Author Topic: Sponsored Magic Master List  (Read 113039 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #180 on: May 16, 2013, 04:12:59 AM »
Just remembered another thing I have to do.

I have a player with The Curse Of The Seven, and the issue of how to suppress the Signs came up in game. Back when it came up I required a supplemental action to stop suppressing the Signs, but in retrospect it should probably be free. Adding a bit to the Extra Benefits section in order to cover that.

Description: You’re one of the Chandrian, the Seven chosen of darkness. Your power is blood and shadow and rot and madness. And hate. Hate like iron and bitter rue. Pretty much everyone wants to kill you, and you probably eat souls.
Sponsor: The Curse Of The Seven is sponsored by the Dead Star, a blue supergiant star that exists deep in the Nevernever. It draws its power from alternate timelines which have ended in the heat death of the universe. This is a secret, though, and even the Chandrian don't know it. People who know about the Curse tend to think it's sponsored by some evil god from before humanity, or by the ancient Wyldfae known as the Cthaeh (a flawlessly malevolent and perfectly accurate oracle).
Agenda: The acceleration of entropy. Destruction of evidence of themselves, remaining secret. The death of good creatures like angels. And the protection of the universe from the agents of the Outside. That last bit is secret to everyone except the Chandrian, though.
Evocation: Curse Evocation manipulate blood, shadows, silence, smoke, the weather, entropy, chill, madness, decay, raw elemental energy, and the void.
Thaumaturgy: The Curse of Seven’s rituals are nightmare things meant only to bend, break, or destroy. They can curse people, accelerate entropy, raise the dead, erase knowledge, control demons, and bend or break the minds of men.  Preservation and protection are anathema to this power.
Evothaum: The Curse allows its user to use entropomancy, necromancy, psychomancy, and divination with Evocation’s speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: You begin to display the Signs; within your presence flames turn blue, wood rots, liquids freeze, iron rusts, animals go mad, and silence falls. Any scene that you are in has the SIGNS OF THE SEVEN Aspect, which you can tag once per scene. Because this power is a curse, it is not without detriment. You take a -2 penalty on all social rolls except Intimidation with beings who know who and what you are, and there is almost no potential for friendly interaction. People get +2 to any check to successfully identify you as one of the Seven if the Signs are obvious or visible. You may attempt to suppress this ability by making a Discipline roll. This requires an action if you do it in the middle of a scene. The default difficulty is Superb, but areas directly hostile to or unusually resonant with your High Concept may modify this. If you succeed, no aspect is applied. You may stop supressing this ability at any time as a free action.

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #181 on: May 16, 2013, 07:58:07 PM »
Thanks Sanctaphrax, looks great.

Noticed something craptacular about my sentence structure here:
"Those she selects are cunning warriors worthy of Sessrúmnir. Those she selects "

Can you change that second "Those she selects" to "Her chosen"
« Last Edit: May 16, 2013, 08:26:02 PM by Wolfhound »
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #182 on: May 17, 2013, 04:47:03 AM »
« Last Edit: May 17, 2013, 04:48:44 AM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #183 on: May 17, 2013, 05:02:48 AM »
And now the list has been updated.

I probably didn't actually need to use the fifth post, but the list is 21 pages long now and fitting it into 4 posts would have been annoying.

Offline Troy

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #184 on: May 18, 2013, 12:35:03 PM »
Are all these categories of magic things that have been displayed in the Dresden Files series of novels? Or are they just really interesting things people have come up with for their own PCs during a game?

Most of the Sponsored Magics cost -4 Refresh, but there are a couple that cost -5 Refresh. What's the reasoning for that?

Also, how did the concept of the "Extra Benefits" come about? Is that something that's part and parcel with Sponsored Magic? Do Seelie and Unseelie magic have Extra Benefits?
« Last Edit: May 18, 2013, 12:36:44 PM by Troy »
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #185 on: May 18, 2013, 07:27:03 PM »
Are all these categories of magic things that have been displayed in the Dresden Files series of novels? Or are they just really interesting things people have come up with for their own PCs during a game?

Some have been demonstrated in the novels, but most are pure homebrew.

Most of the Sponsored Magics cost -4 Refresh, but there are a couple that cost -5 Refresh. What's the reasoning for that?

Generally a cost of -5 indicates a double share of Extra Benefits.

Also, how did the concept of the "Extra Benefits" come about? Is that something that's part and parcel with Sponsored Magic? Do Seelie and Unseelie magic have Extra Benefits?

Yes. All Sponsored Magics in canon have Extra Benefits. Seelie and Unseelie Magic, for example, downgrade the Toughness of the opposing Court by one step.

Offline vultur

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #186 on: May 26, 2013, 07:18:08 PM »
Some have been demonstrated in the novels, but most are pure homebrew.

Specifically, we've seen Rune Magic (Gard, in SmF and "Heorot") and Fomor Magic (Mag, in "Even Hand").

Wyld Magic is based on the Erlking's balefire seen in Changes, and some of the Superior magics are based on stuff we've seen (Superior Warding on the Merlin's army-stopping ward, for example).

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #187 on: June 13, 2013, 06:33:04 AM »
Tengu Magic has been edited slightly. New version:

Description: Drawing on the power of the Tengu Court , you're able to cast spells that fit its essential nature: wind, illusions, stealth,and mischief. These magics are under the sway and watch of the Tengu King Sojobo; making use of them will inevitably catch his notice.
Sponsor: The Tengu King and his Dai Tengu Nobles.
Agenda: Finding of worthy opponents and engaging them in a one on one duel or in general combat. Protecting forests and mountains from both mortal and supernatural destruction, taking vengeance for insults and perceived wrongs, and destroying or subjugating opposing Youkai clans and courts.
Evocation: Tengu Magic evocations take the form of various ninjutsu involving veils, powerful gusts of wind, and strange fireballs.
Thaumaturgy: Tengu Magic rituals may be used to curse people, especially with disfigurement. Poisons, illusions, possession, telepathy, item creation, and general mischief are also possible.
Evothaum: Tengu Magic rituals can be cast with Evocation's speed and methods if they create illusions, allow telepathic communication, inflict poisons, or target mortals who are enemies of the tengu.
Extra Benefits: A character with Tengu Magic receives the Pack Instincts Power for free, with the tengu as their pack.

Offline PirateJack

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #188 on: June 25, 2013, 06:52:37 AM »
A player of mine has come up with a decent idea for an antagonist. Since he is playing an emissary/mantle bearer of Apep/Apophis, he figured that an Emissary of Ra would be a good idea. I agree with him, but I'd like to hear your takes on whether this sponsored magic makes sense. The Emissary is designed to be essentially the anti-Apep (since there's a lot of mythology about Ra and Apophis), so she's focusing on magic, as opposed to his Supernatural Strength. The way he's playing the game so far is basically to stealth around a bit, ambush, then throw whatever heavy object comes to hand.

Description: Drawing upon the power of the Sun God, Ra, you're able to cast spells that fit his essential nature; sunlight, rebirth, fire and creation.
Sponsor: Ra, Egyptian deity of the sun.
Agenda: Ra's goals are as many and varied as his names, but his one overriding goal is the overcoming Apep every day as he makes his way beneath the world on his solar boat.
Evocation: Ra's magic evocations commonly take the form of pyromancy and illusions.
Thaumaturgy: Ra's magic rituals most often take the form of healing, conjuration or growth. While they can be cast at any time, they tend to be easier at high noon and often require offerings to be burnt as sacrifices.
Evothaum: Ra's Magic rituals can be cast with Evocation's speeds and methods.
Extra Benefits: A character with Ra's Magic gains a free High Noon aspect to tag when performing a ritual at noon. Spells that use the sunlight aspect of this power also satisfy the Catch of creatures weak to sunlight.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2013, 08:49:58 AM by PirateJack »
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Offline MadAlchemist

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #189 on: June 25, 2013, 07:48:18 PM »
I would give Ra's Magic a "Downgrade the Toughness powers of Creatures of Darkness and satisfies the Catch of creatures vulnerable to Sunlight" effect.

Offline PirateJack

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #190 on: June 25, 2013, 08:33:06 PM »
Ha! That would be a kick in the teeth for him. He's been relying on supernatural toughness the whole game. I like it.
Quote from: JoeC
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'cause it feels sooooo good when I stop..."

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #191 on: June 25, 2013, 10:37:36 PM »
Looks mostly good.

Needs some kind of extra benefit, though. Downgrading Toughness would be a good one, do you want to go with that?

If not, I suggest adding some kind of bonus to performing rituals at noon.

Offline PirateJack

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #192 on: June 27, 2013, 06:12:25 AM »
I want to go for lowering the toughness one level, since it has more of an effect on the PC, but thematically it makes more sense to get a bonus at noon. Perhaps a free tag for rituals cast at noon.
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'cause it feels sooooo good when I stop..."

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #193 on: June 28, 2013, 12:33:52 AM »
They both sound fine to me. Pick one and I'll add the magic to the list.

Offline PirateJack

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #194 on: June 28, 2013, 05:44:42 AM »
Okay, I've gone with High Noon and edited it into the description.
Quote from: JoeC
"Why are you banging your head against the wall?
'cause it feels sooooo good when I stop..."