SpiderkinA humanoid race of sapient creatures, living mostly feral in caves and tunnels, the spiderkin rarely venture off on their own, preferring to live in the safety of their Homes with their extremely large families. They are hemovores rarely if ever seen outside of the Nevernever, and usually feed on animals, but aren’t too shy to feed on human blood, or other spiderkin if need be. Their bite transfers a bit of their poison, which has an effect that blocks the creation of long-term memories of the feeding event, so creatures/people that are fed upon don’t leave the area, and remain viable food sources.
Spiderkin don’t tend to be aggressive without backup, but usually travel with a dozen or 3 of their siblings, or sometimes in larger groups, when seeking a new, larger cave to inhabit. They have a hierarchy based on the order they were born/climbed out of their mother’s egg sack, but often have squabbles between siblings born close to each other. A smart explorer might be able to provoke an argument between a spiderkin leader and their next in line, and slip away during the argument/fight.
The spiderkin have a rudimentary camouflage ability that hides their spindly, spider-like bodies with a guise that is usually shared among siblings. So if you see a group of 30 nearly identical waifs walking through the mall, get away quickly.
High Concept: Spiderkin Broodmember
Trouble: Hungry for blood
Other Aspects: Family is my strength; Family might eat me; Fast as the wind; Let’s bite it and see how it tastes; Don’t worry, you won’t remember this.
Skills: - [5]: Stealth
- [4]: Fists, Athletics, Alertness
- [3]: Endurance, Contacts, Intimidation
- [2]: Survival, Presence, Discipline
- [1]: Lore, Conviction, Craftsmanship
Powers:[-4] Supernatural Speed
[-1] Claws
[-1] Blood Drinker
[-1] Pack Instincts
[-1] Echoes of the Beast (Spiders)
[-1] Spider Walk
[-0] Human Guise
I needed a red herring that looked like a vampire attack, and this is what I wound up with. Imagine the players' surprise when they track a possible vampire, and wind up surrounded with 20 or so identical people/beings, some hanging from walls & ceilings,