thaumaturgy (-6)
Shape-shifting (-X)
Incite Emotion (tamed) (-X)
Requires appropriate Aspect: Note this will be compelled a lot to restrict what they can pull off with this build. I.E. "No you may not tame a bear, No you may not try and tame the Merlin. No you don't have the ability to make wards."