Author Topic: Different Contests/Conflicts.  (Read 1396 times)

Offline Randall Laine

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Different Contests/Conflicts.
« on: March 21, 2012, 01:06:07 AM »
New Dungeon game master type person. Recently discovered the website first time posting. Had a breif look through the topic list and tried searching for more on this topic. But was wondering if anyone has came up with or if there are. Other kinds of ingame contests. The example in my (possibly outdated book) Is the race (first person to reach certain amount of shifts) And the cat and mouse one. And of course the standard highest roll wins. Then the book goes into detail about combat and social and mental conflicts.

I'm wondering if theres other types of contests mainly. Theres a few situations that are likely to come up which are probably going to be either a race or a cat and mouse. However whilst I can get a lot out of those two alone. I'm wondering about my options. If theres a topic on this already feel free to link away.

Offline UmbraLux

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Re: Different Contests/Conflicts.
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2012, 02:48:33 AM »
I'm wondering if theres other types of contests mainly. Theres a few situations that are likely to come up which are probably going to be either a race or a cat and mouse. However whilst I can get a lot out of those two alone. I'm wondering about my options. If theres a topic on this already feel free to link away.
There are, more in blogs and forums than directly from the book I think. 

You can anthropomorphize almost anything - particularly when abstracted to game mechanics.  Take the "FATE fractal" concept as an example.  Characters have four defining things: aspects, skills, powers/stunts, and stress tracks.  Other items in the game often have one or more of the same 'defining things'.  Cities have aspects, so do scenes and even adventures.  A chase may be abstracted to a stress track, a hazard (such as fire) may have all or nearly all of a character's defining attributes.  I build organizations with aspects and, when under direct attack by the PCs, a stress track.  They'll even have a few skills such as Resources or Contacts.  You could easily extend that to armies or even nations should you want a campaign built around war between states. 

In short, if you can state it as a character-like entity, you can use it in a contest with game mechanics.

Edit:  A few links...the Core of FATE Core discusses the basics of FATE and introduces the fractal while Stress Consequences and the Fractal takes a deeper dive into stress and consequences.  It's On Fire talks about extending the character concept to hazards instead of just using an aspect and a group on discussed representing a wilderness obstacle as a character.  I'm sure there are other links...(in)distictly remember a few discussions touching on the subject in these forums.  Afraid I don't have links though.   :-[
« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 03:03:57 AM by UmbraLux »
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