Author Topic: Angel PC template?  (Read 7352 times)

Offline Katarn

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Re: Angel PC template?
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2012, 07:37:54 PM »
As has been said they can't be played as PC by STRICT DFRPG rules.
*Pure angels lack Free Will- it's the distinction that defines humans from animals/creatures/demons/angels/fae/etc.

If you're willing to forego that, you'd probably be dealing with Submerged if you're playing the weakest.  If with a weak one you'd need Worldwalker, Wings, probably a few/most of the Inhuman abilities, and some of the Champion of God-related powers.  Tread lightly.

Ideally, a half-angel could be much more manageable.

Offline HumAnnoyd

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Re: Angel PC template?
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2012, 07:45:56 PM »
Unless you redefine what constitutes an angel, I don't think this is something you can really play in Dresden, let alone as a PC. Angles have basically been shown to be terrifyingly powerful.

I think it can be done with a little creativity.  Below is a character I made for our DFRPG game:

TEMPLATE: Exiled Seraphim
HIGH CONCEPT: Outcast Seraphim Artist
Invoke:   The sword is a regular long sword that does normal +2 damage.  Having it helps Sal control his darker impulses.  Also can be invoked for intimidation and maneuvers.

Compel:  It can be taken or damaged.  It can also get him in trouble with authorities in the wrong situation

 As a baby Sal was left on the steps of St. James Cathedral and was raised in an orphanage.  Despite being a very bright and artistically gifted young man he was beset by nightmares of blood and the supernatural that left him moody and disconnected.  Despite his peaceful nature he struggled with a righteous fury that threatened to overwhelm him when faced with acts of evil.  While he was in high school he severely injured three young bullies and left a fourth in a coma when they tried to beat him up.  He has never forgotten what can happen when he gives in to his anger. Father Atkins at the orphanage gave him a long sword and encouraged him to train with it.  The sword felt completely natural in his hand as if it were a missing piece of his soul.  Training with it helped Sal learn discipline so he could better control his impulses. 

Invoke: This aspect would work like the Spiritual Guidance effect of Guide My Hand power. Pg. 187

Compel: You are actually in the real wrong... wrong place. Or you are called to deal with something that is VERY inconvenient or comes during a bad time.

When Sal came upon a couple being attacked by a Red Court Vampire he leapt to their defense without hesitation and defeated the monster all the while screaming battle cries in ancient Aramaic.  For the first time in his life he was able to truly unleash himself and that filled him with a joy that terrified him.   Strangely he is always around when dangerous supernatural factions threaten Seattle.  Sal works as a bartender at the Rat and the Raven in the U-district.  The bar has gained a quiet reputation as a place one can go if they have problems that the mortal authorities cannot handle.

GUEST STARRING: Zebadiah Einar
Invoke:  When viewed by the Sight or other mystical senses Sal appears very much like a normal, if especially gifted, mortal. He is sometimes discounted as a threat because he seems normal.

Compel: Supernatural creatures are drawn to him. Predators think he would make a particularly tasty meal or instinctually hate him and want to destroy him.

For years Salvador Delgado, orphan, struggling art student, bartender and defender of the innocent, has known he is different.  He had no idea just how
different until he found himself battling a fallen angel. His Spirit has been bound to a mortal soul clouding his memories and he is now
mortal possessing barely a hint of his former glory. But who did he serve?  Heaven or Hell?  Facing the warring factions of Angels and Demons and hated by both sides for reasons he does not understand, Sal must cling to the one thing in his possession that both sides disdain:  his humanity. 

STARRING: Adrian Huggins
Invoke:  Sal can tap into his Seraphim Heritage when faced with the supernatural providing him with the strength or insight he needs to triumph.

Compel:  Sal's nature makes it difficult to walk away from confrontations. And once it comes to blows his fury is difficult to restrain.

When his friend, Adrian Huggins, becomes embroiled in a Conspiracy involving the Monoc Corporation, Sal has little choice but to test his mettle against the fabled Valkyrie and the Einherjar of Valhalla.  Even with an Exiled Angel helping him how can Adrian hope to survive the machinations of the God of Lies?

STARRING: Fernando Torres
Invoke:  In social circumstances many people trust him completely and open up to him.

Compel:  Mortals with the stain of guilt on their souls feel uncomfortable in his presence sometimes lashing out.

While tracking down a nest of Red Court Vampires Sal ends up facing a ferocious Were-Jaguar outside his bar.  After trading blows they both realize they that they have the same goals and unite to face the bloodsuckers in their lair.

SKILLS (30+4)
Superb (+5):
Great (+4): Athletics, Weapons
Good (+3): Conviction, Endurance, Fists, Presence
Fair (+2): Alertness, Lore, Might, Rapport
Average (+1): Contacts, Discipline, Empathy, Intimidation, Scholarship, Stealth

•   PASSIONATE ARTIST. (Use Conviction for Art with +2 for Painting)

•   Inhuman Strength -2
•   Inhuman Speed -2
•   Inhuman Recovery -2
•   Inhuman Toughness -2
•   Catch Magic/Restricted +2
•   Exiled -1

Essentially he was based on an optional character found in the Armageddon game from Eden Studios.  Exiled is explained below:

•   NOTHING TO SEE HERE. You never appear as anything other than a potent souled Mundane to any form of supernatural detection. Further, you cannot be scryed or sensed at a distance with any form of power, no matter what its source. Divinations will not reveal your presence, either in the future or the past, you are effectively invisible to powers that might locate you, even if you wished it otherwise. Anything carried on your person is protected in this manner as well, making it impossible to find you with anything other than mundane investigation and senses.

What ultimately happened to Sal is that he sacrificed his human existence (and his mortal soul which he was born with when he was exiled by Uriel) to prevent the Ascension of a malevolent spirit by becoming the focus of all the power of the Ascension Ritual.  He became an Archangel and essentially "died".  The only thing left of him as Sal were small pieces of his soul found in his Sword of Wrath, now carried as an item of power by a PC.  He was a lot of fun to play and it was realized that while he may have Fallen when Lucifer Rebelled, that stain was removed from him by his sacrifice as a mortal.  Just as Uriel hoped. 

It's not the Heat, It's the Humanity.

The Emerald City Dresden Files Accelerated Campaign:

Offline Taskill_Mckennan

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Re: Angel PC template?
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2012, 02:14:03 PM »
I think it can be done with a little creativity.  Below is a character I made for our DFRPG game:

I like this template, honestly I'm gonna throw several of these together. This player has caused me so much trouble I can't believe I haven't just Blue-Lightning bolted him (He's done everything from suddenly erasing his sheet and making a new char without permission. Wanting to wear full heavy plate mail armour in Las Vegas in the middle of the summer without any negative consequences, to wanting to use a Zweihandier with no might and to use it with one hand. If i can finally shut him up it'll be nice.

Offline Orladdin

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Re: Angel PC template?
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2012, 03:52:53 PM »
I like this template, honestly I'm gonna throw several of these together. This player has caused me so much trouble I can't believe I haven't just Blue-Lightning bolted him (He's done everything from suddenly erasing his sheet and making a new char without permission. Wanting to wear full heavy plate mail armour in Las Vegas in the middle of the summer without any negative consequences, to wanting to use a Zweihandier with no might and to use it with one hand. If i can finally shut him up it'll be nice.

Through appeasement?  0_o 

I'd enforce good 'ole Rule Zero in any of the above situations, if I were you.
There is never a blanket answer to an ethical question.  This includes the Laws of Magic.

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Re: Angel PC template?
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2012, 04:09:20 PM »
Yeah, if he's willing to just utterly ignore all of that stuff, you need to drop the hammer on him, not make it easier/legal for him to get away with even more munchkining.
Compels solve everything! My first book: "Brothers of the Curled Isles"

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Offline HumAnnoyd

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Re: Angel PC template?
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2012, 05:36:13 PM »
Yeah, if he's willing to just utterly ignore all of that stuff, you need to drop the hammer on him, not make it easier/legal for him to get away with even more munchkining.

Agreed.  I wouldn't put up with that kind of behavior if I were you. 
It's not the Heat, It's the Humanity.

The Emerald City Dresden Files Accelerated Campaign:

Offline Taskill_Mckennan

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Re: Angel PC template?
« Reply #21 on: February 19, 2012, 04:09:59 AM »
Agreed.  I wouldn't put up with that kind of behavior if I were you.
Well I managed to fix it all. No sound alertness, no peripheral vision awareness, no stealth, Standing up after falling is a legendary roll. It's been fixed thankfully

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: Angel PC template?
« Reply #22 on: February 19, 2012, 01:33:10 PM »
Still, I would almost treat this like the time one of my players wanted to play a dragon.  "Um, we don't have the refresh.  Dragons are comparable to gods in this game.  We're going to be slightly less powerful than a basic wizard."  "But I want to play a dragon."  "Okay, here are the stats.  You are now an NPC.  Please come up with a new character."

Offline polkaneverdies

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Re: Angel PC template?
« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2012, 10:28:20 PM »
Don't forget you are there so everyone can have fun, yourself included. You are obviously not enjoying what he adds to game. Do your other players like it or does the player bother them as well?

It sounds like you need to have an actual conversation with this guy about expectations and acceptable behavior. They definitely aren't fun to have but they are one of the few things that help.

Offline mithrandirthewhite

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Re: Angel PC template?
« Reply #24 on: February 19, 2012, 10:56:16 PM »
yeah, im not a DFRPG player, but my DnD group will need to have that discussion. Basically were outlawing Chaotic Evil and really having to enforce rules like "thou shalt not kill everyone and take thier money just because you can.  That is not how your alignment works" as with the angel, you could make him a KotC that gains Soulfire and ends up becoming the ultimate paladin idea.  Combine Shiro's skill with Micheal's depth of faith.

Offline Taskill_Mckennan

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Re: Angel PC template?
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2012, 06:16:24 PM »
Don't forget you are there so everyone can have fun, yourself included. You are obviously not enjoying what he adds to game. Do your other players like it or does the player bother them as well?

It sounds like you need to have an actual conversation with this guy about expectations and acceptable behavior. They definitely aren't fun to have but they are one of the few things that help.
Well We ran our first session with this new character Saturday and surprisingly He did really good. His first character he kinda just had him stand around and be a punching bag. His new character risked life and limb to run back into a building that was collapsing do to the misuse of an Earth Evocation from another play player, to save nameless npc's and staying true to his aspects. I was thoroughly impressed with his change of attitude, and play style. He even delivered a Eulogy and Last rites on the spot, of the top of his head. So thankfully we've fixed that, and we do have a new rule for his armour we're doing it realistically, "Prolonged fire spells will end up with your flesh melting to the armour, lightning spells will hit you over others, and your a much bigger target than the others at all times. No stealth, destroyed awareness, always the last to move  and you must beat an enemies athletics to actually connect. However he does get a bonus to intimidation."

Offline sinker

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Re: Angel PC template?
« Reply #26 on: February 20, 2012, 06:24:08 PM »
we do have a new rule for his armour we're doing it realistically, "Prolonged fire spells will end up with your flesh melting to the armour, lightning spells will hit you over others, and your a much bigger target than the others at all times. No stealth, destroyed awareness, always the last to move  and you must beat an enemies athletics to actually connect. However he does get a bonus to intimidation."

Of note you should definitely give his armor an aspect then. Because those are all compels and invokes and he should be getting/spending fate points for them.

Offline Anher

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Re: Angel PC template?
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2012, 12:45:33 PM »
...and we do have a new rule for his armour we're doing it realistically, "Prolonged fire spells will end up with your flesh melting to the armour, lightning spells will hit you over others..."

 While I can understand the logical reasoning for lightning to hit him over others, in general magic doesn't have to follow the rules. Personally I'd make it easier for spells with an electrical component to hit him due to wearing a very excellent conductor, but not have them automatically drawn to him. That way the armor still has a penalty but the player can't stand by the rest of the group and 'protect' them from a lightning wielding fiend just by standing by them. Granted that's not so great for him but it is a big advantage for the rest of the group. That's just my take, ymmv and it is your table.

Offline Taskill_Mckennan

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Re: Angel PC template?
« Reply #28 on: February 21, 2012, 02:01:52 PM »
That way the armor still has a penalty but the player can't stand by the rest of the group and 'protect' them from a lightning wielding fiend just by standing by them.
That makes sense really, I'll go that route

Offline Taskill_Mckennan

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Re: Angel PC template?
« Reply #29 on: February 21, 2012, 02:06:04 PM »
Of note you should definitely give his armor an aspect then. Because those are all compels and invokes and he should be getting/spending fate points for them.
Yeah I just went In and added that aspect, "Plate Armour"