thanks and well done any tips for edditing as i am getting to that stage for my first book now
the one i am mostly talking about is the siqual to the first one because i curently have to wait for sooper spell checkers to finnish with it
but its turt me some things about time manigment and asking someone to spellcheck 24,000 + words in one go is unrialistic
got to go do bio coruswork dam 
good luck with all your witting everyone
My two suggestions are
1) if you do it yourself. Be prepared to stop creating for a while. While you go back over and over and over again the same line. Pimping it for flow and readability. As well as all those nasty comma and grammer mistakes we all make.
2) the much preferred option is to get someone or someones you can trust. Give it to them a chapter or two at a time. Preferrably one or two per day. You send it, they revise and offer suggestions, you keep what you like and dump what you don't, all with a very nice thank you. and then move on to the next section. Finding someone who can help you with this is hard. My advice is ask and keep asking, and be prepared if the people you ask, want you for help back in return. Be honest and open about what you need and what you can do. Don't take rejection personally. Also try a few different sites like this one.
Baen's Bar, Hurog, Ilona andrews. Find out which ones have something close to what you're looking for. Put in some time before the mast helping others, and then try it. Alternately I think local colleges have people who will help you for a small fee in their tutoring section.
I have no magic answers. Just like writing, hard work and perseverence. And once you find someone to help, make sure they're good and then keep them if at all possible.
The Deposed King