Author Topic: Sponsored Magic Master List  (Read 112512 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #315 on: June 11, 2014, 04:06:36 AM »
Looks good to me.

Being able to use both stress tracks for evocation is powerful, but the power is expensive and you need to take a consequence to do that. Actually, I might let you take that Power for 5.

Offline idirex

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #316 on: June 11, 2014, 08:47:00 PM »
Upon examining it further i see there is a small problem . If you activate evothaum  you already get both effects and more... A player would have to pay twice for the same thing . I'll drop emissary of power , add "rote reliance"(-2 to non rote spells) and split also thaumaturgy in day-night . The activation cost  lets you use evothaum ( now at range , essentially both channeling types ) and remove all day-night and power limitations . I'll drop the cost to [-4] . This will be the final version . I'll also post the final version of IoP Catalyst . Thank you for your help . 
PS : Find the word game... :P

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« Last Edit: June 29, 2014, 09:57:34 PM by idirex »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #317 on: June 11, 2014, 11:57:49 PM »
Looks good to me. I'll add it to the list next update, as long as you don't mind. Same goes for the IoP.

I missed Emissary of Power last time round, though. Thought it was just fluff, but I guess you meant the Power included the effects of Marked By Power.

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #318 on: June 12, 2014, 08:47:39 PM »
Minor edits and typos...Changed Emissary of Power to its official name Marked by Power . It would be my pleasure if you could include them to the list . ;D
Will they also be in the wiki or should they be entered manually ?
« Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 08:55:40 PM by idirex »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #319 on: June 13, 2014, 03:11:10 AM »
I plan to update the wiki when I next update the list.

Offline Hick Jr

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #320 on: June 18, 2014, 04:45:04 AM »
It's been too long, so I revised Soulfire, Hellfire, and my old writeup of Oneiromancy.

Description: You are a wielder of Soulfire, the power of Heaven and the fire of Creation.
Sponsor: Heaven.
Agenda: The ineffable agenda of the divine. May also correspond to a specific archangel’s agenda if granted by that archangel. Create things. Be righteous, pacifistic, or faithful. Avoid “sin”-think 7 Deadly Sins.
Evocation: Soulfire typically takes the form of silver-white fire, but it’s evocations also involve the elements of light, creation, life, purity, and holiness.
Thaumaturgy: Soulfire can be used to perform miracles, granting all areas of Thaumaturgy.
Evothaum: Any ritual that can be performed with Soulfire can be performed with Evocation’s speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Soulfire downgrades the Toughness ability of any supernatural creature by one step when employed, and fully satisfies the Catch for creatures vulnerable to True Faith or Holy objects.

Description: You are a wielder of Hellfire, the power of Hell and the fire of Destruction.
Sponsor: Hell
Agenda: The sinister agenda of Hell. May correspond to the agenda of a specific demon if granted by a specific demon. Destroy things. Be wrathful, prideful, vengeful, greedy, envious, lustful, slothful, or gluttony.
Evocation: Hellfire typically involves a brimstone-reeking angry crimson flame, but can also include elements of raw destruction, smoke, darkness, death, corruption, and unholiness
Thaumaturgy: Hellfire grants it’s users the ability to use demonic energies in their rituals, curse their foes, and strike them down from afar, granting Diabolism, Entropomancy, and Disruption.
Evothaum: Normally, any ritual that can be cast with Hellfire can be cast with Evocation’s speed and methods, but the sponsor (be it Hell itself, Lucifer, or a demon lord) might demand a point of sponsor debt on specific occasions.
Extra Benefits: Hellfire is a force of destruction, and when employed in such spells, it’s power is awful to behold. Any spell involving destruction or demonic energy cast with Hellfire gains two extra shifts: an attack’s Weapon rating would rise by +2, an evothaumic Might roll to break a wall would gain a +2 bonus, and a psychomantic block blasting the target with demonic psychic energy would gain a +2 bonus.

Description: You have mastered the powers of Sleep and Dreams. Dreams are far more powerful than most believe; Dreams and Reality are like a wyrm biting its own tail - they both tell each other what they are, all the time.
Sponsor: Psychomancers, nightmare Changelings, and denizens of Dream sometimes have self-sponsored Oneiromancy. When Oneiromancy has an external sponsor, it's usually an ancient god of sleep or the ever-moving moon.
Agenda: Oneiromancy wants to put people to sleep, give them dreams or nightmares, and eat their dreams. Oneiromancers tend to be cold and proud, inclined to punish those who slight them.
Evocation: Oneiromancy evocations involve shadows, sand, reflections, perception, existence, illusions, dreams, dreamfire, sleep, and the manipulation of oneiroplasm (psychically charged ectoplasm) to create objects.
Thaumaturgy: Oneiromancy rituals involve putting people to sleep, sending messages in dreams, manipulating perception, and making things from dreams real.
Evothaum: You gain the ability to use dream-related psychomancy, summoning, and conjuration with Evocation’s speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Oneiromancy grants the Telepathy power.

Telepathy is in the spoiler below.
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« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 08:18:28 PM by Hick Jr »
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Offline Locnil

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #321 on: June 18, 2014, 06:36:38 AM »
So what's the difference between the RAW Soulfire and this version? As far as I can see it just lays out the agenda more explicitly.

Also, interesting take on Oneiromancy, but isn't it undercosted? It's a regular sponsored magic, but with 3 Refresh of extra benefits.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #322 on: June 18, 2014, 05:17:09 PM »
I'll second Locnil's comments, but I do have a few things to add:

1. There's no apostrophe in a possessive "its".
2. I think you made Hellfire too strong. An extra benefit should be roughly equal to a Refinement, which can give +2 power to a specific field of either evocation or thaumaturgy. This boosts a field of evocation and a field of thaumaturgy, and by the looks of things the extra power is auto-controlled.
3. There's some disagreement over what Soulfire does. I tend towards your interpretation, even if it is a bit much for 5 Refresh, but I thought I should mention it anyway.

Offline Blk4ce

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #323 on: June 18, 2014, 05:31:49 PM »
I think that hellfire is also the same as RAW (and possibly it's also auto-controlled, though I don't remember well).

Offline Hick Jr

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #324 on: June 18, 2014, 06:13:21 PM »

1. I knew there was something wrong with that. Grammatical errors make my teeth itch.

2. I strengthened it because Hellfire's extra benefit is sort of terrible. Should I cost it up to [-5]?

3. Soulfire is unquestionably the most powerful sponsored magic, but what about it seemed too powerful?

@Locnil: I just wanted to make the evocation elements, extra benefits, and agenda clearer. It's useful having canon SM's in this format.

Damn. I thought Telepathy was a [-1] power. I'll remove the Blood Drinker add-on. It's kind of sinister anyway.
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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #325 on: June 19, 2014, 01:10:49 AM »
Soulfire's canon writeup doesn't actually mention any evothaum, which makes it not really worth -3 to a spellcaster (It's still worth -5 to a nonspellcaster, since it includes all Thaumaturgy, but if you already have that...)

Although, the "downgrade all toughness powers by 1" is impressive... but still, there should be some evothaum.

I don't think it necessarily needs all thaumaturgy as evothaum, just somewhat broader than say Seelie/Unseelie is good. Maybe wards, healing and conjuration? Those fit its themes well IMO.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #326 on: June 19, 2014, 01:30:26 AM »
2. I strengthened it because Hellfire's extra benefit is sort of terrible. Should I cost it up to [-5]?

Maybe. I'd prefer reducing the bonus a little, though.

Thematically, I think it's more appropriate for Hellfire to be hard to control. So I don't think the extra shifts should be auto-controlled. Tighten up the list of spells they apply to (attacks only, maybe?) and I think that'd be fair-ish for an extra benefit.

Another idea: Hellfire could let you take fallout without reducing the power of your spell. That'd make it optimal for the user to focus on power over control, and for them to inflict ridiculous amounts of damage to their surroundings when fighting. Might be abusable if unlimited, though.

3. Soulfire is unquestionably the most powerful sponsored magic, but what about it seemed too powerful?

Everything together. Full thaumaturgy, full evothaum, an extra-good Extra Benefit, and it satisfies a common catch to boot. Magics get bumped up to -5 just for having an exceptional Extra Benefit, never mind all that other stuff.

Anyway, whether the evothaum is actually there or not is debatable. Thematically I feel like it fits, but balance-wise is tricky. The writeup says that Soulfire provides the full range of thaumaturgical spells, and I'm not quite sure how to parse that. I feel like evothaum might be part of that range, but it might not be.

Offline Hick Jr

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #327 on: June 19, 2014, 02:22:47 AM »
The "hard to control" thing is incredibly clunky mechanically, though. It forces you to drop another Refinement or focus slot into control unless you want to have constant fallout. If the bonus was refocused so it only applied to spells involving pain, harm, doom, or destruction, would that be a [-5] Sponsored Magic? It's basically a broad stunt, so I wouldn't terribly mind reducing it to an auto-controlled +1 bonus.

I don't really understand what you mean by "fallout with no Power reduction". It kind of sounds like what I want out of it, but I'd need a little more clarification before making a final decision.

You know, I never even noticed that Soulfire doesn't grant evothaum. I think it should be wards, healing, conjuration, and maybe some kind of angelic counterpart to diabolism?

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #328 on: June 19, 2014, 03:51:54 AM »
Doesn't seem any more clunky than any other power/complexity bonus, to me.

By fallout with no power reduction, I mean you could take shifts of fallout to mitigate a poor control roll without weakening your spell.

Offline Hick Jr

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #329 on: June 19, 2014, 06:29:41 PM »
For me, taking Hellfire meant I had to reallocate all my foci for a situation that I wasn't always spellcasting for (hurting people).

Tell me if I'm wrong here: Tessa throws a Hellfire-lightning bolt at Weapon:11. Her control roll is only +8. She takes three shifts of fallout, but the spell is still Weapon:11?
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