Author Topic: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc  (Read 169424 times)

Offline Paynesgrey

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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #315 on: June 09, 2012, 05:03:39 PM »
Ok, 2000 words from this morning's rather brief session, and more to come this evening after I go forth into sunlight and do Social Things Involving People.  For me, the getting things started is the most time consuming part.  Once I've herded some electrons, it's easier to sit down and continue.  Having a lot of fun with it, particularly making the narrator's tone and language fit just right.


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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #316 on: June 09, 2012, 05:06:33 PM »
Ok, 2000 words from this morning's rather brief session, and more to come this evening after I go forth into sunlight and do Social Things Involving People.  For me, the getting things started is the most time consuming part.  Once I've herded some electrons, it's easier to sit down and continue.  Having a lot of fun with it, particularly making the narrator's tone and language fit just right.
2,000 and brife?
hum if i could do that many words in a day i would be so happy i would be jumping off the walls
witch i would not and could not do but you get the point

very well done
i have to go edit the short story again
i am procrastinating doing the longer project as it require reasurch witch i have laind tommorow to do
i had to go do other things to day and wont have time
stupid RL getting in the way again

i bet i will do more writing when school starts as i will have nothing better to do with my time

again well doneand good luck

Offline Zuriel

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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #317 on: June 09, 2012, 06:07:59 PM »
I was picturing you bouncing off walls...LOL...but glad you have decided against it.

To have time to write 2,000 words a day would be great for me, but lately, RL just won't leave me alone.  I have so many edits to do and a couple of projects in the works, but they're gathering dust.  If I don't get to them soon, I fear the dust bunnies will carry them away!  Argh... 
"I exist, therefore, I obsess."


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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #318 on: June 09, 2012, 06:11:04 PM »
ooh col mentle imagry
*wonders if she could get real dust bunnies in her long turm project *

yeah i just finnished edditing what you sent me but am not shore i might have another look over it before sending it to you
then i have a tune of reasurch and have to recapewhat has happened as i pcik up my other story
at some point i have to eddit this story witch shall be fun
not when it is finnished it will be around 90,000 words even if i keep it as three sepret stories

Offline Zuriel

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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #319 on: June 09, 2012, 06:19:49 PM »
Haha...if you can use dust bunnies in your long term project, I will be impressed.   ;)

Whenever you're ready, just send it back for me to re-read.

You have your work cut out for you, don't you?  No rest for the weary, they say. 
"I exist, therefore, I obsess."


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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #320 on: June 09, 2012, 06:23:37 PM »
oh not as hard as what i am curently trying to get in to my storywitch is wh i have to do so much damed reasurch
stupid fire dancing
some one bet me i could not do a good seen with it in i foolishly said i could
i know ecactly how i am going to do it
and he agrees it would be cool if my idea works
[roblem is i have another chapter to go till i can do that seen
stupid plot line getting in the way
and as i  put down the book for exams i have to remind my slef what was going to happen in that chapter
dust bunnies would be a sinch all i would do is make them an actuale creature and then have them apare and poserbly steal something
then work that in to the plot some how

Offline Zuriel

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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #321 on: June 09, 2012, 06:44:05 PM »
LOL on the dust bunnies come to life!  Of course, that would be awesome.  *thumbs up*

I'm supposed to be doing research on angels for my set of short stories I want to do.  Angels have always been interesting to me (hence, my name Zuriel, who is the angel of September and Libra - my birth month and sign - and balance and harmony).  And I don't want to use the same angels everyone does, the most well known.  I have an angel dictionary that lists so many more.  Just have to find the right ones for the right story.  Someday...  :-\ dancing sounds intriguing!  Nothing like someone giving you a challenge to set you in motion!  I can tell you are the sort to spit right back with a story!   :D

"I exist, therefore, I obsess."


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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #322 on: June 09, 2012, 06:50:59 PM »
oh you have no idea
i took a rely cool hell idea and then... well i might show you when i actualy write it

i love angels too
and wolves oviusly
in my main project i have kind of taken some angel mythes and well compleatly mest them up to soot my needs it is fun
i have shape shifters too tipickly
infact why in my short story there are no shape shifters i have yet to figer out but oh well i shall email it too you as soon as i am no longer being yealed at for being a social moron  ;)  ::) :P

Offline Zuriel

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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #323 on: June 09, 2012, 07:28:26 PM »
At least you are farther along with your angel stories than I am.
I haven't even picked which ones to use yet - and exactly how to use them.  At the rate I'm going it'll be next year before I get around to it.
I want more time to write, darn it!!!!
It just isn't happening and probably won't for a while.
Besides, that I get distracted from that story and start working on one of the others, and none of them get finished.  Buggers.
But on the other hand, it's just a hobby, not like I have a deadline...except in my head.   :)
Oh, and I like shape shifters - and well, all the other supernatural beings.  They're so much fun to play with!
"I exist, therefore, I obsess."


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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #324 on: June 09, 2012, 07:32:34 PM »
i kind of picked angels that sounded intresting and then compleatly mest around with them till it worked for my univers
some i just made up for ease
yep just a hobby
i am going to have lots of time to write if i stop procrastinating
also i just emailed you the eddit virtion three
i am about halth way though my angel story
or story that has angel in it they are not sooper main chrs but they are important chrs to the plot

Offline Zuriel

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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #325 on: June 09, 2012, 07:52:37 PM »
Yeah, I'd get a lot more written if I wasn't re-reading DF, and spending time on here.   :-\

And that's not even counting all the time RL expects from me.  Ugh.

Yay for you!  You're now over the 16,000 post mark!  Your fingers must be tired.   ;)

This is only my 100th post.  That's pretty good for me.  No way I'll make it as high as you are.  I can live with that.

I just sent you a reply...the file I got back wasn't the one you had just edited.  It was the same one I sent to you.  ???
"I exist, therefore, I obsess."


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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #326 on: June 09, 2012, 07:56:18 PM »
there were tenicly editations
i deleated words that was the only diffrence
i sent you a one colour doc that should make that cleara
yes i spend way tooo much time here
it is fun
i am rereading DF plus first time reading other books
and trying to do editing
and RL
stupid school taking up all my time
i go back monday so wont be on so much as i will have to do school work
100 posts is still impesive  :)

Offline Zuriel

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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #327 on: June 09, 2012, 08:00:03 PM »
Oh, ok...I should go back and look at the document again.  Sorry!

Ah, school.  It will demand your time and focus.  It does that.

Now...I'm off to look at your story again...
"I exist, therefore, I obsess."


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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #328 on: June 09, 2012, 08:03:54 PM »
thank you
i did email you a better coppy as well that might help
if there are any other comments that you think will improve it please let me know
thank you
good luck hope you get to write more soon

good luck everyone ells
i am going to reread my long prject and see if i can fix chapter 15
or at least start it
or at least that is what i want to do if i actualy get it done
another matter intialy  ::)

Offline Zuriel

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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #329 on: June 09, 2012, 08:34:41 PM » it.  This is better.   :)

I'll work on it later, if I have time, but it most likely it will be tomorrow.

Have fun writing!

I'm off to do RL stuff.  No one else wants to.   :P
"I exist, therefore, I obsess."