right give me 5-10 years more expirence
not having to go to school most days might help
no work
um a cafinated drink or three
and then maybe i might be that good
but right now if i hit 500 words i am happy
but i do a lot of reasurch and stuff witch takes time when i am wroking o a project
plus right now i have things to eddit for a project i have been negelcting
and now i have a dog pestering me for a walk
It took me a decade to get where I am. And as you can see. I can only manage between 1-2.5k a day after working an full time 8 hour shift at the day job. And my two days off on the weekend? 1k the first day and 4-5k on the the second. Hardly a paragon of production when working a full time job at the same time.
As far as I'm concerned 500 words a day out of highschool, when you put your mind to it, is a major accomplishment. That's way ahead of where I was at the same time. And David Drake an author who has dozens of books out, says 500 words a day is his bench mark goal, one he has a hard time exceeding! And that's with writing as his full time career! If you can reach 500 you're already as good David Drake on the production side and that's while still going to school!
Frankly it took me over a decade of dreaming and wanting to be an author to get where I am today. Admittedly about half those years I spent not writing anything period and just read for pleasure while I went to nursing school and later when I launched my career as a nurse. Getting married with a wife and then kids etc, also slowed me down

Finally one day, back in January, things still wouldn't klick and I finally said, 'To Hades with this' either this is a dream I need to give up on or I'm going to actually do this. I forced it and wouldn't take no for an answer and today I'm getting 50 sales per day.
As far as I'm concerned you're way ahead of me. At the same age I was happily reading away, with no aspirations of ever being a writer, let along training myself to become one. In my college years I started to get the inkling but again didn't have the dedication. As early as last year I was still doodling around, 'playing' at writing. Its like working those double shifts, 16 hour work days at the day job, you've got to want it and then you get used to it and pretty soon you're doing it without too much hassle.
I'd be envious of you, except I'm pretty happy with most everything I've done up until this point and when I finally got serious with my writing I had success. So no cries of spilt milk here!
The Deposed King