Author Topic: AP Podcast - City on the River  (Read 18445 times)

Offline Kiero

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Re: AP Podcast - City on the River
« Reply #75 on: January 24, 2012, 12:52:57 AM »
FATE Points are not a central important aspect of the FATE-System?

No, they're only a part of the system. I get rather sick of the "Aspects for everything!!" meme I see bandied about a lot with FATE. If the leading part of the system is Aspects and the FP economy, you have vague, nebulous mush, not recognisable structure. Aspects play a part, but they are not the most important thing and certainly not the only thing as some people seem to believe.

About skills using importants:
Let's J.B. knows she will have to spend some time in the wilderness alone but she doesn't have any survival. She spends a day reading the PAthfinder outdoor guidebook and puts a "read up on the topic" aspect on her and later tags that and invokes her choosen of the ghaleb duwr aspect to reach her obstalce of 4. That shows you exactly how she does it.  You have an in-game reason why she made the roll. Someone with a 4 in survival would have been able to just save those FPs. I don't see the problem there. The imersion is not broken and everyone is happy. Spend FPs generate more story. It's cooler to remember that one time when the red court killed your wife to fuel your strike with anger. To use his limb leg to trick him into your feint and then hit him with The Blade of Love for a loooot of damage rather say, i attack him with my sword.

The rulebook says. Aspects are the most important attribues of your character. It says who your character IS. If you don't base your story around them you are robbing the players of a valueable ressource and of cool.
The ghosts attacked J.B. because someone send them to get her BECAUSE she is the chosen of the earth spirit. This is a compel. Her live got harder because of WHO she is. If she doesn't get a FP for that you are cheating her of a ressource. There are only so much slots for aspect and then to not get rewared for them is bad.
The trouble aspects aren't there for fun, there are there to create trouble for the PCs. If they are not involved in the story then why have them? The story should be about the characters right? Aspects are about characters so use them, they are an excelent tool.

A game without a lot of Fate-points is a more gritty game, at the same time it has a lot less conflict (compels generate conflict and drama and suspense). When you compel a lot you have more drama and the PCs have the ability to shine, to be heros and defend opponents that are bigger than they are. The whole bookseries is about harry getting kicked around a lot so that he can succeed in the end. the game should emulate that and it does perfectly if you use it.

It also takes a lot of work from the GM because he doesn't have to have the whole plot ready. just a startscene and a good idea on how to compel the shit out of the players.

But that is just me coming from a Burning Wheel high and applying a lot of the ideas to this system - mainly to use it as it is written and the tools it gives me to the fullest. I still really enjoy your podcast and in some part i feel terrible for telling you "how you should run your game" - i don't want to do that. I just saw that one of your players had problems and that you generally have a low ammount of fate points and wanted to help with this problem.

We missed some Compels in that session (as well as other things) because we were rusty having had six weeks off. But that doesn't mean we're somehow playing the game "wrong" because we aren't deluging everything with FPs. As above, a game where the economy is high volume will tend towards Aspects being the only thing that matters, and to me that's boring.

FATE is built on three pillars: Aspects, Skills and Stunts/powers. You over-use the first to the detriment of the other two.

Offline Kiero

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Re: AP Podcast - City on the River
« Reply #76 on: February 02, 2012, 04:58:50 PM »
We should be back on tonight, had some player illness preventing us from reconvening.

Offline mremann

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Re: AP Podcast - City on the River
« Reply #77 on: February 05, 2012, 10:55:34 AM »
Hi guys!

I've been hard at work today and both parts of Episode 2 of Die another day are now live!

Offline gantrakk

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Re: AP Podcast - City on the River
« Reply #78 on: February 10, 2012, 10:00:23 PM »
I have been quite enjoying listening to this and reading some of the links on your web page about about the history and myths in Bristol. Funny the realise after living her my whole life how little I know about it. As a personal aside wanting to play some RPGs and not knowing anyone who does can you recommend any places or ways to find them in the Bristol area?

Also I noticed in the Know your enemy arc some confusion with the interaction between the real world and the Nevernever whilst I haven't made sure how it is in the rule book as I understand it from the novels it goes by the aspects of the place so if you open a new portal or open a existing weakness in the same room it should go to the same place since the room should have the same representative connection so so it would indeed be possible to have an ambush waiting on the other side if you can either find it on that side or send them through to wait from that location before hand. Of course if indeed similar aspected places are also close to one another in the Nevernever which they may not be it would make for some interesting nexuses in places like chain restaurants since a burger king is a burger king no matter where in the world it is.

Offline mremann

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Re: AP Podcast - City on the River
« Reply #79 on: February 14, 2012, 07:14:08 PM »
Die Another Day - Episode 3 - Part 1 is now Live  ;D

Offline mremann

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Re: AP Podcast - City on the River
« Reply #80 on: February 15, 2012, 05:05:09 PM »
And now Part 2 of Episode Three of Die Another Day is now live!

Offline computerking

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Re: AP Podcast - City on the River
« Reply #81 on: February 21, 2012, 05:45:11 PM »
Just saw a good couple of stunts for the City on the River character who is involved in Parkour...,21213.msg1323055.html#msg1323055
I'm the ComputerKing, I can Do Anything...
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PS: %^#@ Orbius. This may or may not be relevant to the discussion, but whatever.

Offline mremann

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Re: AP Podcast - City on the River
« Reply #82 on: February 23, 2012, 09:48:53 AM »
Just saw a good couple of stunts for the City on the River character who is involved in Parkour...,21213.msg1323055.html#msg1323055

Thanks for the link  :D

Offline mremann

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Re: AP Podcast - City on the River
« Reply #83 on: March 04, 2012, 02:49:49 PM »
Die Another Day - Episode 4- Part 1 is now live!

Offline mremann

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Re: AP Podcast - City on the River
« Reply #84 on: March 08, 2012, 09:33:18 AM »
Episode 4 – Part 2 of Die Another Day is now live!!!

Offline mremann

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Re: AP Podcast - City on the River
« Reply #85 on: March 15, 2012, 12:54:39 PM »
Episode 5 of Die Another Day is Now Live!!!!!!!!

So that's the end of of season 1!

It's been great so far and the group have enjoyed the story so far, we've had our troubles with the system, but the experience has been very enjoyable. The group is now moving on to a new game and a new project. The podcast of the Dresden Files game has been a real success and so the group has decided to do this as a regular thing. So I am pleased to announce the creation of In Sanity We Trust Productions ! I have transferred all of the podcast archives over to the new site and I will keep the City on the River website as well. Tonight is the Character Creation session for Mass the Effecting, which is going to be run by Chris (Richard), check out the wiki for more information. An AP thread will also be going up as well.

I just want to thank all of our listeners for all of the comments and suggestions that you have given over the past couple of months, you've helped me and the group immensely in making the podcast and the game better. And do not despair, the Dresden Files will be returning in the future.

Thanks you again and I hope that people will enjoy Mass: The Effecting and all of our future projects.

Arran (soon to the most bad ass Krogen in the the Galaxy)
« Last Edit: March 15, 2012, 01:00:05 PM by mremann »

Offline Kiero

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Re: AP Podcast - City on the River
« Reply #86 on: May 02, 2012, 08:31:11 AM »
Just a minor update, the first session of Mass: the Effecting is up, with the second soon to follow for those who don't mind our voices.  :)

For those who prefer to read, rather than listen to their actual play, there's an AAR written from one of the PCs perspectives.