Author Topic: Jim and SubPress and Hugos, oh my!  (Read 9771 times)

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Jim and SubPress and Hugos, oh my!
« on: February 07, 2012, 07:24:56 PM »
It's update time!  We have news from Jim and Subterranean Press, plus details on Jim's works eligible for nomination in the Hugo and Nebula awards.

Jim updated his LiveJournal a few weeks ago with an update on his most recent projects:
Stuff I Been Doin'

Okay, for the folks who want to know, here's what I'm up to lately. :)

Over the past four months, I've been busy working several different things. First, I've been getting in some quality LARP time on weekends at least once a month. Hooah! It's really cool to not work weekends!

Oh, and some writing too:

First, our LARP organization is putting together a second rules set, one which hopefully will effectively transcend the stickiest problems of the current system. Chapters will be able to run whichever they like, but our hope is to create a system that is so nifty that you can't NOT want to play it. That's been a HUGE amount of work, and is going to be more, but we're getting to the point now where I'm impatient to have it finished because I wanna go PLAY it! It will be some serious fun.

I've done a trilogy of short stories with linked characters in which Bigfoot is Dresden's client. They take place spread out over the length of the series so far. The Bigfoot stories were about 40 percent of a novel in total page length. Then I sat down and wrote out the foundation for two more series: the first was a Black Company-inspired fantasy series which would be a prelude trilogy to my epic epic fantasy epic. The second is a steampunk fantasy series, with lots of airships, crystals, goggles, manners, and Hornblowerism. The steampunk stuff seems to be ringing the beta readers' bells, so I think that will be the next project I go to town on.

But that will probably have to wait. I have at least one more short story to get in before the year is up. It's for the "Dangerous Women" anthology, and I'm leaning toward writing it from Molly's point of view, in the time between Ghost Story and Cold Days. Come the new year, I'll start Cold Days. With any luck, there will be snow on the ground when it happens, and I can write the first few chapters with the only light in the room being reflected from the snow outside. That would be perfect. :)

Someone have a word with the people who schedule the weather, will you? :D

I'm just about done writing short stories. I've got two more next year and maybe one more novelette for the second short story anthology, and then I'm done with them. I need to focus on writing, you know, novels. :)

All three Bigfoot stories are already available for preorder:

"B is for Bigfoot," set between Fool Moon and Grave Peril, will be included in the Paranormal Y.A. anthology Under My Hat: Tales from the Cauldron by Jonathan Strahan, due out August 28th, 2012.  It contains a jaw-droppingly impressive list of contributing authors, including Neil Gaiman, Tanith Lee, Jane Yolen, Peter S. Beagle, Garth Nix, Charles de Lint, and Delia Sherman!

"I Was A Teenage Bigfoot," set around the time of Dead Beat, will be included in Kevin J. Anderson's Blood Lite 3: Aftertaste, due for release May 29, 2012.

"Bigfoot on Campus," set between Turn Coat and Changes, will be included in P.N. Elrod's Hex Appeal, slated for June 5th, 2012.

The Molly story will be published in Dangerous Women, a cross-genre anthology featuring stories about women warriors, co-edited by George R. R. Martin and Gardner Dozois.  It is not yet available for preorder.

* * *

Subterranean Press, publishers of Backup and the illustrated limited editions of The Dresden Files, offers fans an update, as well:

Here's a first look at Vincent Chong's cover for our upcoming edition of Jim Butcher's Side Jobs, which collects short stories and novellas set in the world of the Dresden Files. Vinny is at work on the interior illustrations, and Jim has the signature pages. As soon as those elements are in house, it's off to the printer for this long-awaited title.
Speaking of Jim, we're also working on a couple of other books by him: a very small limited edition of his epic fantasy, Furies of Calderon, and the next Dresden Files novel, Death Masks. More on those as they progress.
Note: In this limited edition of Side Jobs, "Backup" will feature new art by Vincent Chong.  The Mike Mignola illustrations are only available in Subterranean Press' sold-out 2008 hardcover edition.

* * *

Finally, with Hugo and Nebula nomination season upon us, here's a list of Jim's eligible works, plus some eligible folks Jim has worked with this year:

Ghost Story - Jim Butcher (Penguin)

Short Story:
"Curses" - Jim Butcher (The Naked City, St. Martin's Griffin)

Graphic Novel:
Fool Moon - Jim Butcher, Mark Powers, and Chase Conley (Dynamite Entertainment)

Editor, Long Form:
Anne Sowards

Editor, Short Form:
Ellen Datlow (editor of The Naked City)

Plus an anthology that contains an essay written by the Codex Alera map artist, Priscilla Spencer, as well as other awesome folks Jim's fans love, like Seanan McGuire, Jane Espenson, Elizabeth Bear, Nancy Holder, and Catherynne M. Valente:

Related Work:
Whedonistas: A Celebration of the Worlds of Joss Whedon by the Women Who Love Them - Lynne M. Thomas and Deborah Stanish (Mad Norwegian Press)

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