Author Topic: Sponsored Magic Master List  (Read 112431 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #75 on: February 06, 2013, 04:48:26 AM »
I agree, it makes more sense as a scene Aspect.

Making it taggable seems a touch dangerous balance-wise, but given the penalties imposed by this Power and the lack of other extra bonuses (though the evothaum is very broad) it's probably justifiable.

Offline Hick Jr

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #76 on: February 06, 2013, 05:11:00 AM »
Eh. It gets a lot more broken as a Zone aspect that you can tag every time you enter a new one. That would help to offset the penalties and the weird evocation elements (Seriously. I'm tearing my hair out trying to come up with rotes here.), but Aura of Influence has a "You can repress it with a Disc check" trapping that I like.
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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #77 on: February 06, 2013, 05:34:53 AM »
Eh. It gets a lot more broken as a Zone aspect that you can tag every time you enter a new one.

That sounds like a very very bad idea to me.

Offline Hick Jr

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #78 on: February 06, 2013, 01:06:59 PM »
Precisely. I prefer Aura of Influence.

EDIT- Upon review of my source material for this Sponsored Magic  (the Lords of Shadow 2 trailer and the Darkness comic book series), i've slightly altered the Evocation elements.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 03:40:04 AM by Hick Jr »
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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #79 on: February 10, 2013, 12:36:31 AM »
Okay, time for an update.

So here's a collection of everything I could find that might be added.

These will not be added as-is. Many of them are probably in the wrong version, most are formatted oddly, and one of them still hasn't been authorized for inclusion.

Akai Legacy [-4]
Description: By drawing on the power of your deceased ancestors you're able to utilize a potent form of spirit magic. In return however you give your ancestors great sway over your actions.
Sponsor: The 20 generations of Akai ancestors who have wielded the family sword before you.
Agenda: See Akai Family code.
Evocation: The Ghosts of the Akai family provide spirit or metal evocations that often emulate sword techniques.
Thaumaturgy:  The Akai Legacy allows its user to cast rituals that tap into the legends of dead heroes, as well as rituals that summon spiritual warriors.
Evothaum: Any Thaumaturgy granted by the Akai Legacy can be cast with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: The ghosts of your ancestor demand poise and acting with honour at all times. You use your discipline in place of your presence to determine your Social Stress track.

The Akai Family Code
1.       Never kill a mortal with magic
2.       Knowledge is not only power, it is also a burden
3.       Nothing is ever there to just help you, never stay in debt
4.       Faeries are deal makers, be careful with your words around them
5.       Duty before Love
6.       Ensure the succession of the line
7.       Never make a deal with the demon, or his allies
8.       Honour the way of the sword
9.       Keep bystanders out of your charge
10.   Repay Allies and foes alike each in kind
11.   Respect the dead
12.   There is always another day
13.   Never Trust a Wizard

Description: You can call up weapons from a magical realm inside your soul.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda. Compels from its debt generally involve brutal headaches or one's magic going haywire.
Evocation: Unlimited Blade Works Evocations take the the form of spectral swords that appear from nowhere.
Thaumaturgy: Unlimited Blade Works rituals can be used to conjure weapons, including Item of Power weapons. The complexity required to create an Item of Power is determined by the GM.
Evothaum: Unlimited Blade Works allows its user to conjure weapons with Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: All Unlimited Blade Works spells get two free shifts of duration. Spells with no duration, like Evocation attacks, leave behind conjured weapons that last for two exchanges. (The number of weapons left behind is up to the caster.)

Description: You draw upon the power of the world's plant life. It's a pretty simple form of magic, but a powerful one.
Sponsor: The collective ur-mind of all plants everywhere.
Agenda: Plants are not smart enough to have an actual agenda, but as a general rule plants like growing and dislike dying.
Evocation: Plant evocations work by creating and manipulating plants. Surprise!
Thaumaturgy: Plant Magic can be used to cast rituals that have to do with plants. It can make plants grow, give plants magical properties, create plant matter out of nowhere, turn people into plants, and so on.
Evothaum: Spells that make plants grow can be cast with Evocation's speed and methods using Plant Magic.
Extra Benefits: You get the Echoes Of The Beast Power, with plants as your beast. This adds one to your Alertness and Survival skills in plant-rich areas and lets you talk to plants.

Description: You have mastered the powers of Sleep and Dreams. Far more powerful than most believe, Dreams and Reality are a wyrm biting its own tail- they both tell each other what they are, all the time.
Sponsor: Ancient gods of sleep, the ever-moving moon. Can be self sponsored, but generally among psychomancers, Nightmare changelings, or denizens of the Dreaming.
Agenda: “And now to sleep, perchance to dream...”. You put people to sleep and give them dreams or nightmares. Compels to knock people out and eat their dreams. Oneiromancers are cold and proud. Punish those who slight you.
Evocation: Oneiromancy evocations involve direct mental assault, shadows, sand, reflections,  perception, dreams, dreamfire, sleep, and the manipulation of oneiroplasm (psychically charged ectoplasm) to create objects.
Thaumaturgy: Oneiromancy rituals involve putting people to sleep, prophetic dreams, sending messages in dreams, and the manipulation of perception. On the darker side, you can call up Nightmares (middling fetches) that take the shape of the target’s worst one.
Evothaum: You gain the ability to use Psychomancy, Summoning , and Conjuration at Evocation’s speed and methods.
Extra Benefits:
-The Dreamtime
Gain the Demesne power when in the Dreaming. It is, literally, the stuff of dreams, and dreams are yours to command.
You can use Lore in place of Empathy for the Reading People and Social Defense trappings of that skill.

Green Sun Magic [-4]
Description: The Green Sun is the collected energy of the dead stars in alternate universes that have already ended. In fact, it’s what alternate universes and timelines orbit. The Green Sun is one of the secondary safeguards against the Outside- If you look closely from the Outer Gates, it’s visible in the sky. Green Sun magic tends to be wielded only by daemons (The DV version of Homeland Security vs. the Outside) and is extremely difficult for mortal practitioners to obtain.
Sponsor: Lord English, the daemonic personification of the Sun in the same way Mab is the personification of Winter. Among his lieutenants, usually self-sponsored.
Agenda: The destruction of Outsiders and their agents, the acceleration of entropy, unrestricted destruction and mayhem. The careful manipulations required to facilitate the prevention of spacetime breaches or paradox.
Evocation: The Green Sun is, basically, a star, and it is much more than a star. It’s evocations involve sunlight, solar fire, nuclear reactions and forces, gravity, electromagnetism, space, time, and entropy.
Thaumaturgy:The Green Sun’s rituals are evocative of the mythological image of a sun or sun god- They can heal, inspire, grant power, bring plagues, prophecy, and obliterate foes. The unique abilities of the Green Sun also come into play- It can warp time, bend space, accelerate entropy, and summon or banish demons and Outsiders.
Evothaum: You may employ the full range of thaumaturgical effects with Evocation’s speed and methods, so long as they incorporate one of the above ritual or evocative elements.
Extra Benefits: Gain an automatic +1 to Complexity/Control of Green Sun rituals. You may use these bonuses for Evocation as long as the spell incorporates one of the above elements. Green Sun spells may fully satisfy the Catch for Outsiders and their ilk.

Description: You are the Hero of Time for your session. You maintain the alpha timeline, prune offshoot "doomed" timelines, and manage stable time loops.
Sponsor: Self-sponsored.
Agenda:The maintenance of the Alpha Timeline, the creation of stable time loops, preventing Doomed timelines from coming about.
Evocation: Time magic does not grant any form of Evocation.
Thaumaturgy: Time rituals manipulate time, view into alternate timelines, and see the past and future.
Evothaum: You may use Chronomancy along with any ritual granted by being the Hero of Time at Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits:You gain a Supernatural Sense (Lore) for sensing temporal anomalies and disturbances.

Description: You are a Hero of Light. Besides the obvious, your powers are knowledge and fortune.
Sponsor: Self sponsored.
Agenda: The defense of knowledge against the Heroes of Void. Regulation of luck.
Evocation: The offensive abilities of a Hero of Light depend on their Class, but for Active/Combative classes like the Knight and the Prince, they learn to use their powers to attack with light itself, and manipulate fortune offensively, "stealing" their foes luck.
Thaumaturgy: Heroes of Light can make people lucky or unlucky, bring forth knowledge, create knowledge or illusion, and manipulate perception.
Evothaum: You may use Divination, Entropomancy, Photomancy, and Veils with evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Gain an automatic +1 to Complexity/Control in Divination. You gain a +2 to Alertness and Lore for the purpose of Assessments and Declarations.

Curse of the Seven [-4]
Description: You’re one of the Chandrian, the Seven chosen of darkness. Your power is blood and shadow and rot and madness. And hate. Hate like iron and bitter rue.
Sponsor: None are certain. Not even the Seven themselves. Possibly some dark god, possibly the primal chaos and darkness that came before Man, in his arrogance, lit a candle. Possibly the ancient Wyldfae known as the Cthaeh, a flawlessly malevolent, perfectly accurate oracle.
Agenda: The acceleration of entropy. Destruction of evidence of themselves, remaining secret. The death of good creatures like angels. Because of the fact that the Chandrian make a point of slaughtering anyone who knows they exist beyond half-remembered tales, not much is known about what they want. It’s suspected they guard the world from  far more terrible beings than themselves, but nobody’s ever lived to corroborate that. Speaking with one of the Seven is taking your life into your hands.
Evocation: Your power is in the things that man fears, and the Signs. Blood, shadows, silence, smoke, the weather, entropy, chill, madness, decay, and the void all answer your call. The Curse grants knowledge of the Names of all things, granting you the ability to manipulate raw elemental energy.
Thaumaturgy: The Curse of Seven’s rituals are nightmare things meant only to bend, break, or destroy. Preservation and protection are anathema to your power. It grants the ability to curse people, accelerate entropy, raise the dead, erase knowledge, bend or break the minds of men, and prophecy.
Evothaum: You may use entropomancy, necromancy, psychomancy, and divination at Evocation’s speed and methods.
Extra “Benefits”: You begin to display the Signs- with your presence, flames turn blue, wood rots, liquids freeze, iron rusts, animals go mad, and silence falls. Any zone you are in gains the SIGNS OF THE SEVEN sticky aspect. Because this power is a curse, it is not without detriment. You will be hunted by any good or righteous creature, and some of the evil ones. You take a -2 penalty on all social rolls except Intimidation with beings who know who and what you are, and there is almost no potential for friendly interaction. People gain a +2 to any check to successfully identify you as one of the Seven if the Signs are obvious or visible. Your power is fueled by the hunger that lurks at the end of everything, and it is a dark hunger. If you possess Emotional Vampire, Blood Drinker, or any type of Feeding Dependency, you may now only satisfy it with souls.

(click to show/hide)

Description: Tapping into the Ley-Line construct in Nose Hill Park, you've managed to channel a portion of it's great energy...however now you are bound to be a keeper of that which sleeps beneath.
Sponsor: The Ley-Line Prison that hold a Formorian Giant.
Agenda: The prison was constructed to keep the giant imprisoned, and you are now responsibile for keeping the prison secure. Occasional dark impulses favouring the Formor and it's release bubble up...but how bad could it be?
Evocation: The Gift of the Conflux does not provide any form of Evocation.
Thaumaturgy:The Gift of the conflux provides the ability to use Summoning and Binding Thaumaturgy.
Evothaum: Any Thaumaturgy cast with the Gift of the Conflux can be done with the speed and meathods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: The Gift of the Conflux gives a +1 bonus to Complexity and Power for Summoning and Binding. Furthermore when using Summoning and Bnding at the speed of Evocation you can use your specializations in place of your normal Evocation specializations.
Restrictions: The benefits of this magic can only be used within the City Limits of Calgary.

Description: The ancient power that lurks beneath the Earth’s crust. Primarily lava, but also governs other tectonics.
Sponsor: Volcano and forge gods, generally. (Pele, Vulcan, Hephaestus, Goibniu) Can be self-sponsored with a mastery of both earth and fire or carrying a volcanic bloodline.
Agenda: Unexpected and swift destruction. The forging of tools and weapons. If self-sponsored, your own agenda.
Evocation: Vulcanomantic evocations generally involve lava, heat, ash, obsidian, basalt  earth, tectonics, earthquakes, fire, or metals.
Ritual: Vulcanomancy allows for rituals that create things, generally weapons and armor, and the creation of protective items and effects, such as armor and wards. Very, Very, VERY powerful Vulcanomancers may actually be able to cause earthquakes and make volcanos erupt.
Evothaum: Vulcanomancy can be used to create Wards and Conjurations at evocation’s speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Weapons  conjured by Vulcanomancers are far more powerful than others- multiply the the number of shifts put into the Conjuration by 1.5- This is the effective Weapon rating of whatever you have conjured. Armor rating is equal to half of the total shifts. However, you must set aside shifts for duration, using Evocation's rules. These weapons fall to useless volcanic ash when they leave your posession. Wards created by Vulcanomancy do not require a threshold as long as they involve the aforementioned ashes (Sprinkled on the outside of a building, used in a circle, etc).

Description: The furious, unending power of the thunderstorm. Extends to most other types of weather. Subtlety is almost impossible with this power-even it’s veils are massive fog banks.
Sponsor:Can be gained in a number of ways- A weather deity’s boon, a thunderbird ancestor. It’s often self-sponsored, gained by aeromancers who learn the way of the storm.
Agenda: Once a user becomes powerful enough, the creation of storms. Destruction, uncontrolled.
Evocation: Storm evocations generally involve what you’d expect. Lightning, tornado-force winds, sonic booms, rain, water, fog, mists, ice, air pressure.
Thaumaturgy: Storm rituals destroy things. Violently. They’re also capable of altering the weather. Can also be used to scry through clouds and rain, and on storms.
Evothaum: Storm Magic can be used to create entropomantic and divination effects at Evocation’s speed.
Extra Benefits: Add +2 to the power/complexity and control of any Storm spell if the caster is outside during a storm.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #80 on: February 12, 2013, 04:34:59 AM »
Okay, I tried to clean everything up for inclusion on the list.

If y'all could read this over, I'd appreciate it. I'm tired and I think I probably made some stupid mistakes.

Description: Tapping into the Ley-Line construct in Nose Hill Park, you've managed to channel a portion of it's great energy...however now you are bound to be a keeper of that which sleeps beneath it.
Sponsor: The Ley-Line construct that holds a Fomorian Giant beneath Calgary.
Agenda: The prison was constructed to keep the giant imprisoned, and you are now responsible for keeping the prison secure. Occasional dark impulses favouring the Fomorian and its release bubble up as well.
Evocation: The Gift of the Conflux allows you to use water magic in the style of the Fomor. This includes both basic water Evocations and slightly stranger spells that make use of water pressure and other things associated with the depths of the ocean.
Thaumaturgy: The Gift of the Conflux provides the ability to cast Summoning and Binding rituals.
Evothaum: Any Thaumaturgy cast with the Gift of the Conflux can be cast with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: The Gift of the Conflux gives a +1 bonus to Complexity and Control for Summoning and Binding. Additionally, you may use your Thaumaturgy specializations when using Summoning and Binding with the speed and methods of Evocation even if your GM normally does not allow that.
Note: The Gift of the Conflux provides two sources of Sponsor Debt. Debt incurred using Gift Of The Conflux rituals (with or without Evocation's speed and methods) is accrued with the Ley-Line prison. Debt incurred using Gift Of The Conflux Evocations is accrued with the Fomorian giant that is imprisoned.

Description: By drawing on the power of your deceased ancestors you're able to utilize a potent form of spirit magic. In return however you give your ancestors great sway over your actions.
Sponsor: The 20 generations of Akai ancestors who have wielded the family sword before you.
Agenda: See Akai Family code.
Evocation: The Ghosts of the Akai family provide spirit or metal evocations that often emulate sword techniques.
Thaumaturgy: The Akai Legacy allows its user to cast rituals that tap into the legends of dead heroes, as well as rituals that summon spiritual warriors.
Evothaum: Any Thaumaturgy granted by the Akai Legacy can be cast with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: The ghosts of your ancestor demand that you act with poise and honour at all times. You may use your Discipline skill in place of your Presence skill to determine your Social Stress track.

The Akai Family Code
1.       Never kill a mortal with magic
2.       Knowledge is not only power, it is also a burden
3.       Nothing is ever there to just help you, never stay in debt
4.       Faeries are deal makers, be careful with your words around them
5.       Duty before Love
6.       Ensure the succession of the line
7.       Never make a deal with the demon, or his allies
8.       Honour the way of the sword
9.       Keep bystanders out of your charge
10.   Repay Allies and foes alike each in kind
11.   Respect the dead
12.   There is always another day
13.   Never Trust a Wizard

Description: You can call up weapons from a magical realm inside your soul.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda. Compels from its debt generally involve brutal headaches or one's magic going haywire.
Evocation: Unlimited Blade Works Evocations take the the form of spectral swords that appear from nowhere.
Thaumaturgy: Unlimited Blade Works rituals can be used to conjure weapons, including Item of Power weapons. The complexity required to create an Item of Power is determined by the GM. Taking up a conjured Item of Power usually involves the temporary Power rules.
Evothaum: Unlimited Blade Works allows its user to conjure weapons with Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: All Unlimited Blade Works spells get two free shifts of duration. Spells with no duration, like Evocation attacks, leave behind conjured weapons that last for two exchanges. (The number of weapons left behind is up to the caster.)

Description: You draw upon the power of the world's plant life. It's a pretty simple form of magic, but a powerful one.
Sponsor: The collective ur-mind of all plants everywhere.
Agenda: Plants are not smart enough to have an actual agenda, but as a general rule plants like growing and dislike dying.
Evocation: Plant evocations work by creating and manipulating plants. Surprise!
Thaumaturgy: Plant Magic can be used to cast rituals that have to do with plants. It can make plants grow, give plants magical properties, create plant matter out of nowhere, turn people into plants, and so on.
Evothaum: Spells that make plants grow can be cast with Evocation's speed and methods using Plant Magic.
Extra Benefits: You get the Echoes Of The Beast Power, with plants as your beast. This adds one to your Alertness and Survival skills in plant-rich areas and lets you talk to plants.

Description: You have mastered the powers of Sleep and Dreams. Dreams are far more powerful than most believe; Dreams and Reality are like a wyrm biting its own tail - they both tell each other what they are, all the time.
Sponsor: Psychomancers, nightmare Changelings, and denizens of Dream sometimes have self-sponsored Oneiromancy. When Oneiromancy has an external sponsor, it's usually an ancient god of sleep or the ever-moving moon.
Agenda: Oneiromancy wants to put people to sleep, give them dreams or nightmares, and eat their dreams. Oneiromancers tend to be cold and proud, inclined to punish those who slight them.
Evocation: Oneiromancy evocations involve shadows, sand, reflections, perception, dreams, dreamfire, sleep, and the manipulation of oneiroplasm (psychically charged ectoplasm) to create objects.
Thaumaturgy: Oneiromancy rituals involve putting people to sleep, sending messages in dreams, manipulating perception, and making things from dreams real.
Evothaum: You gain the ability to use dream-related psychomancy, summoning, and conjuration with Evocation’s speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Oneiromancy grants the Demesne power for the Dreaming. It also allows its user to use Lore in place of Empathy for the Reading People and Social Defense trappings of that skill.

Description: The Green Sun is the collected energy of the dead stars in alternate universes that have already ended. In fact, it’s what alternate universes and timelines orbit. The Green Sun is one of the secondary safeguards against the Outside- If you look closely from the Outer Gates, it’s visible in the sky. Green Sun magic tends to be wielded only by daemons (The DV version of Homeland Security vs. the Outside) and is extremely difficult for mortal practitioners to obtain.
Sponsor: Lord English, the daemonic personification of the Sun. Some of his lieutenants can self-sponsor their Green Sun Magic.
Agenda: The destruction of Outsiders and their agents, the acceleration of entropy, unrestricted destruction and mayhem. The prevention of spacetime breaches and paradoxes through careful manipulation.
Evocation: The Green Sun is, basically, a star, and it is much more than a star. Its evocations involve sunlight, solar fire, nuclear reactions and forces, gravity, electromagnetism, space, time, and entropy.
Thaumaturgy: The Green Sun’s rituals are evocative of the mythological image of a sun or sun god. They can heal, inspire, grant power, bring plagues, prophecy, and obliterate foes. The unique abilities of the Green Sun also come into play, allowing Green Sun rituals to warp time, bend space, accelerate entropy, and summon or banish demons and Outsiders.
Evothaum: Any ritual that can be cast with Green Sun Magic can be cast with Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Characters with Green Sun Magic receive free Evocation and Thaumaturgy specializations in Green Sun Magic Control, Power, Complexity, and Control. As a special exception to the normal rules, a character may have these specializations without having Evocation or Thaumaturgy.
Note: Some Outsiders may have Green Sun Magic as a Catch.

Description: You are the Hero of Time for your session. You maintain the alpha timeline, prune offshoot "doomed" timelines, and manage stable time loops.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: Maintaining the Alpha Timeline, creating stable time loops, and preventing Doomed timelines from occurring.
Evocation: Time magic does not grant any form of Evocation.
Thaumaturgy: Time rituals manipulate time, look into alternate timelines, and see the past and future.
Evothaum: All Hero of Time rituals may be cast with Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: You gain a Supernatural Sense (using your Lore skill) for sensing temporal anomalies and disturbances.

Description: You are a Hero of Light. Besides the obvious, your powers are knowledge and fortune.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: The defence of knowledge against the Heroes of Void. Regulation of luck.
Evocation: The manipulation of light and some weird luck stuff.
Thaumaturgy: Heroes of Light can make people lucky or unlucky, bring forth knowledge, create knowledge or illusion, and manipulate perception.
Evothaum: You may use Divination, Entropomancy, Photomancy, and Veils with evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Being the Hero of Light gives +1 to Divination Complexity and Control. It also gives a +2 bonus to Alertness and Lore Assessments and Declarations.

Description: You’re one of the Chandrian, the Seven chosen of darkness. Your power is blood and shadow and rot and madness. And hate. Hate like iron and bitter rue. Pretty much everyone wants to kill you, and you probably eat souls.
Sponsor: The Curse Of The Seven is sponsored by the Dead Star, a blue supergiant star that exists deep in the Nevernever. It draws its power from alternate timelines which have ended in the heat death of the universe. This is a secret, though, and even the Chandrian don't know it. People who know about the Curse tend to think it's sponsored by some evil god from before humanity, or by the ancient Wyldfae known as the Cthaeh (a flawlessly malevolent and perfectly accurate oracle).
Agenda: The acceleration of entropy. Destruction of evidence of themselves, remaining secret. The death of good creatures like angels. And the protection of the universe from the agents of the Outside. That last bit is secret to everyone except the Chandrian, though.
Evocation: Curse Evocation manipulate blood, shadows, silence, smoke, the weather, entropy, chill, madness, decay, raw elemental energy, and the void.
Thaumaturgy: The Curse of Seven’s rituals are nightmare things meant only to bend, break, or destroy. They can curse people, accelerate entropy, raise the dead, erase knowledge, control demons, and bend or break the minds of men.  Preservation and protection are anathema to this power.
Evothaum: The Curse allows its user to use entropomancy, necromancy, psychomancy, and divination with Evocation’s speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: You begin to display the Signs; within your presence flames turn blue, wood rots, liquids freeze, iron rusts, animals go mad, and silence falls. Any scene that you are in has the SIGNS OF THE SEVEN Aspect, which you can tag once per scene. Because this power is a curse, it is not without detriment. You take a -2 penalty on all social rolls except Intimidation with beings who know who and what you are, and there is almost no potential for friendly interaction. People get +2 to any check to successfully identify you as one of the Seven if the Signs are obvious or visible.

Description: The ancient power that lurks beneath the Earth’s crust. It's primarily concerned with lava, but it also governs other tectonic forces.
Sponsor: Volcano and forge gods, like Pele, Vulcan, Hephaestus, and Goibniu. Skilled terramancers and people with volcanic bloodlines can sometimes use self-sponsored Vulcanomancy.
Agenda: Volcano gods tend to look favourably upon sudden destruction and the forging of tools and weapons. If self-sponsored, this magic lacks an agenda.
Evocation: Vulcanomantic evocations generally involve lava, heat, ash, obsidian, basalt, earth, tectonics, earthquakes, fire, or metals.
Ritual: Vulcanomancy rituals are used to create things, particularly weapons and armour and wards. It can also be used to destroy things with lava and tectonic force, but few Vulcanomancers are strong enough to start earthquakes or awaken volcanoes.
Evothaum: Vulcanomancy can be used to cast wards and conjurations with Evocation’s speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Vulcanomancers can use invest shifts in Power when conjuring melee weapons. The weapon rating of a conjured weapon is 1.5 times its Power if it would otherwise be lower. Weapons with at least one shift of Power determine their duration according to the rules for Evocations, and they turn to ash if they leave the possession of their creator. The ashes left behind when a weapon with at least one shift of Power disappears may be used in place of a threshold for a Vulcanomancy ward if sprinkled in a circle.

Description: The furious, unending power of the thunderstorm. Extends to most other types of weather. Subtlety is almost impossible with this power-even its veils are massive fog banks.
Sponsor: Storm Magic can be self-sponsored, sponsored by a weather deity, or sponsored by a thunderbird ancestor. Other sponsors may also be possible.
Agenda: No matter who its sponsor is, Storm Magic is inclined towards uncontrolled destruction and the creation of storms.
Evocation: Storm evocations generally involve what you’d expect. Lightning, tornado-force winds, sonic booms, rain, water, fog, mists, ice, air pressure.
Thaumaturgy: Storm rituals destroy things. Violently. They’re also capable of altering the weather. Can also be used to scry through clouds and rain, and on storms.
Evothaum: Storm Magic can be used to create entropomancy and divination effects with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: Add +2 to the power/complexity and control of any Storm spell if the caster is outside during a storm.
Note: The costing of this Power assumes that storms are fairly uncommon. Its effects and/or costs may have to be changed in a game with an unusual number of storms.

Description: This is power granted by Kronos, the God of Time.
Sponsor: Kronos, the God of Time, who grants his scions the ability to move freely throughout time (within reason).
Agenda: Kronos works to keep the timestream in working order. He uses scions who have the ability to travel along the timestream to prevent temporal anomalies from occurring.
Evocation: Time Manipulation evocations work by slowing down and speeding up the flow of time. This provides the normal set of Evocation effects, but with some funky desciptions; attacks might work by causing time to flow unevenly across the target's body while blocks might work by creating narrow slices of space where time barely moves.
Thaumaturgy: Time Manipulation rituals manipulate time. Straightforward time travel is their most obvious application, but not their only one.
Evothaum: All rituals that may be cast with Time Manipulation may be cast with Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Characters with Time Manipulation have a Lore-based Supernatural Sense for temporal anomalies. It can be used to detect disruptions to the timestream and to determine whether an action will cause such a disruption to occur. Some scions of Kronos use this ability to collect souvenirs from the past without changing history.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2013, 01:00:13 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #81 on: February 12, 2013, 04:44:24 AM »
The Chandrian do understand that their purpose is the destruction of Outsiders, but other than that I have no problems with those.
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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #82 on: February 12, 2013, 04:43:02 PM »
The Akai Legacy and the Gift of the Conflux both look great!
Morgan would have done it in 15 books.

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #83 on: February 12, 2013, 07:38:08 PM »
Hmm. Upon review, Diabolism makes more sense than Divination for Curse Evothaum. I suppose it could be both, but it's already immensely broad and i'd rather not raise the cost.
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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #84 on: February 14, 2013, 01:01:45 AM »
Edited the Curse accordingly.

Also added Time Manipulation.

If the revised Time Manipulation gets Lavecki's approval, I'll update the list tonight.

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #85 on: February 14, 2013, 01:21:47 AM »
Black hands, but I love this list. Seriously. It's like seeds for character inspirations. I kind of want to write up a chloromancer using your Plant Magic and a couple of ideas from the Treant in the Generic NPCs thread.
Hi! My home is called an apiary! I collect honey, and defend the Queen!

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #86 on: February 14, 2013, 01:53:03 AM »
I really like the revision you did to time manipulation. Thanks. I needed this for a pbp

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #87 on: February 14, 2013, 02:08:40 AM »
Wow. That was fast. I modified the Scuba Diving power level a bit. It's about what Enduring the Apocalypse is being played at. This guy's shtick would theoretically be calling up plant elementals, supercharging local plants into things like wards, and doing cool plant-based evocations like forcing creeper vines to grow in your intestines. He'd make a reasonable Big Bad for some kind of campaign in a tropical area. He actually becomes playable if you drop the Marked by Power and the Sight, which I view as the most superfluous.

And yes, this is lo-cal Swamp Thing.
18 Refresh, 52 Skill Points, Skill Cap Fantastic.

High Concept
The Green Knight
Accursed Humans!
Floronic Man; “You can’t kill a vegetable by shooting it through the head”; I Was A Man, Once; Plant Elemental

Woodcrafter (Bows): Your mastery over all things flora has allowed you to increase the power of your archery threefold. Gain a +1 to your Bows skill when using a wooden bow.
Fantastic: Lore, Discipline
Superb: Conviction, Bows
Great: Presence, Athletics, Survival
Good: Endurance, Alertness, Contacts
Fair: Weapons, Rapport, Craftsmanship
Average: Resources, Performance, Empathy

Marked by Power (The Green) [-1]
Evocation [-3] (Plant, Water, Spirit) (Water Power +1) (2 Focus Slots)
Thaumaturgy [-3] (Transformation/Disruption Complexity +1) (2 Focus Slots)
The Sight [-1]
Soulgaze [-0]
Undying [-0] (Basic immortality unless you kill him where there's no plants within a mile. Otherwise, he'll just throw his consciousness through The Green with his "death" curse and Conjure a new body out of plant matter, probably taking an Extreme consequence of UNFAMILIAR BODY or something of that sort.)
Supernatural Recovery [-4]
Limitation[+3] (The healing only occurs in direct sunlight. Mechanically, this is either an
Alertness declaration or assessment involving sunlight, followed by a tag for effect,
which activates the power. )
Plant Magic [-2]
Refinements [-8] (Plant Power +4, Control +3; Water Control +2) (Plant Control +3, Plant Complexity +2) (2 Focus Slots)

Total Refresh Cost: -20
Fate Points: -2

Water Offensive Power: Conviction 5+ 1 Evocation=6
Water Offensive Control: Discipline 6 +2 Refinement=8
Plant Offensive Power: 5 Conviction+4 Refinement+3 Foci= 12
Plant Offensive Control: 6 Discipline+ 3 Refinement+3 Foci= 12
T&D Complexity: 6 Lore+ 1 Thaumaturgy= 7
Plant Complexity: 6 Lore+ 2 Refinement=8
Plant Control:6 Discipline +3 Refinement=9
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 09:03:14 PM by Hick Jr »
Hi! My home is called an apiary! I collect honey, and defend the Queen!

Not-so-secretly a power hungry megalomaniac with a Modular Abilities addiction.

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #88 on: February 14, 2013, 05:03:15 AM »
Update complete.

I'll take a look at the character later...right now I have midterms on my mind.

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #89 on: February 14, 2013, 11:14:04 PM »
Character looks pretty good. Some neat ideas there, and I think the math checks out. Aspects are a touch redundant though.

That's about all I've got to say about him.