Oh, yeah...the temp thing...I should have indicated 104 C degrees. Forgot you go by F over your way. 
I just realized that I got these temps mixed up. Duh. I told you my brain was fried in the heat yesterday. I should have said 104 degrees
Farenheit. And actually by late afternoon yesterday we hit 105 degrees of oppressive, sultry, steamy heat. Ugh.
aw well i have school
aand i could write more if
a. i did not like to sleep for at least 6 hours everyday
b i spent less time trying to be sociable round here
c i did not get so grumpy with RL as i don't do good writing when i am grumpy
a. I get by most of the time on 5 hours sleep, which doesn't mean I'm up getting anything actually done.

b. Social time is important! That should come first.

c. RL is not good for a writer's soul.

We'd much rather write than do chores, school or any of those necessary evils.
d. I am trying to blame the heat for my lack of enthusiasm and creativity - and I'm sticking to it!

It's better than admitting I'm lazy...
But I tried writing a little last night, actually editing a story, and realized I didn't like the darn thing! I love the idea, but it wasn't coming together the way I wanted it to, so it's back to the beginning...an almost complete re-work, because I refuse to give up on it. (I have several stories in this predicament on my computer that I believe I can salvage. "Never say never" is my motto!)