So I was thinking about a proto-wizard, completely untrained with no magical powers, and realized that just using aspects could make a pretty cool magical character. i.e.
Name: 12 year old Dresden
Template: Pure Mortal?

(the +2 refresh is questionable)
High Concept: Council level magical talent, ZERO training
Skills: Lets just say everything at average +1 for sake of argument
Stunts/Powers: NONE
Refresh: 2 (4???) Hydrophobic
Now we have a character who for the low price of 1 fate point, can tag or invoke for affect his high concept for nearly anything. So he wants to win the middle school long jump, throw down a fate point, roll athletics +3. He wants to set the building on fire, throw down a fate point, invoke for effect. He wants another fate point, his power goes crazy and something bad happens.
If the bonus from lawbreaker stunts can stack with the +2 from tagging the high concept, we can build a frightening junior warlock like this too.
Name: Billy D. Warlock
High Concept: Talented Warlock with ZERO training
Aspect: Naturally manipulative and intimidating
Skills: good rapport and intimidation +3
Powers: Lawbreaker Third (twice) -2
Refresh: 0 (Hydrophobic)
Say billy wants to make you do something. He self compels his high concept to use black magic, and banks a fate point. He makes a social attack with rapport or intimidation, spends his fate point to tag his high concept, and gets another +2 from Lawbreaker Third (is it Kosher to use mental magic for social attacks?). This gives him a +7 social attack! Say he had another fate point saved up to use. He can tag his manipulative aspect and bring his social attack to +9! Throw down a black magic fueled social maneuver, and Billy can pretty easily pull of some +11 mindbending! That's enough to give a submerged warden nightmares.