Author Topic: What exactly falls within the bounds of Sponsored Magic?  (Read 1853 times)

Offline jybil178

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What exactly falls within the bounds of Sponsored Magic?
« on: February 05, 2012, 03:00:47 AM »
Title was my attempt at saying it all. I'm going to be trying my hand at playing either a mortal with Seelie Magic, or a full blow Knight of the Summer Court, and I'm curious exactly what all I should be able to do within the confines of Seelie Magic.  Evocation is easy.  Lots of fire, maybe some wind.  Am curious to what kind of defenses come readily to mind as well.  What really trips me up, is the scope of Thaumaturgy that would be available.  I'm going to read over that section a few more times, and try to get some sleep..  Maybe I'm just way to picky and just have a bad habit of just looking at things the simple way...
my 2 cents

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Re: What exactly falls within the bounds of Sponsored Magic?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2012, 03:55:19 AM », growth, heat, nature, and a few more.  Healing may be possibly with thaumaturgy, so is disease and infection.  Attacks could use heat, bacteria, plants, or perhaps summoned creatures.  Blocks might be plants grabbing hold, walls of heat, or even slippery floors as bacteria multiply out of control.  Veils might be a chameleon's camoflage, plants blocking line of site, or even a heat mirage.  Maneuvers might range from heating a weapon (your blade or your opponent's handle) to using anything living as a distraction.
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Offline Todjaeger

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Re: What exactly falls within the bounds of Sponsored Magic?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2012, 04:51:31 AM »
Seelie Magic should also include light effects, biomancy, illusions and transformation.  In my opinion (for what its worth...) Sponsored Magic would also include access to some of the 'non-denominational' Thaumaturgy themes as well, covering Crafting, Wards, Divination, etc.  What is important to remember with this is that any such spells need to have a Seelie/Summer flavor, if you will.  By that I mean that a complex, integrated Ward, complete with landmines, is certainly possible with Seelie Magic.  The caveat would be that while the landmines could use a fire-based attack (being Seelie/Summer Magic), they would not be able to use a cold-based attack.

If you aren't sure whether or not a particular type of thing would be available with Seelie Magic, then consider whether it would fit within the theme of Unseelie Magic.  There are some areas where both Seelie and Unseelie Magic have influence (divination, crafting, illusions and wards, etc), there are some areas where neither type has influence (diabolism, necromancy), and then there are some areas where the two types have opposing influences.  Examples of this would be Seelie Magic's influence with fire/heat, life, light and growth vs. Unseelie Magic's influence over ice/cold, darkness, death and decay.

If there is a type of might which you aren't sure is appropriate, ask whether it would make sense for Unseelie Magic to have it, or have something which is the opposite of it.  If thematically you aren't sure its appropriate for Seelie Magic, and it's not appropriate for Unseelie Magic and there is no 'opposite' for it which would be appropriate for Unseelie Magic, then it likely falls into one of the 'neither' categories.  If on the other hand it seems to fit both Summer and Winter, then include it.  Similarly, if the type does seem to have an opposite which would fit Winter, or if the type has an opposite which seems more in line with Summer, include it.

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