1. How did you start gaming?Honestly? Probably Choose Your Own Adventure, which led to the Fighting Fantasy books (Deathtrap Dungeon and Space Assassin FTW). My neighbors growing up had the Talisman board game and Dragon magazines and we would make up our own little Talisman cards. Then I found Gamma World 3rd edition in the back of the local toy store. It had a badass cyborg riding a badass cyborg... otter... thing. I was sold, and my brother and I puzzled our way through it on a family camping trip.
2. What system did you start with?As mentioned, Gamma World 3rd edition followed closely by Marvel FASERIP. It's some edition of D&D for most people I know, but my gaming genesis was all about color-coded charts.
3. What systems have you played?Not as many as sinker.

Gamma World 3rd and 4th, Marvel FASERIP, Top Secret S.I., Star Wars d6, d20, and Saga, HERO 4th, Mutants & Masterminds 2nd and 3rd, Savage Worlds, Palladium (TMNT and Rifts), ORE (Wild Talents and REIGN), AD&D 2nd, D&D 3, 3.5, and 4, oWOD (Mage/Werewolf/Vampire), Spycraft 1 and 2, Unknown Armies, Burning Empires, Shadowrun 2nd, Serenity, DFRPG. Some homebrew systems as well.
4. What system/s are your favorite?FATE, for bringing tactics to the narrative side of gaming and making Aspects an indispenable part of my group's preferences.
Mutants & Masterminds, for being such a great toolbox without reaching HERO's complexity.
Top Secret S.I., for being my go-to system for action movie games for decades.
ORE, for its "system engineering" of sorts, and its beautiful headshot circuses. In some ways it's an evolution of what I liked about Top Secret SI.
5. Is this your first system?Nope.
6. What caused you to try DFRPG?I had Spirit of the Century based on rpg.net groupthink opinion, I am a Dresden Files and Evil Hat fan, and so when I learned DFRPG was Evil Hat's next iteration/evolution of FATE, I was sold.
7. What is your preference in gaming group size?1 GM, 2-5 players. Probably 4 players is my favorite group size, and allows full niche/role coverage in most systems. Fighter/Wizard/Cleric/Thief and all that.
8. How open are you to gaming with people you don't know or hardly know?I don't reach out for more gamers, but I also try to get over my initial stranger-danger awkwardness when we DO have a new person and try to make them feel welcome. Chances are they're feeling just as or even more uncomfortable than I am. Groups that try to "initiate" the "fresh meat" or whatever die off because they come off as insular pricks.
9. What is your best quality as a player?I'm down for whatever. As a player, I will happily ride your plot railroad and bite your story hooks and jump into those pits with the spikes. I'm not attached to my characters, I'm there to see what happens to them.
10. What is your worst quality as a player?I'm not picky about what we play but I'm picky about GMing style. I look at what the GM is doing and think how I would do it differently. Get too enamored of your "plot", show too much interest in NPCs over PCs, and you'll hit my pet peeves really fast.
11. What is you best quality as a GM?I back the players. I'm on their side, even when I try to "play hard" I'm still rooting for them. And I can usually come up with scenario ideas fairly quickly, so I'm a good pinch-hitter GM if we have a cancellation or something falls through.
12. What is your worst quality as a GM?I often have no idea how LONG something will take, and I'm consistently inconsistent when it comes to gauging how dangerous threats are. I usually end up falling too far on the "pushover" scale.
13. Importance of game balance 1 - 10 (1 being lowest 10 besing highest)8 or 9. Balance doesn't have to mean stats, but I do like to see equal opportunities given to each player.
14. Importance of setting/canon of universe 1 - 10 (1 being lowest 10 besing highest)6 for the genre tropes and basic background of a setting, 1 for already-established plot, people, or events. If I play Star Wars, I want Jedi to use lightsabers, not guns, but I would actually prefer if Luke, Vader, etc. weren't even mentioned. I certainly wouldn't want to interact with them.
15. Custom setting or established setting?Custom "meatloaf" setting, made from easily-recognizable bits pulled from other sources. You lose all the baggage that comes with trying to adhere to "canon" but still have easy-to-grok hooks.
16. During character creation are freedom of powers more important or the character concept and the powers and skills fitting that concept? EDIT: FIXED!?Concept, all the way.
18. Other: anything notable to volunteer that could explain your view of gaming or your posts on here (obviously mood, upbringing and personality has an affect here, but lets not get too personal eh?)Sometimes the rules are there to be broken. Sometimes they're there to protect the players from the GM. Sometimes they're there so you CAN be competitive.
I don't like it when people compare stuff to D&D where, in their argument, D&D is obviously the Wrong Way to do things. D&D is fun, guys. FATE is fun, too. You can love them both.
I like humans with guns more than I like fancy supernatural monsters, I like defiance, grit, and determination winning out more than I like seeing stories about chosen ones and special snowflakes. I believe in More Dakka and Balls Out. I think a character should be more than just the superpowers on their sheet or the list of magic shit they wear.