yesterday you did just under the length of the entire part of of my story that i am writing
oh and i have another 190 something words since i was last here
that for me is productive
(being slowne down by sneezing all most all the time
good luck everyone 
well authors all write at different paces.
I know david drake writes 500 words a day. Rain or shine, without fail.
While other authors work in flashes. They pound it out and then stop for a long while.
Of course then there are those like John Ringo, who are just plain old writing animals. I heard he normally writes 5k a day, but when he's really in the groove he will write for 18 hour days, and pull some 10k days. I heard he actually did something like 20k words in a single marathon writing session. I understand this was a one time occurance, while 10k are very occasional. Regardless I can't imagine doing 20k in a day, ever. In addition he was putting out how many books a year there for a while. Was it 4? I don't know all I know is that it was a lot.
Anyway I guess my point is. We all write at different paces. And many successful authors use many different strategies. So don't let someone else's word count get you down in teh mouth. Just look to david drake for an example. He's a full time writer and only does 500 a day. Yet he does a book or two every year. Dedication and persistance. Then for others, look at Ringo. Most of us will never putt out the kind of quality product, let alone the sheer volume he can do in a day.
For myself I count myself lucky if I can sit down, and having the whole day free, crank out 5k. When I am busy with life and such... I'l certainly settle for much less. The main thing it be albe to put your work towards continuing story lines. So that whatever you do it all piles up in the end, towards completing something.
have a good one and remember to always follow the dream,
The Deposed King