Author Topic: Disabled main carictors?  (Read 6929 times)


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Disabled main carictors?
« on: February 05, 2012, 12:33:43 PM »
Okay this comes from the last page of the wrighting tools thread
and will make wore sensi if you read it first

i post something to do with the thread and some one coments on my spelling
it gose on to the point where dislexia is metioned
and i vagly coment about my sight
point of vew most of the time
i know not many people have disabilaties but as some one with a bad vi (visual impearment) i notice that lots of book have there main carictor as a normal ish '20"20' (you can drive, navigate crouds, coook ect with out truble)

but i persanly have more experence as a VIP (visualy impeared person) this means i find it hared to wright from a '20"20' point of vew most of the time and so in my book it is rare for me to do so (my main carictor is a VIP) this is for eas on my part mostly. but i was wondering if other people have problems like that
(they have a person whos vew point they don't know much about due to lack of exspirence but onte to put it in the book) i was also wondering why you don't have a disabled carictor in your books or has it just not crosed anyones mind before.
as i can do most things that '20"20's can do.

Offline Shecky

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Re: Disabled main carictors?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2012, 12:38:46 PM »
That's actually a very good question. While there have been (in books and on the screen) a lot of characters with disabilities (often developing abilities that counter their disabilities), I can't recall many MAIN characters with disabilities. Professor X is a given example of the first (and probably the closest to being a main character of all the examples I have in mind), and Destiny of the X-Men universe also comes to mind: a blind woman whose mental vision more than makes up for her blindness, yet she's still a side character. So it would probably be an interesting read to see a main who is disabled and does NOT have a compensating power/ability.
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Re: Disabled main carictors?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2012, 12:43:40 PM »
that is kida what i have done
my main carictor is a 15 year old apprentis witch who
this is a condition that effects your sight as well as other
non of her abilaties help improve her sight but work to her strength with her sence of tuch improving it even more than it would otherwise

almost all the story is from her point of vew


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Re: Disabled main carictors?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2012, 12:53:34 PM »
okay first thanks for reading this

second i forgot about xmen as only see some of the movies

thred I would like to know is it just that people don't know how to describe what they don't know or are they sceared of effending people if they get it wrong when it comes to disabled carictors and their points of vew?

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Re: Disabled main carictors?
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2012, 04:45:47 PM »
I disabled many of my characters over the course of my story.

One lost an arm in her second appearance.
The sound mage overpowered a spell and deafened herself permanently.
The old guy lost an eye, and is really old(also a disability).
It's fun to write, but often feels gimmicky if it lasts too long.

In a short story I've temporarily abandoned; a character who lives in a society where everyone communicates by reading words written bioluminescently written across their skin hit his head really bad and killed his vision.  He worked a way around it, but the spell involves curving light(something very difficult within the system, and severely hampers his combat ability.  All of his combat magic has to extend off that spell because it takes up so much of his body space to cast.

Just make sure the disability feels natural to the character.

On another note: and don't take this wrong.  As a writer you should always practice proper writing techniques.  Most of your posts aren't proofread.  If that comes from your vision I understand, but you still should find a way to proofread your posts.  It's good practice, and if you write like your posts nobody has time to proofread all of that.  Maybe type them up in MSword with a larger font size.  Or get one of those awesome magnifying glass things(again assuming your disability is what hampers your ability to proofread your posts.)

Good luck and keep writing.


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Re: Disabled main carictors?
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2012, 05:00:15 PM »
no i spell check most of my wrighting
yes the sight hinders the spelling and gramer
i try to stick to words i can spell when posting but not always posible
and the carictor in question was born with a genetic disabilaty witch is what albinism is
you can not help genetics i got realy bad deal with mine when it came to the eyes
but this carictor (theres a h some were in carictor isent there?) gets in lots of mistife and amusing situations (not going to albirate)
but her point of vew is intresting to read acording to my '20"20' frined
i may start trying to check my spelling when this language becomes feneticly spelt ofcourse
but i have a question do you ever wright in the point of vew of one of your disabled charictors and how it effects them

and i don't take ofence becuase of spelling coments i just lought at them!  :D

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Re: Disabled main carictors?
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2012, 05:52:52 PM »
no i spell check most of my wrighting
yes the sight hinders the spelling and gramer
i try to stick to words i can spell when posting but not always posible
and the carictor in question was born with a genetic disabilaty witch is what albinism is
you can not help genetics i got realy bad deal with mine when it came to the eyes
but this carictor (theres a h some were in carictor isent there?) gets in lots of mistife and amusing situations (not going to albirate)
but her point of vew is intresting to read acording to my '20"20' frined
i may start trying to check my spelling when this language becomes feneticly spelt ofcourse
but i have a question do you ever wright in the point of vew of one of your disabled charictors and how it effects them

and i don't take ofence becuase of spelling coments i just lought at them!  :D

Oh yeah.  The arm gets brushed aside by the immense number of other changes, some accidental identity jumbling(in story), and the pragmatism living with dinosaurs would cause.

The big one was writing from the perspective of the newly deaf sound mage.  That was fun. 

I write in third person limited(although I occasionally throw in tiny bits of omniscient for dramatic purposes.  Either way, I'm definitely in their perspective.  It's fun, but like I said, It can really get old quickly.


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Re: Disabled main carictors?
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2012, 06:27:45 PM »
I gust metion it when it is nesersery as i know how one deals with sight problems and wight in first person more than thired
pluse i don't always wright in her point of vew as there are things that must be exsplaind that only work if you can see (descriptions of peoples aperences mostly and other important vews on events)
not everything is about the disabilatie but there is a lot of sound description and speach when in her point of vew


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Re: Disabled main carictors?
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2012, 07:54:21 PM »
so sorry
i just remebered a charictor who was a main carictor that due to unushual BCV related inserdent ended up handy capt for a wile
it losly counts its not a full disabilaty and was not permenent but should me mentioned

if anyone has vews on above questions or threis why main carictor don't have disabilaties that there powers chounsle out?
all vews wanted

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Re: Disabled main carictors?
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2012, 08:33:14 PM »
In Fritz Leiber's - "A Specter is Haunting Texas" - the main character is a human from a off world colony with really, really low gravity.  When he goes to earth he must wear a special Exo-skeleton in order to function and survive.


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Re: Disabled main carictors?
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2012, 08:35:43 PM »
i gess that counts but that is fixerble by tecnolagy not a power but is still fixsable
but i'll alowit as a fear point

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Re: Disabled main carictors?
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2012, 08:40:02 PM »
Yes, there's one point in the story where he's taken out of the Exo and is laying in a lounge by a pool, (If I remember rightly it's been awhile since I read the book.) dying and watching a butterfly.  (Something he finds amazing that it can fly in our gravity.)


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Re: Disabled main carictors?
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2012, 08:55:01 PM »
that sounds like aninteresting book i'll have to look out for it
I think that counts more than the BCV induced loss of hand use
but the arthor works round it or finds a way round it
I like the butifly thing thats a cool perspective and that is what i wanted diffrent perspectives exsplaind to the reader due by disabilaties
your one is realy poetic

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Re: Disabled main carictors?
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2012, 09:12:49 PM »
Fritz Leiber was a very good writer and a really nice guy.
He's more famously known for his Sword and Sorcery duo - Fahferd and the Grey Mouser.

Yeah, different perspectives on something does bring it home to the reader.

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Re: Disabled main carictors?
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2012, 09:30:38 PM »
A disability is something the character should be trying to work around/fix unless the story is entirely about that disability, but even then...

A different twist on this is The John Cleaver trilogy by Dan Wells.  The main character is physically fine, but psychologically severely handicapped(Truly Sociopathic).  The way he deals with it is excellently written and the books are quite fun.