Has anyone worked up something that is useful against players who have become a little too complacent with their wards?
One other comment on wards in particular - it's really not that difficult to bypass or destroy them. In some ways it's easier than creating them. The only real limitation is time. It fits when you apply security principles, but that's a discussion for another time*.
Using a simple ward as an example, say something like this:
- 16 shift ward consisting of:
- Ward 8 (8 shifts)
- duration of a year (8 shifts)
- shifts received from the following sources:
- 5 - Lore
- 1 - Wards Complexity specialization
- 2 - Barrier Runes Scribed on Exterior Walls
- 2 - Wardstones Placed at Foundation Corners
- 2 - Ceremonial Circle...used to summon power
- 2 - Alternating White and Black Candles...used to summon power
- 2 - Mentally Focused...used to summon power
The bold aspects should be easy to discover via assessments. All should be discoverable, those are simply viewable whether or not you can assess the wards themselves. Those aspects can be used by the discoverer, invoked for bonuses to attacking / dispelling the ward or, if the situation warrants it, compelled / invoked for effect to destroy or change those aspects - reducing the ward's power. The attacker can use his own declarations / maneuvers on more aspects as well - or simply tag all of the ward creator's aspects he was able to assess. Or both. The only real limitation is time - except for extremely powerful evokers (or some sponsored mages), this will be at thaumaturgy's speeds.
All a ward really does against serious attackers is slow them down and allow the inhabitants time to respond. Of course that's all a bank vault does also...which is why you want ward candles (alarm systems) and friends (police) ready to respond.
*In brief: security relies on three things: detecting threats, stopping or slowing threats, and responding effectively to said threat before your stop/slow defense was penetrated.