Author Topic: An Emmissary of the Erlking  (Read 5852 times)

Offline Apollishar

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Re: An Emmissary of the Erlking
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2012, 05:56:51 PM »
@Mister Death
Unless I missed something, I used all 30 Skill points

I had seen that, and would've just went with it, but I was trying to avoid magic. Thanks though

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: An Emmissary of the Erlking
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2012, 06:03:35 PM »
You need to have 2 Fair skills in order to have 2 Good skills.

There's an Erlking Sponsored Magic on the Sponsored Magic list, but I suppose you wouldn't be interested in that.

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Re: An Emmissary of the Erlking
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2012, 06:05:12 PM »
@Mister Death
Unless I missed something, I used all 30 Skill points

You did. He's referring to the required structure for skills. Each skill must have a skill beneath it, so if you have two skills at good (as you do) then you must have two skills at fair (which you do not have).

Ninja-ed by sancta, but I still thought I'd clarify.

Offline Apollishar

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Re: An Emmissary of the Erlking
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2012, 06:13:34 PM »
Neurion (Emissary of Power) – Chest Deep
High Aspect: The Hunter's Blade
Trouble: Rookie Emissary
Other Aspects: Tracker of Beasts-Born in Aztec lands, Coatl grew up learning to be a hunter and warrior. As he got into his late teens, he began gaining more experience. His home life was nothing special among his town. His father had the same profession, and taught Coatl all that he knew.
A Warrior Ascended - After a particularly brutal battle, coatl became one of the famed Jaguar warriors. To do this, one had to capture four enemies for sacrifice over his career. coatl accomplished three times that in a single battle. Becoming a stalker of the night, he recieved better training and skills.
Touched by the Hunt - while on a journey to capture a sacrifice for the gods, coatl became overcome by the urge to hunt harder than he ever had before. Surrounded by hunters of different races, different beings entirely, coatl didn't question. He just hunted. following the horde, he found himself in a strange land. Little did he know that he had followed the wild hunt into the Nevernever. The year was 1520.
Forged in the Wilds - Coatl became a retainer of the Erlking, a low ranking hunter. While he had been a master in the mortal realms, the underlings of the Erlking showed him the ways of a true hunter. He continued following the Erlking, hunting for pleasure, and forsaking his old ways. He had a new god to follow. The god of the hunt. After many years and many hunts, there became one where even the mighty Erlking, Peer of the Queens, couldn't follow. Back to the mortal realm, and back to the home of Coatl. The Erlking, bound by honor to see the hunt finished, spent little time pondering how to continue. After a brief deliberation, The Erlking decided to create an Emissary, much like the Knights of the Summer and Winter courts. One to hunt in his name in the mortal realm. This is how Coatl was bestowed with the name Neurion(successor).
Hunter for Hire - In his new capacity as the Huntsman of the Mortal Realm, Neurion began hunting any manner of mundane beasts, keeping himself as practiced as possible. As he had to provide for himself, and to be able to gain information, he started his own profession. He became a bounty hunter of the Supernatural Realm, operating out of an office in Atlanta, Georgia. His most exciting hunt thus far was when he had been hired to help Hunt the traitor Donald Morgan. Had the Queen of Summer not intervened, he would've surely aided in capturing the man.

Physical: OOOO
Social: OO
Mental: OOO

• Superb (+5): Stealth, Survival
• Great (+4): Weapons, Athletics
• Good (+3): Alertness, Endurance
• Fair (+2): Contacts, Intimidation
• Average (+1): Conviction, Might

SuperNatural Powers:
Supernatural Recovery. Catch:Cold Iron
Item of Power- The Hunter's Spear. -
It is what it is- A spear. Stick them with the pointy end. Weapon: 2
One Time Discount- It's a spear. +2
Must- Have to be considered a hunter by the Erlking to wield it.
Powers- Inhuman Speed -2
Marked By Power -1
Cloak of Shadows -1
Strange Senses- Fear, Electroreception, and Tracker's Boon (Tracker's Boon- Whenever a person is wounded by the Spear and/or Marked for hunting by the Erlking himself ( Like Dresden), their foot prints seem to glow in the sight of the wielder.) -2

Adjusted Refresh: 1


Alright. Fixed. I must've forgot that page when I was skimming through the skill rules. Thanks for the catch.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: An Emmissary of the Erlking
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2012, 06:34:52 PM »
A weapon rating of 3 would probably be appropriate for an IoP spear.

Offline Apollishar

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Re: An Emmissary of the Erlking
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2012, 06:36:41 PM »
Alright. I'll correct that too. Are there any other gaping flaws that I missed, if it isn't clear enough that this is my first character.