I get the impression that this power is more one-sided than a standard soulgaze?
This type of power is incredibly hard to model in, say, a point-based game like HERO or Mutants & Masterminds, because it conflates:
Omniscience (in this case, about the target's sins) - which blends elements of psychometry, telepathy, aura detection, divine judgement
Mental Illusions - projecting an image tailored to the information gained
Psychic Attack - sudden shame/guilt/acknowledgement of the sins/evil/etc.
In DFRPG, though, I think we can benefit from a more forgiving approach, focusing less on HOW it gets done, and reasoning from effect.
If the point of this power is to Take Out a sinner, is it something that would be modeled as an ongoing conflict? Incite Emotion, perhaps.
Is it just an automatic thing that eventually works, no matter who is the target?
Is this best done as a finishing blow? Perhaps Invoke an Aspect like "I See Your Sins" to bolster a Take Out attempt.
Is this a way to discover information to be used as leverage in a Conflict? Perhaps a more costly Soulgaze makes more sense: -1 for range, -1 or -2 for it to be one-way only.