Author Topic: Item Of Power help: Phoenix resurrection?  (Read 4326 times)

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Item Of Power help: Phoenix resurrection?
« on: February 27, 2012, 09:25:10 PM »
So, I'm planning to put in my game an Item of Power based on the Phoenix, which will come with Mythic Recovery and the catch/condition that the healing will only apply when the wounds and body are bathed in fire.

I figure this Catch is probably worth the +5, since rather than something specific that bypasses the healing, it's something very specific that has to be done to start the healing. The Item of Power would probably reduce the catch to +4 or +3, with its own discount.

The main thing complicating this is one of the potential characters to end up with it has Inhuman Toughness powers and holy stuff (she's a demon scion) as the catch (+1 for her, +2 going by examples in the books).

So, I'm curious as to how I should model this. Do I keep the catches priced separately? Remove the +1 Catch on the Toughness power and keep the Recovery catch+IoP discount at +5, resulting in a total -2 refresh cost for taking the item? Or lump the Toughness and Recovery 'together' so that the Recovery catch's discount applies to both (making taking the IoP cost a net -1)?
« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 10:46:51 PM by Mr. Death »
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Re: Item Of Power + Catch
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2012, 09:34:55 PM »
A "Catch" is what doesn't heal (or protect).  So if they can heal any wound by applying fire to it, it's +0.  As for combining two catches, you only gain the refresh benefit from the higher of the two.
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Re: Item Of Power + Catch
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2012, 09:42:45 PM »
A "Catch" is what doesn't heal (or protect).  So if they can heal any wound by applying fire to it, it's +0.
I feel like there should be some mechanical benefit to only being able to heal in very specific (and somewhat counterintuitive) circumstances, though.

And adding a feeding dependency on fire won't work, because the character's already got that for her demony scion powers.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 09:44:56 PM by Mr. Death »
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Re: Item Of Power + Catch
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2012, 09:54:35 PM »
Maybe you could attach the Mythic Recovery to Human Form, with the change only allowed when bathed in fire?  (Note that I wouldn't allow for the extra bonus +1 from rare/involuntary because the conditions are fairly easy to come by.)

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Re: Item Of Power + Catch
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2012, 10:01:27 PM »
Edit: curse you, Becq, you were faster  ;D

The problem is, that it will heal everything, so there is essentially no catch. If you put a catch like "water and ice" on it, then it would heal everything except damage from water and ice. You could make "water and ice" the catch, it fits thematically for a phoenix type recovery item. You could add a +1 for the fact that you need fire to activate it.

Maybe like this:
Phoenix amulet (Item of Power) [-1]
 Discount [+1]
 Human Form (needs fire to activate) [+1]
  Mystic Recovery [-6]
   the Catch (water and ice) [+3] (maybe more, but that wouldn't reduce the IoP cost)
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Re: Item Of Power + Catch
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2012, 10:11:58 PM »
Becq just lucky, I guess!

Note that you do lose a fairly substantial part of the benefits of Mythic Recovery, since you won't get to clear away three minor consequences per scene.  I'm assuming, of course, that the power requires more than setting your clothes on fire at the beginning of each combat scene and that the character does not otherwise routinely fight while his body is bathed in flame.  (If your city is name "Kalauea Crater", then your mileage might vary.)

So perhaps another option would be to create a new power that strips that benefit out of the equation.  Perhaps that is worth -2 refresh?  So the remaining benefit would go for -4 refresh, possibly with a Human Form-style attachment to reflect that in only works under certain (fairly simple to produce, but occasionally troublesome) conditions.

That said, reducing it's cost as low as -3 seems a bit overly-generous.

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Re: Item Of Power + Catch
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2012, 10:27:34 PM »
Note that you do lose a fairly substantial part of the benefits of Mythic Recovery, since you won't get to clear away three minor consequences per scene.  I'm assuming, of course, that the power requires more than setting your clothes on fire at the beginning of each combat scene and that the character does not otherwise routinely fight while his body is bathed in flame.  (If your city is name "Kalauea Crater", then your mileage might vary.)

I agree on the fact that simply setting yourself on fire for each fight is kind of silly. But it would be a great scene, if an enemy wizard starts throwing fireballs and effectively heals the character with it. In that case you could put the involuntary change aspect in, saying that it either has to be fire from someone else, or it has to be outside of a conflict. Though again, from a mechanical standpoint it is moot, unless you want to invent "total recovery" or something, since you already have more than enough discount powers.
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Re: Item Of Power + Catch
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2012, 10:33:56 PM »
Well, I was originally thinking that the amount of fire needed would scale with the severity of the Consequence. A minor consequence would, yes, be taken care of by incidental flame to the afflicted area, Moderate would take longer, more intense contact, and Severe (or just plain Death) would require total immolation.

Though thinking about it now, a better way to do it might be to use that Immortality custom power I remember seeing on the Custom Powers list, and link it to being immolated, plus Inhuman Recovery attached to the incidental flame (with the potential to trade in for higher recovery powers later on).

Though looking at that power now, it doesn't quite fit what I had in mind. Hm. Maybe just a custom homebrewed power would be in order?
« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 10:40:29 PM by Mr. Death »
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Re: Item Of Power help: Phoenix resurrection?
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2012, 11:12:47 PM »
Ok, if I see this correct, you want the "Really amazingly fast recovery" part of Mystic Recovery, without the rest of the power, and it should work when you are engulfing yourself in fire as a part of healing yourself after a fight, not during a fight.

Then let's just do that. Let's take "Really amazingly fast recovery" as a -4 power. It allows you to enter every fight without any physical consequences, but you can't heal yourself during a fight, so I think it is priced fair like that. Now to the discounts. For an amulet, which is probably the best form for an item like that it would be +1. Human form to represent the fact that you need fire to activate it is another +1. Since you want it to heal everything, there will be no catch, which is +0. You can still be killed, but it has to be done in one conflict, or your enemy has to make sure you can't immolate yourself. This would be a -2 total, which is still pretty great for the benefit.

The holy catch would still apply of course (along with the discount), but you would be able to heal yourself from it with the phoenix power. It makes sense, since the phoenix doesn't really have anything to do with holy stuff.
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Re: Item Of Power help: Phoenix resurrection?
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2012, 11:41:21 PM »
Ok, if I see this correct, you want the "Really amazingly fast recovery" part of Mystic Recovery, without the rest of the power, and it should work when you are engulfing yourself in fire as a part of healing yourself after a fight, not during a fight.

Then let's just do that. Let's take "Really amazingly fast recovery" as a -4 power. It allows you to enter every fight without any physical consequences, but you can't heal yourself during a fight, so I think it is priced fair like that. Now to the discounts. For an amulet, which is probably the best form for an item like that it would be +1. Human form to represent the fact that you need fire to activate it is another +1. Since you want it to heal everything, there will be no catch, which is +0. You can still be killed, but it has to be done in one conflict, or your enemy has to make sure you can't immolate yourself. This would be a -2 total, which is still pretty great for the benefit.

The holy catch would still apply of course (along with the discount), but you would be able to heal yourself from it with the phoenix power. It makes sense, since the phoenix doesn't really have anything to do with holy stuff.
Oh, that sounds really good, yeah. I'm thinking of having it as an aspect that it can't be direct magical fire (i.e., Fuego wouldn't heal, but sitting on a bonfire started by Fuego would) that does it, partly because the party's got a wizard in it, which would mean insta-healing every fight; making the character (or the surviving party members) have to actually put together fuel for the fire would let consequences keep their bite a bit longer.

Thanks!  :)
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Re: Item Of Power help: Phoenix resurrection?
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2012, 01:36:31 AM »
Which brings up a point.  By default, nothing of what has been discussed here grants any form of resistance to fire.  So technically, the player will be racking up cosnequences far faster than he heals them.

Ways to deal with this include:
1) adding in a physical immunity to fire, whether it works against non-magical fire only or possibly only "non-attack" fire (these options would be comprehensive but would cost some refresh)
2) hand-waving on the subject, and just let the player set up a "special effects" fire that lets him heal but doesn't burn him

As GM, you can opt for whatever, though I'd be careful NOT to let the player get "free" immunity to (for example) flamethrowers or aggressively-wielded welding torches just because of the power.

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Re: Item Of Power help: Phoenix resurrection?
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2012, 01:42:12 AM »
I'd probably just handwave it. Since it is meant to be an effect outside of a conflict and not an on the spot healing, it should be fine. It is more of a "cool effect" part that really doesn't need a mechanics attached to it.

Of course this could create an interesting scene: The character closely escaped a collapsing building, which then starts to burn, and he is badly injured. There is someone left in the house, so he gets up, walks into the fire and heals while he rescues the other one. And I would probably still be ok, because in my eyes something like this is just an awesome scene.
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Re: Item Of Power help: Phoenix resurrection?
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2012, 01:45:01 AM »
Yeah, the plan was just to handwave it. A guideline would probably be that in order for fire to heal you, there must be something to heal. Plus, I figure to heal anything beyond a mild consequence, you'd need considerable sustained fire, so being whacked with a torch or hit with a flamethrower would still cause consequences.

Which I suppose leaves the potential of someone flamethrowering the bearer to death, then keep flamethrowering them until they come out the other side fresh and ready to go.
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Re: Item Of Power help: Phoenix resurrection?
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2012, 01:48:52 AM »
Which I suppose leaves the potential of someone flamethrowering the bearer to death, then keep flamethrowering them until they come out the other side fresh and ready to go.
Which is a pretty good description of a phoenix I think ;)
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Re: Item Of Power help: Phoenix resurrection?
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2012, 02:05:22 AM »
Just put a 'friendliness' clause in there.  A fire that the character or an ally sets in order to provide healing is 'friendly fire'.  Attacks (even those by allies) is 'unfriendly fire', despite terminology to the contrary.  I'd probably also classify any hostile maneuver-based fires as unfriendly (otherwise the character would gain immunity to certain maneuvers for free), and I'd probably allow the character to invoke his aspect to treat random environmental fire as 'friendly'.  Or something like that.