Oh, it'd definitely be Lawbreaker. Necromancy of the highest degree
But for all the Kemmler-fans, we need a "get-out-of-death-without-becoming-a-rotting-corpse" card.
Yeah, I suppose this version would be one you'd keep on you, now that I think of it. Might defeat the purpose of it, really.
At a distance, you'd still have the risk that someone destroyed it without your knowledge, but that makes for a cr***y story if it belong to a PC and only slightly exciting if it belongs to an NPC.
I am the GM, so no worries there. I'd never use it as a player myself, because honestly, there's too many interesting powers I'd love to try out if I ever get to be a player in DFRPG that I couldn't spare the refresh
I mostly think of these things to try and work out any kinks before a player comes up with a sufficiently awesome concept that I
have to allow it.
Still, would this item work (in your opinion)?
2-3 Refresh would make it available in even Feet in the Water games, which I'd be hesitant to allow.
P.S. The reason I thought of it was because I watched the TV-series of "Neverwhere" (never had the opportunity to read it, unforunately) recently, where the Maquis let himself be killed, so that he could pump his captors for information first and then return with the info he needed afterwards.
Seemed like something DFRPG should be able to do (though I suppose it could be a really odd concession).