In effect making it a supplemental action to gain a +1 to your defensive roll by taking cover. I kind of like that.

Until I took a different point of view and decided that invoking/compelling the aspect constitutes that particular bit of luck when the shot hits the cover, or you just happen to duck down behind the cover at the right time.
But I saw this here and wanted to riff on this a bit, too. You could simply assume that some measure of cover is the default, thus leaving truly hard cover or full concealment to Aspects. I know I don't map out my zones with the level of detail of, say, a Gears of War map. If you look at combat from a POV that assumes that "normal" cover is rolled up into your standard Athletics defense, then there's not really a problem with the by-the-book maneuvers and blocks.
But then I came back to the "supplemental action to take cover" idea, and I think I might try something like this:
Taking Cover:Taking cover is a supplemental action. Like any supplemental action, it imposes a -1 penalty on your primary action for the exchange*. In return, you gain a +1 bonus to all defense rolls until your next action. The GM may require the presence of an appropriate Aspect before you can take cover**.
* Because you're popping up quickly to return fire instead of taking measured shots. Or because knife-fighting over a waist-high wall is cumbersome. Or because you're crouched in an awkward position while trying to dig out that potion.
** I don't think it'd be necessary to
invoke an appropriate Aspect - after all, at that point you're back to using the normal rules. But I'd let you take cover as long as an Aspect was simply on the scene, like "Dark Shadows" or "Waist-High Walls" or "Toppled Bookshelves".
Making this a supplemental action stops a player from using their supplemental action to move, which makes sense to me. One precludes the other nicely without requiring special cases. Given equal skill levels, it does skew combat towards a stalemate, since incoming attacks will hit less often while outgoing attacks... will still hit less often. Hmm.
Writing that made me realize I'll probably just stick with the "normal combat assumes a normal amount of cover" and not worry about it.

But it's there to pick apart if it could help your own games.