Author Topic: Scion of Tesla  (Read 2597 times)

Offline Wirenut

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Scion of Tesla
« on: April 14, 2012, 07:20:01 PM »
Everyone keeps telling me that an Electrimancer won't work because of the hex unless I use sponsored magic. What if my character was a scion of Tesla The Wizard of Menlo Park? Tesla still has enough followers that he may have gained some sort of godhood maybe. Would a cult following be considered worshippers for Tesla?

Offline Tallyrand

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Re: Scion of Tesla
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2012, 08:25:39 PM »
Personally if I was going for something like that I would do it in one of two ways.  One thought is I would use sponsored magic, for my personal story flavor I would say that I have the same sponsor Tesla did but using Tesla as your sponsor works too.  Another option would be to talk to the players at your table an take a +0 Power (I'd be tempted to call it Merlinian Magic) which would in effect invert the Tech Hexing, make it so simple machines around you are subject to the murphyonic effect while the high tech would generally be fine.

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Scion of Tesla
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2012, 08:26:29 PM »
The means of achieving godhood are never truly defined in the novels and certainly not in the rpg.  'Sufficient worshipers' might be one factor, or they might be entirely irrelevant.

Regardless, you could just go with the precedent of Kemmler and say not that Tesla became a god(ling) and is now sponsoring your magic, but that he discovered some impersonal source that sponsored HIS magic, and that you discovered some of his resultant teachings.
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Offline Apollishar

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Re: Scion of Tesla
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2012, 08:46:56 PM »
On a separate note, Edison was the Wizard of Menlo Park. But, Tesla was so much cooler.

Now, you could say that Tesla wasn't human. I believe we have a WoJ that says that nonhuman spellcasters won't effect electronics. So, Tesla could sponsor your magic that way

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Re: Scion of Tesla
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2012, 08:56:01 PM »
Make it like the Faerie Courts.

The Court of Tesla vs. the Court of Edison. Epic electric battles will ensue.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Scion of Tesla
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2012, 08:01:44 AM »
I don't see why you couldn't just remove the accidental hexing from your spellcasting. It shouldn't cost anything.

Offline Wirenut

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Re: Scion of Tesla
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2012, 08:00:33 PM »
I like the idea that Tesla was was a non-human wizard. That would explain how he would still be alive to sponsor my character

Offline Nyarlathotep5150

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Re: Scion of Tesla
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2012, 07:48:52 AM »
Tesla, the Wizard of Colorado Springs.

Actually, the novels (and the comic book prequel "Welcome to the Jungle", which was also written by Butcher) make it out that the Ascension ritual to become a god (ala the Dark Hallow) is a pretty huge deal, requiring a massive amount of sacrifice and absorption of mystical energy to knock yourself up into that tier of power. People worshiping you isn't enough.
  There are lots of Cults to demons and Wizards, but they wont make that creature a god.

Personally, I'd go with a Scion of Hephaestus, since he's basically the god of technology (You could even say that Tesla was just a guise of Hephaestus, since Changes pretty heavily implies that a lot of the old god are just slumming around Earth), by its very nature, Hephaestian Sponsored Magic would amount to, "If it was made by man, its my bitch."