List of things character aspects should cover:
- Anything important to the Character
It's really rather difficult to list aspect 'groupings' as they could be literally anything. Basically an aspect should link to something; events, people, objects or ideas, that helped shape the person that the character became. These shouldn't be something transitory or mundane, but something that is critical to the person that they are, that if changed would literally shake the character's world to the core. As an example Harry has the aspect of
"My Mother's Silver Pentacle", which to most people is just a nice trinket, it isn't itself magical or even particularly unique, but what it represents is important enough to Harry that it's loss or destruction would probably be a hefty blow.
I'd be hesitant to apply any constraints to character aspect choice such as 'you must have a "social aspect"' etc. as in many cases character concepts might not have room for such constraints.
I know this wasn't really what you were looking for, but I think that attempting to codify "types" of aspect is somewhat of a waste of time. Particular aspects can, and often do apply in innumerable situations, and an aspect that might on the surface apply stringently to a particular situation, can, in the hands of an imaginative player be used far outside that arena. The trick, as I believe YS states, is to be flavorful and descriptive.
Your character isn't just
"Strong as an Ox", he's got the
"Strength of an Olympian Demigod", suddenly a purely physical aspect can be applied to a myriad of situations applicable to History, Religion, Mystical/Mythical Knowledge, or even excessive drinking ("Yeah I used to go partying with Dionysius...This ain't nothing.").