Yep, it's always something getting in the way, isn't it?
Sometimes I think the world conspires to inhibit my creativity. 
It only gets in the way if you let it. This blog-
Time Management might be helpful. Or this one,
Manipulation of Time, which equates time to money. And what it all boils down to is what are you doing instead of writing, and is it more important?
For example, I've used up 3 hours that could've been spent writing. Two of those hours were sorta related to writing-I was hashing stuff out with my husband, working through a Mexican standoff sort of scene. I spent about a half hour trying to look up something relating to a different post, and then about another half hour finding these links.
While I might be a slight bit annoyed at myself for doing all that instead of writing, I'm also not beating myself up for it because I made my weekly word goal yesterday. Some things you can't get around doing-school, work.
But you can find time there to write. I write during my lunch hour-the half that I'm not eating/reading. I've had to make sacrifices--I don't read anywhere near as much as I used to. If I'm lucky, I read a book a month. However, I'm also very lucky in that my day job allows me to be able to listen to audiobooks, sometimes, while I'm working. Which also feeds the writing side of my mind because I've noticed that while I listen to audiobooks, I'm picking up on the craft.
And now I have to go find the shatterpoint for this Mexican standoff to get my characters out of the kitchen they're trapped in. Either that, or sleep.
*edited for getting rid of the OMGblockoftext*