wow T D King you rely can cover ground 
good for you 
What separates the men from the boys. Or the Authors from the mere Doodlers. At least IMO. Is the willingness and determination to write, even when you reach what I like to think of as, the desert.
When you come to the point that you don't want to write anymore. Its not interesting, in fact its downright booring and you'd much rather be doing something else. Anything else, like for instance surf the web or read someone elses book. Its when you reach that point and grit your teeth and walk through the desert one sentance, even one word at at time, and you force out another couple hundred or couple thousand words until you reach the next super cool scene you've just been dying to get to so you could write. That's what going through the desert means to me and that's what separates The Deposed King of previous years who had lots of ideas but couldn't seem to stay on task long enough to finish anything to save his life and The Deposed King of today, who's up on Amazon with his first book and who's second book is currently being edited with an ETA on Amazon of sometime September.
You can't take no for an answer. You can't let yourself do anything fun. You've got to knuckle down and write it. That's how you cover ground like I do. And frankly like a bunch of authors who cover more ground than I ever have each and every day.
I know a guy who's work count target is 9000 words per day. I stand amazed when I hear that, I figured 5000 per day was big ju-ju. Ultimately whether its 500, 5000 or 15000 words per day, the key ingredient is consistencey, grit, and determination. When you want it bad enough, you'll get there!
don't let anyone get you down, not even yourself and always remember to follow the dream!!!!
The Deposed King