1. How did you start gaming?
2. What system did you start with?
Some friends introduced me to a freeform game they used to call oral D&D in primary school. No actual hard copy rules at all, just players with control over their singular character's actions and a GM that governed the results. That was my first actual role-playing game, but I'd been playing games (card, board, video) nearly all my life.
3. What systems have you played?
Palladium/Rifts, Shadowrun (2nd, 3rd, & 4th ed), Deadlands/Hell on Earth/Lost Colony, D&D (2nd, 3rd, & 4th ed), Heavy Gear/Gear Kreig/Jovian Chronicles, Spirit of the Century/DFRPG/FATE, Gurps (3rd & 4th ed), Big Eyes Small Mouth (2nd, 3rd, & 4th ed), Tristat RPG, Mechwarrior/Battletech, Savage Worlds, Don't Rest Your Head, Final Fantasy RPG, Star Wars (a couple of editions, don't remember which ones), Spy-Craft (D20), Gamma World, nWoD (a little tiny bit), Wheel of Time (D20), Amber Diceless, RISUS, Fiasco, Buffy, Serenity, Bulldogs, Little Fears (nightmare ed), Threshold (Beta), Many more printed systems that I'm forgetting because I don't have my full library with me and a few homebrewed systems too.
4. What system/s are your favorite?
I like systems that are fun in and of themselves. Deadlands (classic) is one of my favorites for it's integration of cards and poker chips. Heavy Gear was good for being a hybrid RPG/Tactical minis game (and having both sides unique and well built-ish). FATE is one of my favorites too, just from the story/narrative side. I also tend towards Horror settings (again, Deadlands, DFRPG, I really want to play Call of Cthulhu).
5. Is this your first system?
Not by a long shot.
6. What caused you to try DFRPG?
I'd read the novels before, but having a friend of a friend who was a burner really helped pique my interest.
7. What is your preference in gaming group size?
I refuse to play with less than four, I just don't like it. I'm also good at large groups. 4-8 is my preference, but we've done 12 successfully.
8. How open are you to gaming with people you don't know or hardly know?
I run con games and recently invited a person I met online to our local game, so I'm fine.
9. What is your best quality as a player?
10. What is your worst qulity as a player?
As a player I'm two sided. The Player in me is very helpful to the group as a whole, good with rules, and great at working together. However I really get into the character, so my desire to work as a team only extends to outside the character. In character I will bring any conflict I feel the character would bring.
The thing that others complain about the most is the fact that I'm a rules lawyer, sans the encyclopedic memory. In other words I instantly know when a rules call is wrong, but I have to look up the right way every time. Slows things down when we're unfamiliar with a system.
11. What is you best quality as a GM?
12. What is your worst quality as a GM?
I'm a storyteller first and foremost. I have a tendency to weave these grand epic tales (the last deadlands game I ran spanned centuries, planets, and character groups). I'm good with rules, and great with paying attention to my players and knowing how to adapt to what they need. I do sometimes get stymied in the details though, and my stories can outlast my attention span.
13. Importance of game balance 1 - 10 (1 being lowest 10 besing highest)
I'm weird on this one. A game never needs to be balanced. However it needs to be enjoyable to the players, and sometimes equity (yes equity, not balance) can be important to that.
14. Importance of setting/canon of universe 1 - 10 (1 being lowest 10 besing highest)
I'm going to go with what I assume you mean here and say 0. I have little interest in playing something strictly by canon. Canon can serve as a framework, but without adding bits it's just too rigid to allow play. Setting can have value, but it isn't necessary to tell a story.
15. Custom setting or established setting?
Sure? Same thing as above applies though, even if I use a setting I'm not going to use it without tweaks.
16. During character creation are freedom of powers more important or the chracter concept and the powers and skills fitting that concept? EDIT: FIXED!?
Anything should fit with the concept. Judging by where you posted this (in the DFRPG forums) I think you're going to get a lot of similar answers here. Aspects are king in DFRPG, and since we like DFRPG we're going to feel similarly.
17. Roll play or role play? Something inbetween? ( Role playing skills vs dice for resolving things in game)
Yes. I prefer Role-play, but I recognize that even I am not capable of perfection in all things

Dice and stats fill those gaps that we all have and allow us to be something that we aren't, which helps us see things we never would have without them.
How old is everyone here?
Because judging by the lists of games played, you guys are probably much older than I am. (I'm 17, in case I never mentioned it.)
Wow, I would not have guessed that Sancta. You come off as quite a bit older (in a good way of course). I'll be 29 this year.