Keep going! 
Still blocked.
The ideas are willing but the pen is weak. 
133K! I'm a gett'in I'm a gett'in!
134k, for the sword is far mightier than the pen... oh wait, strike that reverse it!
135K, he's short, he's fast, he's got a flat nose!
136K - Go long. Go long!
Ah ha! I am not left handed! 137k down, in the word processor, that is over 600,000 characters. Meaning if you count my first book and this one, I've typed on the keyboard over a million times. And that's just in my full length novels, it doesn't count my various story starts I've done along the way. I call them the 100 and 1 stories I'll never get around to writing.
Anyway today was a free day, and unlike yesterday I met my quota of 5k a day to keep the gremlins away!
138k - he can't be stopped. He won't be stopped! .... and now its time to fall over asleep. My work here is done. At least for the night.
have a blast,
The Deposed King