Author Topic: discribing going in to laber  (Read 3044 times)


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discribing going in to laber
« on: March 24, 2012, 06:27:44 PM »
right so i have a pregnet charictor who is about to go in to laber in an orqued place/situation
that is very inconvenet as they are on the run from one of my bad guys
i would like to do the seen from her prospective if i can but need to know what dose it feel to go in to laber
whats the first thing you notic ect

so i ask please can any one help me

also if anyone who has watched people go in to laber what your reactions where would also help

thanks you

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Re: discribing going in to laber
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2012, 08:22:43 PM »
right so i have a pregnet charictor who is about to go in to laber in an orqued place/situation
that is very inconvenet as they are on the run from one of my bad guys
i would like to do the seen from her prospective if i can but need to know what dose it feel to go in to laber
whats the first thing you notic ect

so i ask please can any one help me

also if anyone who has watched people go in to laber what your reactions where would also help

thanks you

I can only describe it from the outside, having watched my wife go through it a few times, but the biggest feeling that came to her with labor was doubt. "Is this real labor? Is it more Braxton-Hicks? How long between contractions?" The exception is if the water breaks, which means that there is a fairly limited amount of time before the baby needs to come out. Like a day or maybe two. That never happened with my wife though and the water breaking is fairly unlikely overall. Even when labor starts, there is time and a cool headed woman can handle things, but if you are talking about an action sequence, she won't be taking part. At 9 months with the baby dropped, most women can walk well enough, but running is out of the question.

According to my wife, contractions felt like intense tightening of the muscles around her back leading to pain in her abdomen and thighs. Even by our third child, she'd have to take time thinking about whether the contractions were real contractions or false ones, like Braxton Hicks contractions. It isn't until they are fairly regular, consistent through changes in posture or position, and intensifying over time that labor is really started. From there, it can be a few hours to a couple of days before delivery.

There is one thing to consider though. Adrenaline, the fight or flight hormone, generally slows or stops labor. Humans are adapted to living in some fairly harsh conditions in our history. The bodies of women react to danger by letting them get away in all but the worst states of delivery, so the danger of your big bad may actually stave off the labor.
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Re: discribing going in to laber
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2012, 08:31:10 PM »
thank you that is realy help full

oh she is not needing to run any where but is in a persision where no one would be able to help her if she went in to laber and surounded my mostly little kids and teens or people who have no knolage of human anatermy or pregnecy
she is also not in an area near a hospiatle and even if she went to a hospital it would do her no good as they are safe in hidding but if they leave here hidding place then they will be discovered and most likly killed or captured nether of witch would be good

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Re: discribing going in to laber
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2012, 10:24:29 PM »
You might also look into ways of delaying labor.


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Re: discribing going in to laber
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2012, 05:55:51 AM »
hum know of any
it wont work for the plot snow sorry but good idea thanks


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Re: discribing going in to laber
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2012, 01:27:48 PM »
okay thanks i got the seen ritton, um next question also related in a small town hospital deeling with an unexspected pregnency of some one they don't know, who has just gone in to laber, what would they do.
this is happerning in england in a NHS run hospital.

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Re: discribing going in to laber
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2012, 03:06:33 AM »
As far as delaying labor, IF they are in a hospital there are drugs that can be used to delay it.  I dont know specifics about how long and how dangerous they might be.  I have only personally ever heard of this being done to delay till the father could get there.  As to what a small town hospital would do if an unexpected woman came in and was in labor, they would deliver the baby.  Not really any other choices here for them.
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Re: discribing going in to laber
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2012, 02:39:13 PM »
she is in laber the farther and the others mines two are getting out of there to lead my bad guys away from my charictor giving birth
deliver the baby right anhy other posigers they might have to do e.g. would they ask for back ground as to what she is doing here/ where she came from
what about the two people with her (both under 15)
who is she or will that wait till after the birth?
what would the waiting time be?

Offline meg_evonne

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Re: discribing going in to laber
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2012, 05:31:11 PM »
Well, to be honest... It felt like I really needed to sh** and it wasn't working... Not sure how you put that into an acceptable context though. :-)  Also I had someone describe it during Lamaze classes that it was like having someone give you an indian rope burn around your middle--starts manageable then gets intense. You are looking at six hours minimum though unless you have her being uncomfortable for several hours prior to the chase scene, which is completely logical. It might feel like a backache that won't stop, or a brief halt in step to say, "What the heck is going on?" while she rests her hands atop that wonderful bulge. 

As to intense labor, or what they call 'TRANSITION' and YES, I CAPITOLIZED it. This happens before the urge to push gets on you. During transition, you can forget running, you can forget fighting, you can forget everything and you'd better have great lieutenant there to protect her. She'd need to get off the radar until after the birth. Even animals go to ground. It's so damn instinctive, and you can't deny that kind of mother nature order.
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Re: discribing going in to laber
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2012, 06:23:05 PM »
got her out of the fight and to a hospital with two people to protect her and the rest are leading a trail away from her to protect her just getting the hospital deatails, i think the (twins) will end up being born before they reach the hospital
(i never said they where running just that they couldent be found and that there where people looking for them that would kill them if they found them and that no one knoe how to deliver a baby where she was at the time
(a park in a small britishtown witch is about the last palce they would look for some one thye last thought was in america, actualy its the last place any one would look for anything its perfectly unintresting for my perpess and has a convinent little hospital i can cours caose in)

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Re: discribing going in to laber
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2012, 02:15:47 AM »
I know that sometimes when the water breaks the woman knows what it is.  Other times she is embarrassed thinking she peed her pants and doesn't realize there's anything wrong.

Also if the amniotic fluid is green, that's a sign the baby pooped.  Normally not a problem unless he/she pooped like right before being born. In that case if the baby breathed in the myconium (first poop really sticky) it can coat their lungs and make them unable to breath.

Also for like a couple hours before giving birth my wife would go into a cleaning frenzy.  The nesting instinct they called it.  There she was nine months pregnent and trying to move the dryer so she could clean the dust around it.

The Deposed King

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Re: discribing going in to laber
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2012, 03:50:37 PM »
lol thanks thats useful to know hum how can i put that in the book
oh i got the adrenilin thing in witch was realy useful whoever posted that sugestion thanks
(sorry forgot your name)  ;D

Offline synobal

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Re: discribing going in to laber
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2012, 10:11:59 PM »
From my prespective I can describe it as



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Re: discribing going in to laber
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2012, 07:46:35 AM »
hum lol but not realy helpful from my pospective
but thanks for trying to help

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Re: discribing going in to laber
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2012, 02:08:13 AM »
lol thanks thats useful to know hum how can i put that in the book
oh i got the adrenilin thing in witch was realy useful whoever posted that sugestion thanks
(sorry forgot your name)  ;D

I figured two of the three can be of some comedic value.

If she's hiding out with a bunch of teens.  The oops I peed myself embarrassment could play well.  I think the peed myself thing could play even if she's all alone.  Even if she quickly realizes what it really signifies.

Then the whole cleaning frenzy.  Imagine a bunch of kids watching helplessly as the nine month pregnant woman starts cleaning everything, blaming them for not helping her and then pushing them out of the way 'because they're doing it wrong' once they've been brow beaten into helping.

All they can do is stand by helplessly and protest she's going to hurt herself or the baby.  (this nesting suggestion sticks close to my actual experience with the first one, only no teens involved hehehe)

The Deposed King

Proverbs 22:7, "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave of the lender"

The Deposed King (a member of baen's bar)