Couple thousand words tonight, and a thousand or so yesterday.
What seems to work best for me is the David Drake approach: Plan on writing 500 words a day, barring illness or unexpected houseguests and the like, anyway. Drake Lite I guess?
Both times, once I sat down, I realized I'd blown way past my quota and had fun doing it.
Another thing I've decided works for me is not to force myself to write the story chronologically. Today I had a particular scene just come to life and do a song and dance number in my melon while I was doing my Cubicle Drone In Sub-section Whisky Tango Foxtrot. It was a scene that was a couple chapters down the road, but when I got home I figured I'd get it while it was hot because the way my brain works, the intervening scenes would ripen and demand attention in their own good time. Worked out pretty good.
This is pretty much what I'm doing. I set myself a 500 word/day goal--or Rob did, I'd actually planned on 250 and upping once that was consistent--and for the first few months, it was a bit of a struggle to hit each day, but I always made up on the weekends. Now I'm hitting my goal, and often going a little over-usually depends on whether my only writing time is the half hour at work, or if I find time before dinner. And I've been doing so well at it that I've changed my deadline to finish this draft from October(my birthday) to August(my anniversary). But I'm actually hopeful that I'll finish sooner, since I'm taking off most of next week, and I have very few plans.
And I've done the same, skipping around sometimes. I mostly tend to write chronologically, but when I got stuck near the end of last year, I skipped to random scenes that didn't quite have a place in the timeline, but would be there eventually, and they helped me get a grasp on some of the backstory elements that had been eluding me. Quite a few of those scenes are nothing like they started, now, but I expect that.
My WiP's sitting at 73.7k right now, and I'm expecting to be over 75 by the end of the day. There's a possibility, though pretty slim, that I'll go over 80. Hoping, but not counting on it. Partly cause I'm not as certain where this'll be ending now. Or I've already written the ending, and what I'm writing now will have to be moved to earlier in the story. Will see.
Right now, words.