Author Topic: DFRPG Campaign - "Town Called Malice"  (Read 4726 times)

Offline H++

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DFRPG Campaign - "Town Called Malice"
« on: February 18, 2012, 01:23:00 PM »
Hi all,

I'm finally posting after 12 months of owning the game and catching up on the novels (which I still haven't succeeded with as I'm only on White Night, now). The game actually sold me on the novels! (weird, huh!) After reading the excellent Your Story and pondering where to set a game, I went through some of the great cities of the world only to settle on my home town - little Nuneaton in the UK. It's about 8 miles away from Coventry and 25ish miles away from Birmingham, in the very North of Warwickshire, just next to Leicestershire. My two main reasons for this decision are a.) this game is for my wife, who loves Urban Magic but doesn't have a lot of experience with RPG's and b.) someone said it's easier (and better) to write what you know. At the very start I was dead against setting the game in a large town (not even a city) where I live, but, as time went on and I started to look at our history - both factual and tinged with myth it suddenly made a lot more sense.

The design of this game is turning into a labor of love and I've even created a website for a little flavour. It will be based around one player character (a wizard) and probably owes a lot to Harry Dresden and the novels for the play style. Our main protagonist is Raven White (designed by my wife) and so far I have some ideas nailed down for supporting cast and one who has been designed - Raven's teacher - Elizabeth Deverell.

I'm working on the website showcasing all of the characters/npc's and city features and would like to direct you to a link to have a look and let me know what you think.

The site is very sparse at the moment without a complete version of Raven posted yet. Elizabeth Deverell is posted in full (apart from a few item choices), however, and all of the excellent portrait art is by my wife. I think it's wonderful. You will have to use the back button a little bit at the moment. I know I could have presented this a little more complete, but it's the first game I've ever put this much effort into and my first go at website design. Trying to get the layout feel of the books and scenarios (albeit mine is quite inferior at the moment!)

Let me know what you think and it's great to finally get on the boards!


More to follow...

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Re: DFRPG Campaign - "Town Called Malice"
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2012, 03:58:33 PM »
First off, welcome to the site  :)

I suspect we'll be able to give more feedback once there's more uploaded, but I'll give my input on what you have so far (both in the OP and the site).

*Keep the option of "Companion NPCs" open if you're for sure only going to have 1 PC.  DFRPG is, by design, typically a team game so going it alone may be hard- having an NPC that "fights" on your player's side can be hit-or-miss, but not necessarily a bad idea.
*Raven looks fine so far in terms of build.  Figure out if Refinement will be natural bonuses to her evocation/thaumaturgy, or Focus Items.  Either way, don't forget the additional FI for having E/T.  Backstory is always a plus  :)  Finally, be sure to work out rote spells.
*For Elizabeth Deverell, just be sure to work on the Refinements (though I'm fairly sure they're on her spellcasting sheet), and backstory (aspects make this easy, like 'Victorian Values.'  As with Raven, be sure to work out Rotes.  Spellcasting page looks fine, and your E/T specialization pyramids are solid.

In short, a fine start- just be sure to flesh stuff out.  I look forward to more information.

Offline H++

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Re: DFRPG Campaign - "Town Called Malice"
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2012, 05:08:53 PM »
Thanks so much.

I have an up to date Raven to post with everything complete apart from the last three aspects. I plan to run Raven's "first adventure" as a brief intro to the rules and to give her a third aspect - my own Restoration of Faith, I suppose, a novella rather than a novel! If I can pull it off I also hope to have aspects four and five integrated into two more scenarios where Raven plays an important role in someone else's mess! (x2). Then we can start the campaign for real.

I have an emissary of power character in the wings as a potential ally. He is sponsored by an ancient British goddess called Arnemetia (and in a way he's my character). I will post details soon as I want the sponsored magic critiqued. I've ideas for a third character - maybe along the lines of Murph, although it's vague at the moment.

I will post Raven and my city sheet for Nuneaton in the next day as that will give a lot more detail. Sorry for the lack of info, I've been working on it for a long time and have it all in rough, but a sudden rush of blood today made me sign up and start posting!

Thanks for your constructive and positive comments!

« Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 10:13:33 PM by H++ »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: DFRPG Campaign - "Town Called Malice"
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2012, 01:50:23 AM »
Looks pretty good so far, though there isn't much to go on yet.

The wiki in my signature would appreciate your contributions.

PS: Since you seem to be using summoning...I post this link whenever I get the chance.

Offline H++

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Re: DFRPG Campaign - "Town Called Malice"
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2012, 07:18:43 AM »
Thanks also.

I would love to contribute to your wiki if you feel there is anything worth adding.

I will peruse your summoning rules. They look a little more concise than those included in the book.

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Re: DFRPG Campaign - "Town Called Malice"
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2012, 07:41:51 AM »
So, my main protagonist...

NAME: Raven White
HIGH CONCEPT: Born Spell Slinger
TROUBLE: I Need To Know!
OTHER ASPECTS: Student of Elizabeth Deverell, Bringing Down The House!

SUPERB (+5) Conviction, Discipline
GREAT (+4) Lore, Presence
GOOD (+3) Empathy, Rapport
FAIR (+2) Contacts, Investigation, Resources
AVERAGE (+1) Alertness, Athletics, Endurance, Performance, Scholarship

POWERS: Evocation - Air, Earth, Spirit (-3), Thaumaturgy (-3), Soul Gaze (-0), The Sight (-1), Wizard's Constitution (-0), Refinement (-2)

SPECIALIZATIONS: EVOCATION Control (Earth +1), Power (Earth +2); THAUMATURGY Complexity (Divination +1)

FOCUS ITEMS: Holly Wand - Earth (+1 Defensive Control, +1 Offensive Control), Mum's Tarot Deck - Divination (+1 Complexity, +1 Control)

ENCHANTED ITEMS: Raven's Red Converse HiTops - Great (+4) Athletics for sprint action, 1 use per session; Raven's Red Duffle Coat - Block 4/Armour:2, 1 use per session; 2 potions slots

ROTE SPELLS: "Bulwark", Earth, Defensive Block, Shifts 7, Duration 1, Stress 1, Holly Wand integral to rote; 3 left for my wife to define

BACKGROUND: Mum and Dad went missing at Astley Castle, 31st October 1977. Six months later the castle burned down and black magic effigies were found in an upper room. Raised by my grandparents, my gran tutored me initially in the arts. My talent outgrew her know-how and tuition was handed to gran's close friend Elizabeth Deverell - a wizard of The White Council.
ASPECT: Student of Elizabeth Deverell
RISING CONFLICT: Halloween 1990, found Gran dead in her kitchen. Same effigy was left next to her body as found in castle. My Sight revealed a symbol like a "?" was magically tattooed on to Gran's face. As I called Elizabeth to tell her, a mantis-like demon rose from the shadows and attacked. In my pain and anger I managed to collapse the house on top of it and ran.
ASPECT: Bringing Down The House!

3 Aspects left to define in play as discussed in post 3.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 08:39:46 AM by H++ »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: DFRPG Campaign - "Town Called Malice"
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2012, 07:43:46 AM »
Everything is worth adding.

If you end up using those summoning rules, please tell me how it works out.

Raven looks good.

PS: We also have a thread on the Resources Board called Spare Character Concepts where you could put Raven White.

Offline H++

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Re: DFRPG Campaign - "Town Called Malice"
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2012, 07:46:01 AM »
Everything is worth adding.

If you end up using those summoning rules, please tell me how it works out.

Raven looks good.

PS: We also have a thread on the Resources Board called Spare Character Concepts where you could put Raven White.

Thanks again, I will.

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Re: DFRPG Campaign - "Town Called Malice"
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2012, 07:54:05 AM »
A few notes on Raven

She is all about the action. My wife wanted a spell slinging character.

Her Trouble refers to her quest to find her parents (or what has happened, at any rate). Any leads or hints will distract Raven from her current course of action and have her follow. Does this sound ok for a trouble?

Astley Castle will play a very important role in the game. It burned down three years before I was born in real life, but my mother and father (both, now, very sadly deceased) attended parties there all the time, when they were growing up, as it was a hotel and nightspot. The fire really did happen as did finding the black magic effigies and the "?" type symbol scrawled on the door (I neglected to tell that part in the background story). See for yourselves...

It is now, finally, being restored and that will enter into my machinations too!

Plus there is a great old church in the castle grounds. I'll go in a day or two and take some photos to add to the website.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 08:05:36 AM by H++ »

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Re: DFRPG Campaign - "Town Called Malice"
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2012, 10:50:58 AM »
The website is a little cleaner now. Still not much on it, but Raven is complete and the latest and (hopefully) final revision. Just added pdf d/l to each of Raven's pages so you can download the sheets and see them clearly.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 12:52:05 PM by H++ »

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Re: DFRPG Campaign - "Town Called Malice"
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2012, 07:53:50 PM »
Next are my city (town) wide themes and threats...

THE IDEA: The Pits
THE ASPECT: Desperate Times, Desperate People
Nuneaton is an old mining town (hence The Pits) but it also works as a metaphor. As a nation the economy is in free fall, people are feeling the pinch. Wealth is split along neighbourhood lines. Everyone is trying to get ahead, and they are all trying to do it fast. Desperate Times, Desperate People represents the miserable masses, who are, one way or another trying to find the quick and easy solution.

THE IDEA: The Warriors Aint Got Nothing On Us
THE ASPECT: Powder Keg Waiting To Explode
The town centre is a writhing mass of teen gangs when the sun goes down. The police are stretched trying to keep up with attacks and retaliations. Kids who wouldn't normally be involved have banded together for safety and are using the occult to try and survive. It's only a matter of time before someone gets in over their head and the Council steps in. The Wardens will make the police look like nursery nurses.

THE IDEA: Letting The Outsiders In...
THE ASPECT: Widening Cracks To Beyond
Astley Castle has been rotting in soot for about three decades. It's owners are now working with local authorities and a few heritage charities to restore it to its former glory. It seems past events performed there have left cracks to Beyond. The Red Court has bought the site and are renovating in the hopes that it will give them an edge in the Vampire War.

Please comment and critique! ;)

« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 03:03:34 PM by H++ »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: DFRPG Campaign - "Town Called Malice"
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2012, 07:18:17 AM »
I like the threats a lot. The reference to the Wardens making the cops look friendly was quite appropriate.

I don't like the theme much, but I rarely like that sort of thing much. Too depressing for me...I like my evil fight-able.

Very convenient, that castle. I actually thought when I was reading about it that you had made it up, it's that fitting.

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Re: DFRPG Campaign - "Town Called Malice"
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2012, 07:33:04 AM »
Hello from a fellow Brit (Physically now based in Derby, but my city is Liverpool- because like you said its easier to write about the places you know well)

1st Your web site looks brill. Very pretty and I love the 'hand written notes' feel.

The ideas you have above for themes etc look good. That problem of urban decay as the work goes makes for a very dark undercurrent for a game. Leads to lots of 'disposable people' so the nasties can function  without the authorities paying too much attention.

Love the castle idea as a central point for the madness to swirl around.

Looking forward to seeing more as it unfolds.
I would HATE to be a character in one of the stories I write -
and then there are the days when it looks too much like I AM!

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Re: DFRPG Campaign - "Town Called Malice"
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2012, 07:52:52 AM »
Thanks for the comments. I take it all on board.

The theme (in my head) was trying to represent people taking rash decisions and Faustian deals (fully supernatural, or not). May have to rethink it.

Nice to meet you Team8Mum.

Derby, well, Buxton will feature in my game. I have a companion character who is an Emissary of Power for Arnemetia - an ancient British goddess that presided over the Buxton spring and grove. The sponsored magic is all about purification and combating demons. The character is an eternal wanderer of Britain meaning he can come and go as I see fit. Found a lot of interesting things the night I made him, including the legend of Julius Caesar's sword whilst he was on campaign in Britain. More on that later, as I have a scenario idea brewing.

Do you have anything on your Liverpool game? Another interesting and great city (they all are really, I suppose!)


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Re: DFRPG Campaign - "Town Called Malice"
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2012, 10:56:33 AM »
I like the threats a lot. The reference to the Wardens making the cops look friendly was quite appropriate.

I don't like the theme much, but I rarely like that sort of thing much. Too depressing for me...I like my evil fight-able.

Very convenient, that castle. I actually thought when I was reading about it that you had made it up, it's that fitting.


That's just one of a lot of castles, manors and halls, that are now mostly in ruins within about 5ish miles of my house. A few will feature in the game. I was really unsure about Britain for a Dresden game, but I suppose nearly a 1000 years of recorded history is a boon! :)