Author Topic: Forum Code advice and other Forum FAQ  (Read 27109 times)

Offline Serack

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Re: Forum Code advice and other Forum FAQ
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2012, 05:47:57 PM »
What did priscellie mean by red means they're about to get invaded by the canim?

That quote comes with linkage to the source which is all I gots.  My interpretation?  Some fun mixed into the infodump.
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Re: Forum Code advice and other Forum FAQ
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2012, 05:06:24 PM »
is there a list of Mods and other Persons of Knowledge running about??

i invoked you only because you are the only mod i can remember how to spell correctly (and we know that summoning needs correct spelling).

Ah, I actually have been encouraging people to "invoke the name of Serack" for WoJ purposes for quite a while before I became a curator since it's something that people were doing anyways (I flat out say to in the beginning of my "Compilation" linked in my sig).

We have lots of people around here who are generally respected to various levels for various reasons, and there are several tiers of mod staff, the curators (of which I am a member) being the newest addition.

Lets see from memory we basically have 3 tiers of the moderation staff (which I barely consider myself a part of because I don't really have any authority outside the WoJ and DFRC sections).  These tiers can be noted by the number of Bars (and the color has some meaning too, check here for Prisc's explanation) over their avatar.

The thing is, other than some people respecting me as knowing a lot bout  "WoJ" and a select few of the mods/admins being actual beta readers (who are rather stringent about not sharing beta exclusive info at the threat of their lives), we are mostly just fans like you and not exactly "authorities" on the material.

That said I'll say which mods are which from memory here:

  • Administration: (6 bars over avatar)
    • Iago:  Forum owner, Fan of the series from before they were published, and publisher of the DFRPG
    • Priscellie:  Also the Timeline chick, lots of good things to say about her including her amazing cosplay.
  • "Senior Council:" (5 bars over avatar)
    • Ashton:  Mythic Ogre like figure who isn't seen much but apparently can and does serve as the Heavy if necessary -retired
    • Micky Fynn:  Nice guy, also a writer (although mostly technical I gather), frequently involved in the writing and media sections of our forums
    • Blaze:  Really, really, nice woman who was most recently added to the "Senior Council"
  • Barkeepers:  Tier added in 2010 around the time of the Changes release because the forums had some growing pains and Administration needed some lower tier moderation help. (4 bars over avatar)
    • Panesgrey:  Ex military from not recent times, considerate and educated poster.  Awesome at moderating with humor and well placed sarcasm
    • Shecky:  One of the forums most prolific posters, degrees in 2 languages with the appropriate snootiness to show for it (yet self aware of it and not actually a snob ;) ) sometimes a little quick to defend his friends (especially Jim) but a really nice guy (on the forums and in person).  The barkeep you will probably see around the most.
    • Myyrdn Eopia:  Nice young man who is frequently quite busy, but he is the mack daddy when it comes to Codex Alera info.
  • Curators:  A relatively new addition to the "moderation" staff they only have moderation authority of the new "Dresden Files Resource Collection"  Although to facilitate their task they do have some admin capabilities that allow them to "Curate" I.E. move the appropriate topics to the DFRC (4 bars over avatar)
    • Serack:  See the avatar.  I like making lists and stuff in an attempt to collate info for theorizing...  and I'm the one that lobbied for the DFRC in the first place
    • knnn:  Has some pretty famous theories and helped hash out the mechanics of the DFRC
    • Elegast:  Amazing at organizing and formatting longstanding theories into references that new members can find to see what has already been hashed out
    • TheCuriousFan (TCF):  He does a lot of what I do, but in the wee hours of the morning :)
    • Quantus:  Added to the Curators 10/15/15, great poster and working to help with revamping the WoJ section

Bonus material:
These are a few of the members that have stuck out to me as significant: (note: this is mostly geared to theorizing)
tweaked 10/15/15

jimbutcher:  What it says on the box

Veteran All-Stars:
  • Ms Duck: Ms Duck is quackers.  Frequently posts from a Cell phone, which makes it hard to read some of her posts, but she is not afraid to post some way out there theories well before there is any decent supporting evidence and has been amazingly close to the mark on a lot of them.  Beware the Harry+Mavra sex poetry.
  • neurovore aka "neuro":  Jim himself has called some of neuro's theorizing paranoid on a CIA analyst level.  Some great theorizing

Great Posters:
  • Cenphx:  I haven't seen this poster around as much the past few months, but I remember intellectually perking up on several of his/her topics.
  • wyltok:  Doesn't start all to many topics, but always seems to have excellent input. (introduced me to the terms Doylist vs. Watsonian {Tvtropes warning}, and occasionally annoys me by nudging me towards the Tvtropes vortex)
  • 123456789blaaa AKA, Count:  I only noticed this guy in the past year or so, but he's impressed me.
  • Second Aristh:  I've been impressed with many of this guy's posts, Plus I just like calling him 2πr because of his name + avatar
  • GrandPanjandrum:  I haven't read much of this guy's stuff in a while, but I remember being impressed.
  • Griffyn612:  Goes on hiatus when sample chapters are released to avoid spoilers, but when he's active he's got lots of amazing input.

Honorable Mentions:
  • Tami Seven:  Prolific topic starter nowadays, IMO some chaff here, but some great ideas too.  Plus, all the topics mean plenty of discussion which keeps the forums alive :)
  • wizard nelson:  Only being able to post from a PS3 handicaps how nelson can post, and he frequently posts some out their stuff, but also has some interesting and innovative theories too.
  • Richard_Chilton:  My go-to DFRPG wonk.  Good theorizing posts too.
  • Foxed:  My go-to lovecraftian lore wonk
  • raidem:  It's because of Time Travel!
  • Many many interesting characters who spend a lot of time in the bar socializing (something I personally don't do a great deal of)
  • Many, Many other posters who have contributed so many awesome ideas to the overall atmosphere and theorizing that takes place on these forums

List of inactive posters that I really liked to read when they were active:
  • AcornArmy:  Well thought out Theories, hardly ever posts any more.
  • LogicMouseLives (aka LML):  Lots of great input.  Very compassionate.  Was very good at providing quick quotes from just about any imaginable DF scene
  • Piotr1600:  Fellow electrical engineer.  Always payed close attention to his posts.
  • Landing:  It's been forever since I've seen this guy post, but I remember really liking his posts.
  • lovejoy69:  Spectacularly kind and thoughtful poster with good insight on many topics
« Last Edit: October 15, 2015, 04:09:44 PM by Serack »
DF WoJ Compilation
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Re: Forum Code advice and other Forum FAQ
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2012, 05:24:49 PM »
Everyone probably already knows this, but we can probably add jimbutcher to the list -- yes, it is the real Jim Butcher, and many of us routinely look at his profile to see if he posted anything new.  He has 7 blue squares under his posts, and he deserves every one of them.
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Offline Serack

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Re: Forum Code advice and other Forum FAQ
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2012, 06:52:59 PM »
Everyone probably already knows this, but we can probably add jimbutcher to the list -- yes, it is the real Jim Butcher, and many of us routinely look at his profile to see if he posted anything new.  He has 7 blue squares under his posts, and he deserves every one of them.

Duh.  I was struggling with the fact that I mentioned only a few people and couldn't come up with any others that really stuck out (there are others that stick out to me, but that aren't as prolific, or haven't been on as much lately so I didn't add them).  So I was wondering how I would respond if a bunch of "nominies for merit" came up... THAT one obviously belongs though.

I think you will like the qualifying notes I added :)
DF WoJ Compilation
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Re: Forum Code advice and other Forum FAQ
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2012, 01:10:51 AM »
DV Geek code:

DV knnn v1.2 YR4 FR3 BK++ RP+ JB+ TH WG+ CL(+) SW++++ BC- MC---(+) SH[Murphy+, Molly+]

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Re: Forum Code advice
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2012, 08:20:22 PM »
It is technically possible to generate a quote header that links to a locked topic, but it involves extracting code from the address bar, and interpolating the exact time (in seconds) that elapsed between some arbitrary zero point in the 1970s or something... and when the post was made.  Hardly worth the trouble.  (Kudo's to AA for showing me how to do that).

A simpler way to do get the elapsed time (though still somewhat involved) is to use the following link:

Just input the date/time into the dropdowns and it will generate the correct elapsed time for you to enter into the header.  Note that this might be an hour off due to weird daylight savings issue -- if this happens, just add/subtract an hour from your input and generate a new timecode.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 01:39:08 PM by knnn »
DV Geek code:

DV knnn v1.2 YR4 FR3 BK++ RP+ JB+ TH WG+ CL(+) SW++++ BC- MC---(+) SH[Murphy+, Molly+]

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Re: Forum Code advice and other Forum FAQ
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2013, 06:14:13 PM »
What did priscellie mean by red means they're about to get invaded by the canim?

My little joke!  In Alera, there was an invasion of Canim on "the night of red stars."  I'd spoken about yellow stars and blue stars, and I wanted to make sure folks were paying attention. :D

Offline Serack

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Re: Forum Code advice and other Forum FAQ
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2014, 07:56:28 PM »
After many futile attempts years ago, I gave up trying to get external links to embed within quote headers.  Then wytlok casually posted this:

Carl is spot on about the WoJ about the NN not going outside the reach of the moon, and you are spot on about the WoJ saying that even that is hard.  Check the Ghost Story WoJ transcripts.

My question “Could you use the NeverNever to travel to other planets like Mars for example?”
You can’t get much farther out than the moon, in terms of moving through normal space–and it’s /hard/ to get that far.

I still hold (though I know I'm in the minority) that the WoJ above doesn't mean that the Never Never only extends to the moon. My interpretation is that just like beings consigned to Oblivion can't reach Earth through the Never Never, we can't reach Mars through the Never Never because no connection exists. Send a colony to Mars, though...

It appears that the quotes are what allows the url quote to work, but when I first tried to do this, I also tried to have italics code within it too, and the italics code bounced...

using {} instead of [], the code for the above quote header wyltlok built is:

{quote="{url=}Bitten by Books Q&A (stolen from one of TCF's posts){/url}"}
DF WoJ Compilation
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Re: Forum Code advice and other Forum FAQ
« Reply #23 on: April 16, 2014, 12:07:26 AM »
I've seen several versions of this question:

How do I make a nifty personalized avatar?

And there are a few answers.  First, the forums do not allow you to display a personalized avatar until you have at least 100 posts under your belt, although if you have at least 10 you should be able to use one of a few forum provided avatars.  Skip down to the "Adding your new avatar to your profile" below to see how to do this.  Hitting the 100 post milestone isn't hard if you spend a little time socializing in the "Bar" which is a very informal section of the forums with topics that get deleted after only 2 weeks.  It ends up serving as a glorified chat room.

Ok, got your 100 posts now and you have a nifty picture you would like to use as an avatar but don't know the best way to go about using it?

Host your chosen avatar:  (I'll try to be pretty basic with the below instructions, so some steps might be more in depth than necessary for some people)
First you have to have your picture on the internet somewhere.  It is recommend that you "host" it somewhere rather than use an image from wherever you find it because otherwise each time someone sees your avatar, that is using a tiny piece of the bandwidth of wherever your picture is hosted.  After the bazillienth time someone on the forum has seen your avatar that might add up to a pain for that random place on the interwebs.  There are several "photo sharing" websites out there that are free and really easy to use for something like this.  I recommend photobucket.

After you have gone through photobucket's simple and rather standard registration process, you will need to upload your photo to your new photobucket account (if it is an image you found on the internet somewhere, you might have to save it to your hard drive somewhere first.  To do that, right click on the image and select "save image."  Remember where you saved it so you can find it later to upload to Photobucket.)  If you are logged into Photobucket, there should be an orange [Upload] button near the center of the screen, click this. 

If you have a window open where you saved your image, you can actually drag and drop the file into the box that shows up on photobucket's upload page.  If you don't want to do this, a less intrinsic way to do it is to click the "chose photos & videos" button, which allows you to select the file that way.

Sizing your photo
Per the forum rules A forum avatar must avoid must avoid "touchy topics" and must be a size not exceeding 150 x 150 pixels.  The sizing requirement is because overly large avatars can adversely affect the viewing experience of some forum members. 

So now that you have uploaded your photo photobucket has some easy to use photo editing features that you can use to size it properly right from their website.  My avatars are rarely a perfect square, I tend to prefer an avatar that is taller than it is wide, but you can use any aspect ratio you want as long as it isn't over 150 x 150.  Since this isn't a very large area to work with, if you need to size down your image, I suggest first cropping down your image to only the bare essentials before doing any shrinking.  This is done on photobucket by selecting the crop button and dragging the new round corner buttons to outline the portions of the image you wish to keep.  Once done click "Apply"

Now that you have your image cropped, click the "resize" button.  Photobucket will display the current "pixel" dimensions of your image.  If one (or both) of these dimensions is greater than 150, change the highest dimension to 150 and select "apply"  Now click save, and I suggest saving a new title for this photo (click the text that says "click to add a new title" below the image).

Adding your new avatar to your profile
Ok now that you have hosted your new avatar, you need to add it to your profile so that everyone else sees it when you post.

  • Bring your mouse over the "Profile" button near the top of the Dresden Files forum page. 
  • While hovering over the button, three options should appear.  Select "forum profile." 
    The first thing here corresponds to your profile.  This is where if you only have 10 posts (and even if you have a bazillion) you can select one of many forum provided avatar options. 
  • Select the option "Specify avatar by URL."  In the text box that appears is where you place the URL for the image you hosted on photobucket. 
  • To get this URL, go back to the image on your photobucket profile and select the get link button (looks like 2 links of a chain positioned diagonally) the link code you want for this application is the "direct link."  Clicking on the "direct link" text box in photobucket will automatically copy that code to your clip board. 
  • Back on your forum profile page, paste the "direct link" in the text box mentioned earlier in step 3 (right click in the box and select "paste"
  • Press the "Change Profile" button at the bottom right of your profile page.
  • Go and look at any post you have made to make sure you got the results you wanted
« Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 06:01:23 PM by Serack »
DF WoJ Compilation
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Re: Forum Code advice and other Forum FAQ
« Reply #24 on: October 01, 2015, 07:35:44 AM »
Umm... Just now found this skimming old threads all over out of boredom(it's 3:30 am here) could it be stickied? Found a lot of useful info here, some I'd forgotten and some I straight never knew. And I'd been debating asking advice on the how to of some of this stuff before I found this. It's like a have a whole host of buttons when I'm posting that I'm not even sure what they do let alone how to use them ya know? And the little list you made later on is kinda cool too Serack. Cool I never new I was on it.  :)

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Re: Forum Code advice and other Forum FAQ
« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2015, 06:09:51 PM »
If it were to be stickied, I'd probably add a few things to it like, "Why can't search be more like X?"
DF WoJ Compilation
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Re: Forum Code advice and other Forum FAQ
« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2015, 11:18:12 PM »
Wouldn't hurt to add a few things that keep coming up. Query... That I know may not receive an actual answer or you might just not personally have the answer. Looking over your list of Mods I gotta wonder... Who holds the blackstaff?  :o
*i could ballpark a few theories but if your just not saying  :-X
« Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 11:20:05 PM by wizard nelson »

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Re: Forum Code advice and other Forum FAQ
« Reply #27 on: October 24, 2016, 01:01:21 PM »
Just a comment, but wouldnt it be better to have the forum software automatically allow people to post upon registration rather then waiting for Tom or some other mod/admin to approve?  If someone were to cause problems, ban them after the fact....

To me, waiting such a long time after registration to post something would most likely cause me to go somewhere else to have my questions answered; especially if I really needed some help...
There have been several waves of automated Spammer accounts that get made just to post a single russian ad or some such, and the boards can get buried in the fraudulent posts real quick.  It's just easier to just require a one-time nod of approval rather than have to ban them AND clean all the crap posts out. 
<(o)> <(o)>
        / \
      (o o)

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Re: Forum Code advice and other Forum FAQ
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2016, 09:05:23 PM »
Did they change the forum procedure to need a mod to sing off on all new threads before they appear to the public or am I just a 'suspicious profile'?
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Offline Serack

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Re: Forum Code advice and other Forum FAQ
« Reply #29 on: November 08, 2016, 07:38:20 PM »
Did they change the forum procedure to need a mod to sing off on all new threads before they appear to the public or am I just a 'suspicious profile'?

As noqueixis stated, when you start a new topic, the browser window you start it in will hang up, but the post new topic will go up on the boards, which is a bug of the SMF code used by the forums.

However, if your new topic has a link in it, it /will/ require a mod to approve it.  This helps prevent exposing our forum members to bots with malicious links.

I've posted a work-around for this issue, but I don't keep it in this topic to add a layer of insulation between it and the botters.  I'll dig it up and PM you with it.
DF WoJ Compilation
Green is my curator voice.
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*gnaws on the collar of his special issue Beta Foo long-sleeved jacket*