Author Topic: Invoking aspect help  (Read 2793 times)

Offline Arteruss

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Invoking aspect help
« on: April 01, 2012, 02:43:48 PM »
Hey looking for some help for a character i'm working on for whatever reason i just can't seem to wrap my head around invoking aspects. I have his aspects down I think the problem is coming up with Ideas to invoke them. I'm having a brain block or something lol. BTW if you see anything I screwed up plz let me know thanks

Item of power
Description: Thrudstok the Uru mace of Odin
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. To champion Odin’s cause and serve the Aesir. If the wielder is not worthy, Thrudstok returns to Odin.
[-0] It Is What It I:. A weapon 2 mace.
[-0] Unbreakabl:. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
+2 Item of power: Thrudstok channels an infinitesimal portion of Odin’s power to his champion granting the following abilities.
-1 Marked by power:  Erlend is marked as a champion of Odin.
-2 Inhuman Strength: Odin grants his champion a prodigious strength.
-2 Inhuman Toughness: (+2 physical stress and Armor:1) Odin imbues his champion with the ability to shake off many attacks that would wound or slay a mortal otherwise.
+2 The Catch (Fire) Odin’s champion is not immune to mundane and magical fire.
0 All seeing eye of Odin (Cassandra tears): When it behooves Odin to do so he grants his champion the power to pierce the veil of time to see events of the future.
-1 (Mortal stunt) Clever wrestling: You've wrestled against incredibly strong things before and you know how to handle it. When grappling with something with a strength power half their bonus to might and round down.

Thrudstok is powerless once per year during the week long Odinsleep.

High Concept: Champion of Odin the All father

Trouble: I will smite the verily (aka itching for a fight)

Norseman by blood and virtue

My faith tested my faith restored
Invoke: To use his faith in Odin to bolster his willpower

My family will have vengeance

I am worthy of Thrudstok (The mace/scepter of Odin)

Boisterous spirit
Invoke: To carry through the fight with his irrepressible spirit

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Re: Invoking aspect help
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2012, 02:53:31 PM »
First thing's first: A Catch can't be worth the same amount of refresh as the power it affects, so that should be +1, not +2.

I find that a lot of invokes are spur of the moment, and driven by a situation. But off the top of my head,

Champion of Odin the All father could be invoked for social rolls, to give a bonus against someone who'd have reason to defer to Odin, or fear him. Or for knowledge of runes, or other things related.

I will smite the verily (aka itching for a fight): Troubles aren't really something you invoke much--they're, well, more trouble than anything. Though this I could say you might invoke for a bonus when trying to provoke someone.

Norseman by blood and virtue: Knowledge of the Norse (declarations), fighting ability, drinking ability...

My faith tested my faith restored: Invoke for bonuses to Conviction or Discipline when someone gives him reason to doubt (this one's kind of narrow, though)

I am worthy of Thrudstok (The mace/scepter of Odin): I'd say for any rolls relating to the use of the mace.
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Offline Arteruss

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Re: Invoking aspect help
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2012, 03:01:56 PM »
Thanks for the ideas and I'll change the catch

I'll try to rework the Faith tested Faith restored aspect

Offline UmbraLux

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Re: Invoking aspect help
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2012, 03:18:40 PM »
Hey looking for some help for a character i'm working on for whatever reason i just can't seem to wrap my head around invoking aspects. I have his aspects down I think the problem is coming up with Ideas to invoke them. I'm having a brain block or something lol. BTW if you see anything I screwed up plz let me know thanks
Mr D pointed out the issue with your catch - I'll just comment on your aspects. 

First, several of your aspects are too similar.  It's going to give you fewer ways to invoke/compel - and you want both.  Similar aspects include "Champion of Odin the All father", "Norseman by blood and virtue", and "I am worthy of Thrudstok (The mace/scepter of Odin)".  I'd recommend lumping these into your high concept as one aspect.  Something like 'Wielder of Thrudstok and Champion of Odin'.  Norseman can be implied by the relationship with Odin or made explicit somewhere else.  Champion can be implied also - 'I Carry Odin's Mace' implies a lot...

Your trouble is probably too specific - sounds like it only gets you into fights.  As GM, I wouldn't compel very often - I don't generally want to force fights on the PCs.  Much better when that's their choice.  It could of course be self compelled by you...but probably only one or two times a session.  Something related more to why you start fights (anger?  vengeance?  bullying is fun?) would still allow those but also open up other uses outside of combat.

As for using your aspects, tell the history behind them.  You want vengeance for your family - what happened?  How can you extend what happened into a desire to target some class of action?  (Not just a specific person unless your first adventure is about resolving the issue.)  Take Batman as an example - he takes his desire for revenge out on all criminals.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 03:20:29 PM by UmbraLux »
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Re: Invoking aspect help
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2012, 04:16:35 PM »
Thanks for the suggestions I'll definitely work on that

As for the family vengeance thing its like this

In the background I'm working on Erlend Gunderson was born in Norway and grew up on the stories of the Norse gods that his grandfather insisted were all true. He naturally gravitated towards the Asatru religion that his grandfather believed in. When he came of age he became a priest of Asatru. Erlend's wife and son were killed in a car accident. His faith was shaken by their loss. After their funeral he climbed the galdhopiggen Mountains and screamed to the sky for a sign from Odin that his life had not been wasted believing the stories of the Norse gods. A enormous impact struck the mountainside and Thrudstok odins Uru mace was in a crater not twenty feet from where he knelt. When he touched Thrudstok power flowed through him and he was given a terrible vision of his family being forced off the road by a were-wolf. He swore an oath to strike down the beast named Skoll or die trying. He was then instructed in the use of runic magic to find the beast and the Cult of Fenrir.  A group of Were-wolves that Skoll lead. He has been hunting them ever since.

Its a work in progress still hammering some of the details out

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Re: Invoking aspect help
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2012, 04:49:51 PM »
As for his trouble I didn't mean make that sound like he has got anger management issues or is a bully I wanted that to represent his eagerness to test his mettle against a worthy foe or to protect his friend or an innocent. I should probably reword that.

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Re: Invoking aspect help
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2012, 04:55:00 PM »
As for his trouble I didn't mean make that sound like he has got anger management issues or is a bully I wanted that to represent his eagerness to test his mettle against a worthy foe or to protect his friend or an innocent. I should probably reword that.
Just remember, it is a trouble.  "Quick to Anger" is a pretty good trouble (Doesn't one of Harry's write ups use something similar?) 

Point is, don't water your trouble down to where it doesn't affect you any more - to being less than troublesome.  Ideally, your trouble is your best source of fate points from compels.
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Offline Arteruss

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Re: Invoking aspect help
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2012, 05:00:08 PM »
Thanks for the help I really appreciate it. This is only my second character write up I haven't even started playing this game yet lol. But so far it looks amazing.