Author Topic: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc  (Read 169590 times)


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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #150 on: April 14, 2012, 07:17:35 AM »
okay did about 300-400 words yesterday might get some done to day if i am luky

good luck everyone with your writting  ;D


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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #151 on: April 14, 2012, 07:18:16 AM »
86K on Admiral's Gambit.  Like a turtle I'll slowly push it over the finish line.  95 of 134k through the first editing pass.

The Deposed King

Proverbs 22:7, "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave of the lender"

The Deposed King (a member of baen's bar)


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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #152 on: April 14, 2012, 07:20:13 AM »
86K on Admiral's Gambit.  Like a turtle I'll slowly push it over the finish line.  95 of 134k through the first editing pass.

The Deposed King

okay now my 24.5K looks pethetic  :(

well done though

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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #153 on: April 14, 2012, 04:07:09 PM »
I've been working on a scene for the past 3 or 4 days that's fighting me. First issue was that a couple cards in Scrivener were messed up, so I had to get those in the right order to make sense, and now it's just a difficult scene to rewrite. Something of an emotionally draining scene, and I'm letting myself get stuck on the transition to a flashback-sorta thingie.  But I've gotta get this scene revised if I want to be able to do anything else today.  Cause I said so.
"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." Ray Bradbury

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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #154 on: April 14, 2012, 08:25:07 PM »
Ah, see, I can't force it.  I have later scenes that insist on being written before my "next" scene or chapter, I've learned to go ahead and do them.  Seems like the little word monkey in the back of my head is always working in the background anyway.  Then I'll find that the next chapter that I was stuck on congeals and oozes forth as I'm polishing the later chapter.  Maybe having that later scene that I need the story to "get to" helps guide my writing for the chapter that was sticking.

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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #155 on: April 15, 2012, 12:39:48 AM »
Hah! Couple moments of thought, and I figured out how to get over the little hump of a block the scene was giving me.  Just had to figure out the best way to make the flashback thingie work without actually being a flashback (I'm not fond of the things), and how to fit it in without it being obviously wedged in.  In all I wrote about...just under 3000 words. And I have almost 5000 to type up. Oh, joy.  ...That's going to get longer before it gets typed in, too.
"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." Ray Bradbury

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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #156 on: April 15, 2012, 07:25:11 AM »
okay now my 24.5K looks pethetic  :(

well done though

Don't get down in the mouth, cenwolfgirl, you are doing grand.  :o Keep on keeping on, I know you can do it! ;)

The Deposed King

Proverbs 22:7, "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave of the lender"

The Deposed King (a member of baen's bar)


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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #157 on: April 15, 2012, 07:04:44 PM »
i hope so thanks The Deposed King
i got 200 word done to day wow thats bad  :( oh well there is always tommorow

good luck every one


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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #158 on: April 16, 2012, 12:33:45 AM »
i hope so thanks The Deposed King
i got 200 word done to day wow thats bad  :( oh well there is always tommorow

Not bad at all!  Even if you get a small amount done, it still means you're moving forward.  Plus, most of the time, even when you're busy with other things, you're probably still thinking about where to go next--still moving forward :D


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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #159 on: April 17, 2012, 06:13:44 PM »
yeah so i got 400 ish words done to day witch is not bad
thanks every one for your encuratging words
good luck


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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #160 on: April 18, 2012, 03:04:47 AM »
I wrote 5k words today, fully editted and ready for review!

....too bad it was all Standard Operating Procedures  :(

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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #161 on: April 19, 2012, 02:09:25 AM »
Just 1100 words today, but they were a breakthrough on a block that's been holding me up for a week or so, having with some dialogue that just didn't want to flow naturally.  It was one of those deals where I just couldn't get things to cover Topic A and then naturally flow to Topic B, but finally got things flowing just right.  I'll have to go back and polish some things to keep them in the character's "voice", but that's a simple matter comparatively speaking.  And now I can move on with the scenes already written in my head that were waiting on this one conversation to take everything to them.


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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #162 on: April 19, 2012, 03:57:09 PM »
*wimpers* a good day for me is when i get to open the document due to school mostly
and then i come here and read stuff like this it makes me want to cry  :'(
well done you two hopfuly i will get some more done soon but now back to maths  :'( (thats worse)

Offline Paynesgrey

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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #163 on: April 19, 2012, 11:06:46 PM »
*wimpers* a good day for me is when i get to open the document due to school mostly
and then i come here and read stuff like this it makes me want to cry  :'(
well done you two hopfuly i will get some more done soon but now back to maths  :'( (thats worse)

Don't think in terms of numbers of words, everyone has a different writing style and pace.  My time actually spent typing comes in spurts.  I'll spend a week or three just replaying scenes, coming up with the odd phrase or image, and spend an evening or two hammering it out, so it's not like I'll sit down and pull 2 or three thousand words out of my brain at once.  They've been up there fermenting for a while.  ;)

Now, if I could sit down and write 2 or three thousand words every night, then I'd be a real handful.

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Re: The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« Reply #164 on: April 20, 2012, 01:27:49 AM »
Don't think in terms of numbers of words, everyone has a different writing style and pace.  My time actually spent typing comes in spurts.  I'll spend a week or three just replaying scenes, coming up with the odd phrase or image, and spend an evening or two hammering it out, so it's not like I'll sit down and pull 2 or three thousand words out of my brain at once.  They've been up there fermenting for a while.  ;)

Now, if I could sit down and write 2 or three thousand words every night, then I'd be a real handful.

Triumphant Napoleon!  (A bit of a premature pete moment, as I still have to revise the opening chapter to more fully sink in the hook for all you little fishes)  I had about 20 paragraphs of preamble before diving into the dialogue/action, it might be too long.

But other than that Admiral Who is coming in at a cool 125-126K fully edited and ready to rumble.  Baring unforseen difficulties it should be available in an Amazon near you probably next week sometime.  Fingers crossed and knock on wood.

Also decided the last 18K of my second potential cut off point did better as a free excerpt of book 2 put in the back of Admiral Who to get you to want to read the next book.  Plus I managed to nail in part of the overarching series plot line that I was struggling with finding the right place to insert.

On the sequel front, I'm up to 92K under the previous counting system but with the addition of this 18k that I wasn't sure which book to fit in.  (The original question was did I want the knock down drag out battle scene in the end of Admiral Who or the beginning of Admiral's Gambit?  Well that's been decided.) The new count official count for the first draft of the sequal will is 110K.

Still got another 15k+ to before I can possibly call the 2nd book finished though.  But I'm feeling pumped.  Got to go get a new job so that's going to seriously cut into the writing time and motivation but I'm determined not to let anything ruin this awesome feeling.

Have a good one guys and remember to keep plugging away no matter what.

And don't ever let anyone get you done,

The Deposed King

Proverbs 22:7, "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave of the lender"

The Deposed King (a member of baen's bar)